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【良品课件】冀教版 英语重难点解析:九年级下Unit6 Get Ready for Jobs Lesson45-Lesson48

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【良品课件】冀教版 英语重难点解析:九年级下Unit6 Get Ready for Jobs Lesson45-Lesson48

Unit 6 Get Ready for Jobs一. 教学内容:Unit 6 Get Ready for JobsLesson 45Lesson 481. 重点单词。 n. biologist butterfly attentiongrandchildren female chemical mystery agency v. dial migrate lay freeze adj. Busy free puzzling fairadv. completely 2. 重点短语和句子。 May I please speak to? 我可以找接电话吗?You are speaking to 你正在和通话。When would you like to meet me? 你想什么时间见我?Are you free this evening? 今晚你有空吗?来源:21 世纪教育网No, I wont be free then. But Ill be free 不行,我那时没空。但是我有空。See you then. 再见。up to 达到as well as 也;又Canadian Space Agency 加拿大国家航天局Thats not fair! 这不公平!even if 即使;纵然二. 重点、难点解析及词语辨析。1. in the newspaper (L45)in 表示“在(报刊,书籍)上”。There are some beautiful pictures in this book.在这本书里有几幅美丽的图画。若表示某物在报纸上必须用 on the newspaper.There is a pair of glasses on the newspaper.在报纸上有一副眼镜。 2. He lives in the same city as Danny! (L45)the same as 同一样的,与相同的I have the same bag as yours.我有一个和你的一样的书包。same adj. “相同的” 用法如下:(常用 the same)相同的,同样的,同一个Her name and mine are the same. 她的名字和我的相同。I was in the same class with him. 我和他同班。3. Perhaps Jack Hall could give Danny some advice about becoming an astronaut! (L45)givesome advice 给提一些建议Can you give me some advice on how to learn English?你可以给我一些如何学习英语的建议吗?拓展:advice 劝告some advice 一些意见 a piece of advice 一条意见give advice 提出忠告 take ones advice 接受忠告advise v. 建议,劝告Mr. Wang advised me to take more exercise. 王老师建议我多作锻炼。4. He is studying a kind of North America butterfly that travels south up to four thousand kilometers. (L46)study 在本句中表示“ 研究”,为及物动词。如:He is studying chemistry. 他在研究化学。另外 study 还可以有其他用法:学习,研究He studied to be a physician.他读书准备做医生。读书,研究,书房He went out after an hours study.他读了一小时的书后出去了。How are you getting along with your studies?你的研究进展怎么样?He is always in his study. 他总是在书房中。5. up to 直到,达到 (L46)A tortoise can live up to 100 years old.乌龟能活 100 年。另外: up to 从事;正在做He is up to the history studies. 他正从事历史研究。21 世纪教育网= He is working on the history studies.6. Just as many birds migrate in the fall. (L46)fall n. 秋天 in the fall 在秋天fall 还有其他的意思: v. 落下,掉下,降落The book fell off the shelf. 这本书从架子上掉了下来。The price of food has fallen. 食品价格下跌了。Leaves begin to fall in October. 十月里树叶开始落下。v. 跌倒He fell to his knees. 他跪了下来。 v. 降低,减少Their voices fell. 他们的声音变小了。 来源:21 世纪教育网7. Fascinating facts about the butterfly have been drawing Dr. Taylors attention. (L46)draw ones attention 引起某人的注意His words drew the teachers attention.他的话引起了老师的注意。拓展:draw v. 画 He is drawing a picture.attention n. 注意 pay attention to sb. / sth. 注意Peter, you should pay attention to your pronunciation.Peter, 你应该注意你的发音。21 世纪教育网8. return v. (L46) 回来;回到 Return to London. 回到伦敦。Spring will return. 春天会再来的。归还Return the book to the library. 把书归还给图书馆。“Can I return these two tickets?” he asked.“我可以退掉这两张票吗?”他问到。回答Ask the sales manager to return my call when he comes back, please.请销售经理回来后给我回个电话。9. In Mexico, the butterflies always return to the same small piece of forest, only twenty kilometers wide. (L46)twenty kilometers wide 20 千米宽计量的表示方法是:“数词+meters /kilometers + long /wide /deep /high”.表示重量可以用“数词+ kilograms+ heavy”.Our classroom is about 6 metres wide. 我们的教室大约 6 米宽。The bridge is about 500 meters long. 这座桥大约有 500 米长。The river is about 10 meters deep. 这条河大约 10 米深。The iron ball is ten kilograms heavy. 那个球 10 千克重。另外:twenty-meter-wide 是一个合成形容词,“ 20 米宽的”This is a twenty-meter-wide bridge.这是一座 20 米宽的桥。10. They cover some trees almost completely. (L46) cover v. 藏,隐匿,掩盖Dust covered the furniture.家具上满是灰尘。She covered the table with a cloth.她用一块布把桌子罩起来。cover n. 盖子;封面,封皮There is a beautiful girl in the cover of the magazine.那本杂志的封面上有个漂亮的女孩。21 世纪教育网11. They lay eggs on only one plant: mildewed. (L46) lay (laid, laid) 下蛋,产卵The hen laid three eggs.母鸡下了 3 个蛋。拓展lay v. 放置,平铺。如:Lay it on the table.把它放在桌上。Dont lay your coat on the bed.不要把你的外衣放在床上。lie v. 撒谎 n. 谎话 tell a lie 撒一个谎lie v. 平放 12. 语法在线 状语从句所谓状语从句,就是原来在句子中充当状语的短语部分现在由句子充当,即为状语从句。它包括:时间、地点、原因、条件、结果、目的、比较、让步等。引导不同的状语从句的连接词也是不一样的:时间: when(当时候), while (当时候), before(在之前) , after (在之后), since (自从), as soon as (一就), until (直到), till(直到), as(当时候) 等。例如:I was doing my homework while my mother was cooking.妈妈做饭的时候,我在写作业。He didnt go to bed until his mother came back.直到妈妈回来他才去睡觉。I will tell you as soon as he comes back.他一回来我就告诉你。(本句中 as soon as 也适用于条件状语从句的主将从现原则,具体的讲解见下面条件状语从句)地点: where (在哪), wherever(无论哪里) I will go with you wherever you go . 你去哪我去哪。原因: because (因为), as (因为) , for (因为) ,since( 因为),I was late for school because I got up late. (因为我起床晚了,所以迟到了。)结果: so (所以) He didnt work hard so he missed the exam. 他不努力学习所以考试不及格。目的: so that (为了), in order that (为了) I ran fast so that I can catch the early bus. 我飞快地跑为了赶上早班车。让步: though(虽然) , although(尽管), even if (即使), even though(即使)。They arent happy though they have a lot of money. 虽然很有钱,但是他们不快乐。条件:


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