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2020年全国硕士研究生招生考试英语(二)真题卷【Section I Use of English】Directions:Read the following text.Choose the best word(s)for each numbered blank andmark A,B,C or D on ANSWER SHEET.(10 points)Being a good parent is,of course,what every parent would like to be.But defining what it means to be agood parent is undoubtedly very particularly since children respond differently to the same style ofparenting.A calm,rule-following child might respond better to a different sort of parenting than,ayounger sibling.,there is another sort of parent thats a bit easier to a patient parent.children of every age benefitfrom parent parenting.Still,every parent would like to be parent,this is no easy.Sometimesparents get exhausted and frustrated and are unable to maintain a and composed style with their kids.Iunderstand this.You are only human and sometimes your kids can your just a little too far.And then the happens:you lose your patience and either scream at your kids or say something that was a bit too and dosenobody any good.You wish that you could the clock and start over.We have all been there.,even though its common,its important to keep in mind that in a single moment of fatigue,you cansay something to your child that you may for a long time.This may not only do damage to yourrelationship with your child but also your childs self-esteem.If you consistently lose your with your kids,then you are inadvertently modeling a lack of emotionalcontrol for your kids.We are all becoming increasingly aware of the of modeling tolerance andpatience for the younger generation.This is a skill that will help them throughout life.In fact,the ability toemotionally regulate or maintain emotional control when by stress is one of the most important of alllifes kills.Certainly,its incredibly to maintain patience at all times with your children.A more practical goal isto try,to the best of your ability,to be as tolerant and composed as you can when faced with situationsinvolving your children.I can promise you this:As a result of working toward this goal,you and yourchildren will benefit and from stress from moments,feeling better physically and emotionally.12345678910111213141516171819201.tediousApleasantBinstructiveCtrickyD2.in additionAfor exampleBat onceCby accidentD3.FortunatelyAOccasionallyBAccordinglyCEventuallyD4.amuseAassistBdescribeCtrainD5.whileAbecauseBunlessConceD6.answerAtaskBchoiceCaccessD7.tolerantAformalBrigidCcriticalD【Section II Reading Comprehension(Part A)】Directions:Read the following four texts.Answer the questionsbelow each text by by choosing A,B,C or D.Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET.(40 points)8.moveAdragBpushCsendD9.mysteriousAillogicalBsuspiciousCinevitableD10.boringAnaiveBharshCvagueD11.turn backAtake apartBset asideCcover upD12.OverallAInsteadBHoweverCOtherwiseD13.likeAmissBbelieveCregretD14.raiseAaffectBjustifyCreflectD15.timeAbondBraceCcoolD16.natureAsecretBimportanceCcontextD17.cheatedAdefeatedBconfusedCconfrontedD18.terribleAhardBstrangeCwrongD19.tryingAchangingBexcitingCsurprisingD20.hideAemergeBwithdrawCescapeDText 1 Rats and other animals need to be highly at tuned to social signals from others so that they can identifyfriends to cooperate with and enemies to avoid.To find out if this extends to non-living beings,Laleh Quinnat the University of California,San Diego,and her colleagues tested whether rats can detect social signalsfrom robotic rats.They housed eight adult rats with two types of robotic ratone social and one asocialfor four days.Therobot rats were quite minimalist,resembling a chunkier version of a computer mouse with wheels to movearound and colourful markings.During the experiment,the social robot rat followed the living rats around,played with the same toys,andopened cage doors to let trapped rats escape.Meanwhile,the asocial robot simply moved forwards andbackwards and side to side.Next,the researchers trapped the robots in cages and gave the rats the opportunity to release them bypressing a lever.Across 18 trials each,the living rats were 52 percent more likely on average to set the socialrobot free than the asocial one.This suggests that the rats perceived the social robot as a genuine socialbeing.They may have bonded more with the social robot because it displayed behaviors like communalexploring and playing.This could lead to the rats better remembering having freed and wanting the robot toreturn the favour when they get trapped,says Quinn.“Rats have been shown to engage in multiple forms of reciprocal help and cooperation,including what isreferred to as direct reciprocity where a rat will help another rat that has previously helped them,”saysQuinn.The readiness of the rats to befriend the social robot was surprising given its minimal design,says JanetWiles at the University of Queensland in Australia,who helped with the research.The finding shows how sensitive rats are to social cues,even when they come from basic robots.Similarly,children tend to treat robots as if they are fellow beings,e


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