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商品经济反垄断法的定义解析一、反垄断法的性质 Properties of a, the anti-monopoly law市场经济是商品经济的高级形式或阶段,而商品经济离不开竞争,正是企业即经营者之间的竞争推动人类社会经济的繁荣,因此可以说,市场经济就是竞争经济。然而,竞争与垄断是对立的,也是统一的,正如马克思在哲学的贫困中指出的那样:“蒲鲁东先生所讲的只是由竞争产生的现代垄断。但是,大家知道,竞争是由封建垄断产生的。可见,原来竞争是垄断的对立面,并非垄断是竞争的对立面。因此,现代垄断并不是一个单纯的反题,相反,它是一个真正的合题。 ” Market economy is the advanced form or stage of commodity economy, the commodity economy is inseparable from the competition between enterprises, it is namely operators competition pushes the human social and economic prosperity, therefore it can be said, the market economy is a competitive economy. However, competition and monopoly is the opposite, is unified, as Marx in " the poverty of philosophy " pointed out: " Proudhon, just by the modern monopoly competition. But, you know, the competition is produced by the feudal monopoly. Visible, the original http:/www.lwjsgg.com http:/www.xtybkc.com http:/www.lwjly.cn http:/www.lwfengxing.com monopoly competition is the opposite, not monopoly is the opposite of competition. Therefore, modern monopoly is not a simple ", on the contrary, it is a true proposition. "企业之间在市场上竞争的结果是使生产和资本集中,当集中发展到一定程度就会形成垄断,而垄断反过来限制甚至扼杀竞争。同时,在竞争过程中,一个或数个企业为牟取更大的利润和更有利的生存空间总是采取各种不正当竞争手段扰乱市场秩序或采取排除、限制竞争的手段来破坏自由、公平的竞争秩序,这些非法措施的运用既妨碍建立统一、开放和自由的市场,又损害了合法正当竞争的经营者以及广大消费者的利益,进而损害一国的整体经济和社会公共利益。对于上述市场经济的缺陷,仅靠市场本身这种“无形之手 ”是无法解决的,只能用国家干 预这种有形之手来调节和矫正失灵或者说瘫痪的市场。 Results between the enterprise in the market competition is to make the concentration of production and capital, when the concentration to a certain extent will form a monopoly, and monopoly in turn limit or even stifle competition. At the same time, in the process of competition, one or several enterprises to obtain greater profits and more favorable survival space always take unfair competition means to disrupt the market order or taken to exclude, restrict http:/www.lwjsgg.com http:/www.xtybkc.com http:/www.lwjly.cn http:/www.lwfengxing.com competition means to destroy freedom, fair competition order, using these illegal measures hinder the establishment of a unified, open and the free market, and damages the legitimate competition of the operators and the interests of consumers, and then damage a country's overall economic and social public interests. For the defects of the market economy, the market itself alone this " invisible hand " is not resolved, only the visible hand of government intervention to adjust and correct the market failure or paralysis.具体地说,就是要用国家的法律干预来主动地对失灵的市场进行调节和干预,打击乃至消除市场上排除、限制竞争的不法行为和不正当竞争行为,从而使市场由混乱、瘫痪重归于有序、顺畅,从而保护合法正当竞争者的利益和广大消费者的利益,进而推动一国经济稳定、协调、有序、快速地向前发展,而反垄断法与反不正当竞争法正是实现国家调节失灵市场的具体法律手段。 Specifically, is to use legal intervention in the country to take the initiative to the failure of market regulation and intervention, combat and eliminate illegal behavior of market exclusion, restriction of competition and unfair competition, so the market by the confusion, paralysis to orderly, smooth, so as to protect the legitimate interests of competitors and http:/www.lwjsgg.com http:/www.xtybkc.com http:/www.lwjly.cn http:/www.lwfengxing.com consumers interests, and to promote a country's economic stability, coordinated, orderly, develop quickly, and the antitrust law and anti-unfair competition law is the legal means to achieve national regulation malfunction market.对市场失灵或瘫痪的调节和矫正,传统的以契约自由、人格平等和所有权绝对为基本原则和以个人利益为本位的民法是无能为力的,此时就需要一种新的法律来担负起此项历史使命,这种新的法律就是经济法,经济法作为重要的独立法律部门,是公私法融合的产物,其以社会整体利益为本位,本质在于国家对经济的干预和调节,调整手段是以公法手段为主的综合性手段,所有这些在国内法学界已成共识。而反垄断法作为规制排除、限制竞争行为的实体法和程序法的总和,是国家干预和调节市场运行秩序的基本法律,其具备经济法的一切属性和特征。因此,反垄断法在性质上属于经济法。具体而言,其属于经济法中的市场管理法或市场运行调控法。 The market failure or paralyzed adjust and correct, to the traditional contract freedom, the equality of personality and absolute ownership as the basic principles and personal interests as the standard of civil law is incapable of action, this time we need a new law to undertake the historical mission, the new law is the economic law, economic law as http:/www.lwjsgg.com http:/www.xtybkc.com http:/www.lwjly.cn http:/www.lwfengxing.com an independent Department of legal matters, is the product of the integration of public and private law, the interests of the whole society as the standard, essence of state intervention in the economy and adjustment, adjustment method is the comprehensive measures based on public law means, all of these has become a consensus in the domestic law circles. The sum of the substantive law and procedural law and anti-monopoly law regulation as to exclude, restrict competition, is the fundamental law of state intervention and regulation of the market operation order, it has all the attributes and characteristics of economic law. Therefore, the anti-monopoly law belongs to the economic law in nature. Specifically, it belongs to the regulation of law of economic law. The law of market or market.二、反垄断法的基本法律特征 The basic legal characteristics of the two, the anti-monopoly law反垄断法作为一种典型的经济法,当然会具有经济法的基本特征,如经济性、政策性、社会整体性、行政主导性和综合性等,但反


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