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1完形填空试题复习Mr.And Mrs.Wang lives in Pairs. They are_1_forgetful. For example, Mr.Wang sometimes goes to work on Sunday morning, because he thinks it is Monday. And Mrs.Wang sometimes forgets to cook supper for the family.One summer they were going to New York_2_their holidays. They_3_to the airport some minutes before the plane left. But suddenly Mrs. Wang wanted to_4_their daughter, Linda, to _5_to lock the front door when she went to school. _6_Linda was at school then, they had to hurry to the_7_and wrote a letter to Linda. Soon the note was ready. Then they bought a_8_, put it on an envelope and posted it to their_9_. Suddenly Mrs.Wang began to cry. The short letter was_10_in her hand. She had put the plane tickets in the envelope.1 A. none B.not C.both D. all2 A. on B. for C. in D. at3 A.drove B.got C. rode D. flew4 A.give B. tell C. call D. wish5 A. stop B. start C. remember D. end6 A. But B. After C. Before D. Though7 A school B. post office C. station D. library8 A. letter B. stamp C. postcard D. envelope9 A. son B. daughter C. town D. village10 A. always B. never C. hardly D. stillIt was Sunday and we were sitting at the table when father suddenly smiled and said to us. "Oh,dear me. I_1_to tell you a good news. There's a_2_from Granny. She's_3_to see us this afternoon. I'm going to meet her at the railway station." _4_these words he went out.How happy we were! We hadn't seen Granny for_5_and we missed her,too. After lunch my mother and I went shopping. We bought a lot of the_6_that Granny liked while my sister cleaned the house. It was four o'clock when we finished and we sat around the table, _7_Granny.At last the door opened and in came my father, _ 8_."Where's Granny?"we asked.Father_9_and said,"April Fools!_10_is April 1st, April Fools' Day."1 A. forget B. forgot C. remember D. remembered2 A. letter B. cake C. book D. present3 A. come B. coming C. going D. leaving4 A. After B. Said C. In D. With5 A half year B. half a year C. a half year D. an year6 A. things B. food C. clothes D. books7 A. wait B. wait of C. warting for D. look8 A. again B. too C. then D. alone9 A. laughed B. called C. got angry D. looked worried10 A. Today B. Yesterday C. Tomorrow D. This dayLong, long ago, an elephant didn't have a long_1_. It only had a short one like a pig. At that time, there was a little elephant. He liked to ask_2_and most of them were difficult to answer.One day he asked his mother,"Mum,what does a crocodile(鳄鱼)like 3_ ?" The mother didn't 2know, _4_. So he went to ask a 5_ . The bird said to him, "You can go to the river and see."So the little elephant went to the river. When he 6_ there, he saw something like a long piece of wood on the river. And the wood was looking at him. He asked the wood politely. "Excuse me, have you ever seen a crocodile? And could you tell me _7_a crocodile like eating?" The wood said, "I am a crocodile. Now come near. I'll tell you quietly."As soon as the elephant was near it, the crocodile caught the elephant' nose quickly and tried to pull. The elephant was very afraid and tried to pull, too.But _ 8 _ of them succeeded.At last the elephant pulled his nose out, but it was one more meter long now. "How terrible!" He thought. So he was very sad. _ 9 _ and going home.But after that day, the little elephant found his long nose was very_10_. It would hit flies. It could pick bananas from trees. It could even carry wood.1 A. ear B. eye C. tail D. nose2 A. questions B. words C. number D. foods3 A. doing B. playing C. drinking D. eating4 A. either B. too C. also D. both 5 A. monkey B. cat C. bird D. animal6 A. get B. get to C. got D. arrived in7 A. how B. where C. when D. what8 A. Both B. None C. Neither D. Either9 A. cry B. crying C. laughing D. smiled10 A. beautiful B. useful C. ugly D. wellMr.white works in an office. He liked reading in bed when he was at school. It was bad for his_1_and now he has near sight (近视). But he wouldn't want anybody else to know about it and he _2_wears a pair of glasses. It often_3_him some trouble.One winter morning he was sent to a village school on_4_. He got off a bus at a stop in a small town . Then he had to walk there. The road to the village wasn't smooth(平坦). He fell _5_some times and it made his clothes dirty. _6_ he got to the village. Suddenly it began to blow and it got colder .He was looking for the school while his _7_was blown off. He began to run after it but he couldn't get it. He couldn't understand why his hat ran into a hous


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