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Hydrogen InsightsA perspective on hydrogen investment,market development and costcompetitivenessFebruary 2021 Published in January 2021 by the Hydrogen Council. Copies of this document are available uponrequest or can be downloaded from our website:.This report was authored by the Hydrogen Council in collaboration with McKinsey & Company.“The authors of the report conrm that:1. There are no recommendations and/or any measures and/or trajectories within the report thatcould be interpreted as standards or as any other form of (suggested) coordination betweenthe participants of the study referred to within the report that would infringe EU competition law;and2. It is not their intention that any such form of coordination will be adopted.Whilst the contents of the Report and its abstract implications for the industry generally can bediscussed once they have been prepared, individual strategies remain proprietary, condential andthe responsibility of each participant. Participants are reminded that, as part of the invariablepractice of the Hydrogen Council and the EU competition law obligations to which membershipactivities are subject, such strategic and condential information must not be shared orcoordinated including as part of this Report.Hydrogen Insights Report 2021Hydrogen Council, McKinsey & Company ContentsExecutive summaryiii2I. Introduction and methodology Hydrogen Insights is a leading global perspective on hydrogen The Hydrogen Insights report methodology23II. Deployment and investment6 Tremendous momentum exists, with over 200 H projects announced worldwide6782 More than USD 300 billion in H investments through 20302 Regulation and government support drive this momentumIII. Hydrogen supply12 Renewable hydrogen could break even with gray H before 2030 in optimal regions1215152 Electrolyzer capex savings can reduce costs quickly in a rapid global scale-up Expected electrolyzer learning curves could be too conservativeIV. Hydrogen distribution and global supply chains18 The optimal H transport mode will vary by distance, terrain and end-use:2no universal solution exists18202124 Hydrogen pipelines Hydrogen carriers Hydrogen global transport can cost less than USD 2-3/kgV. End applications26 The cost competitiveness of hydrogen applications Hydrogen production cost breakeven2627A. Road transport and mining equipmentB. AmmoniaC. SteelD. Sustainable shipping fuelsE. Aviation2831323437VI. Implementation: bringing it all together to capture the promise of hydrogen42Hydrogen Insights Report 2021Hydrogen Council, McKinsey & Companyiii Executive summaryHydrogen is gathering strong momentum as a key energy transitionpillarUnderpinned by a global shift of regulators, investors, and consumers toward decarbonization,hydrogen (H ) is receiving unprecedented interest and investments. At the beginning of 2021,2over 30 countries have released hydrogen roadmaps, the industry has announced more than 200hydrogen projects and ambitious investment plans, and governments worldwide have committedmore than USD 70 billion in public funding. This momentum exists along the entire value chain andis accelerating cost reductions for hydrogen production, transmission, distribution, retail, and endapplications.Similarly, having grown from 60 to over 100 members since 2020, the Hydrogen Council nowrepresents more than 6.6 trillion in market capitalization and more than 6.5 million employees globally.This report provides an overview of these developments in the hydrogen ecosystem. It tracksdeployments of hydrogen solutions, associated investments and the cost competitiveness ofhydrogen technologies and end applications. Developed collaboratively by the Hydrogen Council andMcKinsey & Company, it offers a fact-based, holistic, quantitative perspective based on real industrydata. Along with the report, the Hydrogen Council is launching Hydrogen Insights - a subscriptionservice that provides granular insights and data about the hydrogen ecosystem and its development.Deployment and investments: Announced hydrogen investmentshave accelerated rapidly in response to government commitmentsto deep decarbonizationMore than 200 hydrogen projects now exist across the value chain, with 85% of global projectsoriginating in Europe, Asia, and Australia, and activity in the Americas, the Middle East and NorthAfrica accelerating as well.If all projects come to fruition, total investments will exceed USD 300 billion in hydrogen spendingthrough 2030 the equivalent of 1.4% of global energy funding. However, only USD 80 billion ofthis investment can currently be considered “mature,” m


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