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摘要2001年,中国国家教育部颁布的国家义务教育新课程标准指出基础教育阶段英语课程的任务是:激发和培养学生学习英语的兴趣,使学生树立自信心,养成良好的学习习惯和形成有效的学习策略,发展自主学习的能力和合作精神;使学生掌握一定的英语基础知识和听、说、读、写技能,形成一定的综合语言运用能力;强调课程从学生的学习兴趣生活经验和认知水平出发,倡导体验、实践、参与、合作与交流的学习方式和任务型的教学途径,发展学生的综合语言运用能力。在初中阶段,学生应掌握为真实交流服务的综合运用英语能力。为了达到这一目的,英语新课程标准大力提倡实施任务型教学法,要求教师在课堂中尽多的使用这一方法而不是单纯的讲解英语知识。经过将近十年的理论和实践研究,任务型教学法被认为是初中英语教学中激发学生兴趣潜力,唤起学生运用英语的创造力。因此,本文旨在对任务型教学法理论的研究和在初中课堂中的应用来提高英语教学质量。关键词: 任务型教学法 初中 英语教学 运用AbstractIn 2001, The New Curriculum Standard for compulsory Education was issued by Ministry of Education of China, it states that one of the urgent duties of education is “to inspire and foster the students interest in learning, develop their abilities of self- learning and cooperative learning. In the junior high school period, the student should master the integrated skills of language using for real communication.” In order to meet this goal, Task-based Language Teaching (TBLT) is put forward and carried out in the English Curriculum Criterion, and the English Curriculum Criterion points out that teachers should use tasks in their language class rooms as much as possible instead of purely teaching in language knowledge. Through almost ten years theory study and practice exploration , it is believed that the TBLT is one of the most effective approaches in junior high school English teaching to make students active and interested in learning and exploring their potential language abilities, evoking their energy to use the language creativity.Therefore, the thesis aims at studying the theory of the Task-based Language Teaching Approach and putting it into the use of the junior high school to enhance the quality of the language teaching.Key Words: Task-Based Language Teaching junior high school application English teaching ContentsIntroduction.1Chapter 1The Overview of the Task-based Teaching Approach.11.1. Definition of the task.11.2 Task components.21.3The definition of Task-based Language Teaching.2Chapter 2The Connation of the Task-based Teaching Approach.32.1. The theoretical underpinning of Task-based Teaching Approach.32.2 Main features of Task-based Teaching Approach.32.3Aims of Task-based Teaching Approach.4Chapter 3The Advantages of the Task-based Teaching Approach in Junior High School.53.1.The traditional teaching method Five-step Teaching model.53.2 TheTask-based teaching approach.63.3 The comparison between the traditional and new Task-based language Teaching.6Chapter 4 The Implementation of the Interactive English Teaching in the Junior High School4.1Principals of Task-based Language Teaching in junior high school.74.2 The framework of resenting tasks in the junior high school .84.3 Steps in designing a Task-based program.94.4 Factors affecting the implementation of Task-based Teaching injunior high School.104.41 The roles of teachers and students.114.4.2 The principleof task design.124.4.3 The disagreement in the different environment.13Conclusion.15Notes .16.Acknowledgements.16Bibliography.17 IntroductionIn 2001, The New Curriculum Standard for compulsory Education was issued by Ministry of Education of China, it states that one of the urgent duties of education is “to inspire and foster the students interest in learning, develop their abilities of self- learning and cooperative learning. In the junior high school period, the student should master the integrated skills of language using for real communication.” In order to meet this goal, Task-based Language Teaching (TBLT) is put forward and carried out in the English Curriculum Criterion, and the English Curriculum Criterion points out that teachers should use tasks in their language class rooms as much as possible instead of purely teaching in language knowledge. Through almost ten years theory study, it is believe that the TBLT is one of the most effective approach in junior high school English teaching to make students active and interested in learning and exploring their potential language abilities, evoking their energy to us


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