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新概念月考 (一)Chinese name_ English name_ 一 听力(10)I am very _ today. I meet a new _. His name is John. He is an _. He is from London. He loves _ He _ reads books in the _. He loves playing _. He often plays table tennis _. He _English well. I _ he is a good friend.二 Translate(20)1.excuse_ 2.你的_3.ticket_4.请_ 5.French_6.牌号_7.hairdresser_8. 国籍_ 9.lazy_ 10.年轻的 _ 11.谁的_ 12.these_ 13.楼上_ 14.tourist_15.可爱的_16.German_ 17.领带_ 18.Thursday_ 19.邮递员_ 20.严格的_三 Choose (20) How do you do ?_A. Im fine,thank you B. How do you do C.Very well Whose new pen is this?_A. Tims B. Tim C. Tims sisterWhat day is it today ?_-A. Its my birthday B . Its spring C.Its MondayWhats your favourite fruit ?_A. orange juice B.watermelon C. hamburgerWhat nationality is he ?_A. China B . Italian C. CanadaMy coat and my umberlla please._A. Thank you B . Yes please C. Here you are This is not _book. Its _A. he,mine B. my, you C.my, yoursIm _air-hostess,my father is_postman.A. an , a B. a , an C. an , an My birthday is _Tuesday,its _summer.A. on , in B. at , in C. in , in Lele _music and often _to music.A. likes , listens B. likes , listen C. like , listenAfter thirty _,I think I just have two _A. years , tooth B. years ,teeth C. year, teethAre they Swedish ?_A. Yes ,they arent B. No, they arent C. Yes, there are My parents often _movie ,but my sister _.A. watches , dont like B. watch , dont like C. watch , doesnt like A re you a teacher ?_A. yes , you are B.Yes ,I am C. No ,I am Where are you from ?Im from _,I am an _.A. America , American B.American , AmericanC. American , AmericaTed _swim, but he _fly.A. cans , cant B .can , can C. can , cant_he often _TV at home ?A. do , look B. does , watch C. Does , watchThere _two apples and one orangeon the dask .A. is B.are C. amAre there _pictures on the desk?Yes,there are _ pictures.A. some , some B. any , any C. any , some _is this shirt ? Teds A. who B. whose C. what 四Make sentences (5 分)1. too , are ,friends ,your ,students ,_?2.your ,is ,like ,math ,what ,teacher _?3.do ,on ,you ,what ,Sunday ,do _?4.have ,you ,for ,do ,what ,lunch_?5.or ,his ,is ,book ,her ,it ,book _?五Change (15')1.We are standing in the classroom ._(否定句)_(疑问句)2.There is an apple and some oranges._(否定句)_(疑问句)3.My parents like swimming in summer ._(否定句)_(疑问句)4.They are chinese (对划线部分提问)_5.Tom is a teacher .(对划线部分提问)_6.These are Amys books .(对划线部分提问)_7.My dress is blue . (对划线部分提问)_8.His car is Toyota . (对划线部分提问)_9.Whose handbag is this ?(同义句)_10.My math teacher is tall and strong . (对划线部分提问)_11.I do homework on Sundays . (对划线部分提问)_12.Lily and lucy are from England . (对划线部分提问)_六 ,阅读理解(20)1.根据短文判断下列句子对错This is our class. There are fifty students in our class. There are twenty-five boys and twenty-five girls. There is an American student in our class. Her name is Mary. Her English is very good. We all like her. She likes eating bread and cakes. She likes drinking milk and orange juice. We like eating rice and drinking tea. We are very happy together.仔 细 阅 读 ,在 下 列 句 子 前 标 上 T(对 )或 F(不 对 )。( 10分 )( )1. There is an American boy in our class.( )2 .Mary is an English girl.( )3. She likes rice, tea, and bread.( )4. We are good friends.( )5. There are twenty-four girls in our class.2.根据短文选择正确的答案This is Lily and Lucy's bedroom. It is a nice room. They have one desk and two chairs. Their clock, books and pencil-boxes are on the desk. Their schoolbags are on the chairs. There are some nice flowers on the desk. Look, there is a kite near the flowers, there is a kite. There's a family photo on the wall. The bedroom is very nice.( )1. We can see _desk in the room.A. one B. two C. three( )2. Where is the k


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