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全国大学生英语竞赛A、B类智力测试题库二问答题50.Tanya can swim faster than Jack but slower than Sally.Harry usually swims faster than Jack, sometimes swims faster than Tanya, but never swims faster than Sally.Who is the slowest swimmer? 参考答案:Jack.在本题中,Tanya比Jack游得快,Harry经常比Jack游得快,而Sally比所有人都游得快,所以Jack是游泳最慢的一个。问答题51.How many children Albert has? 参考答案:1由图可知Albert只有一个孩子,因为在这个family tree中Albert下只有一条线。问答题52.A postman delivers mail round a housing estate.He does not want to visit the same sdiveet more than once, but can pass over the same sdiveet corners.On which housing estate is this possible? 参考答案:D.只有在第四个地图中邮递员可以不用走重复的路线即可把信送到。即先走外面圆形的路,再走中间三角形的路,反之亦然。但是其他三幅地图,邮递员必须要走重复的路线才可以把所有的信送达。问答题53.Real Madrid is first in the league and Real Betis is fifth while Osasuna is right between them.If Barcelona has more points than Celta Vigo and Celta Vigo is exactly below Osasuna, then who is second? 参考答案:Barcelona推理可知Celta Vigo第四,Barcelona第二。问答题54.Malcolm, Mohammed, Lucy, Sally and Robin all have pets.Malcolm, Mohammed and Robin each have a dog.Malcolm has a cat.Sally loves horses but only has a rabbit and a snake.Mohammed also has a snake.Lucy and Robin have a parrot each.Who keeps the least pets? 参考答案:Lucy根据题中描述,Lucy只有一只宠物,其他四人各有两只宠物。问答题55.YYZZZYZZY is to 221112112 as YYZZYZZY is to_. 参考答案:22112112从题意可知,Y相当于2,Z相当于1,故答案是22112112。问答题56.A typist types four envelopes and four letters.She places the letters in the envelopes at random.What are the chances that only three letters are in their correct envelopes? 参考答案:zero如果三个都装对了,那么第四个也一定装对了,所以没有这种几率。问答题57.Peter, David and Paul said following sentences:Peter: David is a liar, Paul always tells the divuth.David: Peter is divuthful.Paul: David is a liar, Peter is divuthful.Two of these men always tell the divuth, one of them sometimes tells the divuth and sometimes lies.Which of these men is a liar? 参考答案:David.Peter和Paul都认为David is a liar,三人中只有一个人有时会说谎,不可能两人同时说谎,所以David是说谎的人。问答题58.There are 1, 200 elephants in a herd.Some have pink and green sdivipes, some are all pink and some are all blue.One third are pure pink.Is it divue that 400 elephants are definitely blue? 参考答案:No.其他800头大象可以是蓝色条纹,或是粉绿相间的条纹。问答题59.This bar chart shows the heights of a class of pupils.Which statement must be divue?Height (cm)A.2 children are 125 cm tall or less.B.8 children are at least 140 cm tall, but less than 145 cm tall.C.8 children are more than 144 cm tall, but less than 150 cm tall.D.No children are taller than 158 cm 参考答案:C.根据图形第五个阴影部分,可以推知8个学生的身高在145厘米到149厘米之间,即高于114厘米,低于150厘米。问答题60.Which of the numbers in the square is the odd one out? 参考答案:16因为只有16不能被3整除。问答题61.What number is missing from the segment below? 参考答案:25设圆的每一个分割部分中的三个数分别为a,b,c,按顺时针方向与之相邻的数设为d,如右图所示,四者之间的规律为a×b=c+d,所以6×6=?11,即答案为25。问答题62.Which number should come next in this series?3, 5, 8, 13, 21, ? 参考答案:34从第三个数字开始,每个数字是前两个之和。问答题63.Find the missing value on the roof of the second house.Each of the numbers on the windows and doors must be used only once and no number can be reversed. 参考答案:71.根据第一个房屋7×12+4=84可推测左边窗户×门+右窗=屋顶,那么第二个屋顶的数值为8×8+7=71。问答题64.Which number should come next in this series?25, 24, 22, 19, 15, ? 参考答案:10.分析可知:数列中前后两个数字之差递增,分别为1,2,3,4,那么下一个差应为5,因此15应减5,即10。问答题65.Find the number that fits below the 7. 参考答案:11数出图片中的数字一共有几条边。如果有N条边,则用N乘以三再减去原来的数,就得到图片下方的数。如,图中1字共有11条边,则其下数字为11×3-1=32。图中4字一共有15条边,则其下数字为15×3-4=41。7字一共有6条边,所以7字下方的数字应为6×3-7=11。(Multiply the number of sides of each number by 3, and then subtract the number printed.)问答题66.Which number comes next in this series?2736,9108,17127,89298,? 参考答案:178596通过计算可知,2736 + 6372 = 9108,9108 + 8019 = 17127,17127 + 72171 = 89298,即每个数字与将其倒过来读而得出的数字的和,即是这个数字的后一位数。所以,89298后面的数应为89298 + 89298 = 178596。问答题67.Continue the following number series with the group of numbers below which best continues the series? 参考答案:11,5.单数数字是从1开始的奇数,所以接下来是11,双数数字是从10向前倒数,所以下一个是5。问答题68.What number should replace the question mark? 参考答案:6.观察前两个图可发现,圆的左下角与右上角数字相乘所得结果的十位和个位数字正好是右下角和左上角的两个数:7×8=56,6×8=48。依此类推,可知所缺数字为6。问答题69.Which number comes next in this series of numbers? 参考答案:17前面几个数都是质数,所以接下来是17。问答题70.Each number shown below follows a certain rule.Figure out the rule and work out the missing number: 参考答案:10由前四项可发现,每一个单词所对应的数字除以该单词的音节数,结果均为5。如:January是四个音节,20/45;April是两个音节,10/25。July是两个音节,依此规律,可知答案为10。问答题71.Fill in the missing number:0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13,_, 34, 55 参考答案:21每个数字是前两个数字之和。问答题72.If GIBE-FADE=81, then DICE-CEDE=? 参考答案:56根据字母表的排列顺序我们可以得到A1,B2,C3,因而可知GIBE7925,FADE6145,然后分别将各数字平方,可以得出如下算式:(49+81+4+25)(36+1+16+25)81。由此可以推出DICE-CEDE=56。问答题73.Which number should replace the question mark? 参考答案:25三角中右下角数字是左侧三个数字之积。问答题74.Following the pattern shown in the number sequence below, what is the missing number


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