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区域概况区域概况Regional Context传统居住群落沿着水岸及人工河渠发展传统居住群落沿着水岸及人工河渠发展Traditional Settlement Patterns cluster around waterways and man-made canals具有大面积围海造田的传统具有大面积围海造田的传统Long tradition of reclaiming and reshaping the land and the environment意意1Comment 1節點1 應當定位為海邊勝地而是商業入口Node 1 should be positioned as a seafront resort rather than a commercial gateway.回饋回饋Response出於對會議中心旁的新渡口項目建成的預計,早期建議將節點1作為濱海大門,商業核心內的高層建築將提供濱水融區辦公空間。Anticipating the completion of the new ferry terminal alongside the convention center, the initial proposal positioned node 1 as a “coastal gateway” with a strong image of tall buildings within a commercial core that would provide office space for a waterfront financial district. 因為其他一些因素,這一早期定位受到質疑。目前大家一致認為將其定位為海邊遊勝地有。This initial position has been challenged due to several factors. It is agreed that it would be better positioned as a seaside resort community and tourist destination.1 採用早期建議的重要原因之一是節點2和4中已計畫建有競爭的融中心。從這一角看,在有限的範圍內建多個融中心在經濟上是合的。One of the most important reasons for not pursuing this approach is due to the competitive financial centers planned to be created within nodes 2 and 4. At this point, it is not economically feasible to create multiple financial centers within such a limited area. 2 現有自然,史和文化資源(包括PUZHOU公園,TIANHOU宮,南沙高爾夫俱部和HAIYUN JIAO風景點)都為發展遊工業提供可靠保證。在這些資產上投入資並以此建珠江三角洲內風景名勝地的形象應當是最有的。The existing natural, historic, and cultural resources including Puzhou Park, TianhouPalace, Nansha Golf Club, and the HaiyunJiao Resort all create the potential for a promising tourism industry. It will be best to capitalize on these assets and build upon them to create an image of a resort destination within the Pearl River Delta.j意意2Comment 2將森公園改成史公園,並在文化水濱安置南沙史博物館。Reposition “forest park” to “historical park” and arrange the NanshaHistory Museum onto the cultural waterfront.回饋回饋Response目前該節點的定位已改為海邊遊勝地,這些改是為發揚基地的史文化使之成為資和遊者主要吸引點。Now that the position of the node has been revised to a tourist destination and seaside resort, these changes have been made in order to promote the culture and history of the site and a main asset and tourist attraction. 意意3Comment 3低線性商業區的建築密和占地面積。Decrease the building density and floors of the linear commercial area.回饋回饋Response我們建議延商業軸的核心區作沿街商業和高層住的混合使用,高層住將提供對上水的壯景觀。這將再是辦公區,而是擁有充足的休閒遊設施的高層居住核心。The core area along the commercial spine is recommended to be mixed use with retail along the street edge with some tall residential towers to provide spectacular views to the mountains and water. It is no longer an office district but rather a high end residential core with plenty of amenities and tourist facilities. 意意4Comment 4將森公園水體引入海邊核心區並在水道邊安置特色商業街和具人體尺的遊功能。Extend the forest park water body into the seafront core area and arrange a feature commercial street with human scale tourism functions along the canal. 回饋回饋Response水體已被引人環城河道。河邊安置帶售餐飲功能,西河道邊是集中延河購物區,東面水邊公園為大型購物區。這只是主要商業帶,其他混合使用區也會有底層商業。The water body has been extended to canal surrounding the town core. A strip of retail, restaurant, and cafes are arranged along the canal with a concentrated canal shopping district along the western canal, and a larger shopping area along the waterfront park to the east. Although this will be the main commercial strip, many of the mixed use areas will also have shops on the ground floor.意意5Comment 5低整個節點的開發密以提高化Decrease the development density of the whole node to enhance the green ratio回饋回饋ResponseThe development of the node is recommended to be low in density with plenty of public open space in general. Some taller buildings are still recommended within the core to allow for views and signature landmark opportunities.總體上我們建議該節點開發為低密,多開放公共空間。但核心區仍應保一些較高建築以提供景觀和地方標誌。基地分析Site Analysis海岸線Coastal Edge.山脈背景Mountain Backdrop.從虎門橋優質景觀Highly Visible from Humen Bridge.現有渡碼頭Existing Ferry Terminal.2001 競賽方案重要概2001 Competition Scheme Key Concepts弧形海岸Coastal Arc商業中心Commercial Core海岸步道 + 海上指向標Coastal Promenade + Sea Columns.遊艇碼頭島Marina Island海岸門戶Coastal Gateway創造四個特區公園創造四個特區公園Creation of Four Distinct Parks森公園Forest Park 海岸地公園Coastal Green文化地公園Cultural Green島公園Island Park 強化海岸岸緣強化海岸岸緣Strengthening the Coastal Edge強化海岸步道Bold Coastal Promenade增強文化軸縣Reinforcing the cultural axis發展商業核心區發展商業核心區Developing a Commercial Core集中商業發展於會展中心周圍Concentration of commercial development around the convention center 重點策Key Strategies海岸核心區海岸核心區Coastal Core小尺複合使用環境Small scaled mixed use environment低層售, 高層居住組合With residential above retail河道鄰的主商業軸線Canal neighborhood surrounding a commercial axis 頌讚生活與工作的和諧關係Celebrates the close relationship between living and working海岸濱水區海岸濱水區Coastal Waterfront沿岸邊較大的街群Larger blocks along the waterfront現有的會展中心, 上坡形的渡船碼頭Existing convention center, upgraded ferry terminal, hotel增強客抵達的鮮明意象Reinforces the idea of arrival強調觀光遊導向的館, 交通轉換中心, 標誌性建築與開放空間Emphasis on tourism components such as hotels, transportation hub, and signature buildings and open spaces水岸處以塑造優美廣場, 空間與萌植栽The edge condition and waterfront is to be enhanced to create nice plazas, green spaces以植栽遮擋從海岸的海風Plantings to shield the d


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