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【优品课件】 How was your weekend 精选试题

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【优品课件】 How was your weekend 精选试题

本资料来自于资源最齐全的世纪教育网 www.21cnjy.com21 世纪教育网 - 中国最大型、最专业的中小学教育资源门户网站。 版权所有21 世纪教育网新目标七年级下学期期末总复习 Unit 9 精选题一 单词(20 分)1.What about _( go) to the beach after supper? 2.Did you go _(shop) with her yesterday? 3.He _(read) a book last weekend. 4.She practiced _(speak) English last Sunday. 5.His grandpa _(die) two years ago.6.On Saturday two kids v_ their friends. 7.Yesterday we had a math t_.8.How was your weekend, Tom? It was g_. 9.She s_ at home because her mother was ill.10.He p_ computer games with his friends yesterday. 11.Last Sunday we went to the b_. We swam.12.We often see talk s_ on TV. 13.For most k_, the weekend was fun.14.How did you s_ your weekend? 15.I did some _(read) over the weekend.16.Sally often _(do) her homework at night. 17.I _(study)for the science test last Wednesday evening. 18.His mother was _(happy), because he didnt do his homework. 19. They _(have) a party last night. 20.The teacher didnt say _(something).二.选择填空(20 分)( )1.The talk show _ really great. A. are B. is C. were D. am( )2.Tina _ her grandmother three days ago. A. visits B. is visiting C. visited D. visit( )3._ you _ soccer over the weekend? A. Did, played B. Do, played C. Did, play D. Did, plaid ( )4.He saw _ on TV. 本资料来自于资源最齐全的世纪教育网 www.21cnjy.com21 世纪教育网 - 中国最大型、最专业的中小学教育资源门户网站。 版权所有21 世纪教育网A. something terrible B. terrible something C. somethings terrible D. terrible some thing( )5.I did my homework .It was _ difficult.A. few B. a few C. little D. a little( )6. I studied _ the math test. A. on, B. at C. for D. in( )7.He enjoys _ very much. A. play the football B. playing football C. playing the football D. to play football( )8.-_ you work hard _? -Yes, I did.A. Do , all day B. Did , all day C. Do , all day D. Did , all the day( )9.When he_ young there _ not so much food for him.A. is, is B. was, is C. is , was D. was, was( )10.She likes playing _ basketball. He likes playing _ guitar.A. the, the B. a , a C. /, the D. the, /( )11.He _ his homework, he _ to the library.A. didnt do, went B. didnt did, goes C. didnt do, go D. did not , went( )12.I played soccer _ my friends _ Sunday afternoon.A. with, in B. with, on C. and, on D. and , at( )13.It was time for Old Henry _.A. go home B. went home C. to go home D. to go to home( )14.He stayed at home, _ he?A. did B. does C. doesnt D. didnt( )15.For you , its useful to do more _.A. read B. reads C. to read D. reading( .) 16.Did you clean the room? _ A. Yes, I do B. No, I did C. Yes, I dont D .No, I didnt( )17.When _ your brother born? A. was B. is C. were D. are ( )18.Is that _ interesting novel ? Yes, but it is _ difficult.A. an, a little B. a, a bit C. a, little D. an, a few( )19._ your sister _ the vacation? 本资料来自于资源最齐全的世纪教育网 www.21cnjy.com21 世纪教育网 - 中国最大型、最专业的中小学教育资源门户网站。 版权所有21 世纪教育网A. How do, spend B. How did, spend C. What do, spent D. How does, spent( )20. His father _in Beijing now. Last year he _ in Dalian. A. worked , working B. works , working C. is working, worked D. is working ,works 三补全对话 (18 分) (A)A: What _1_ you do last night? You _2_ so tired. B: I _3_ to sleep very late last night.A: _4_ you out somewhere ? B :No, I _5_.A: Did you do all your homework? B: No, I _6_.A: I just want _7_ tell you we are not going to have the test today. B; Oh, no! I _8_ for it all last night.(B)A: Hi, Ann! How _9_ your weekend? B: It was _10_.A: Oh, really? What _11_ you do over the weekend? B: I _12_ a good rest and _13_ some beautiful cities.A: Where did you _14_? B: I _15_ to Wuxi and Suzhou.A: That sounds exciting! B: _16_ _17_ you? Did you have a nice


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