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2023届中考英语模拟试卷请考生注意:1请用2B铅笔将选择题答案涂填在答题纸相应位置上,请用05毫米及以上黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔将主观题的答案写在答题纸相应的答题区内。写在试题卷、草稿纸上均无效。2答题前,认真阅读答题纸上的注意事项,按规定答题。. 单项选择1、In some countries,people eat with chopsticks, in others,knives and forks.AwhenBwhileChowDand2、 Do you think paper books by e-books in the future? No, I dont think so.Ahave replacedBare replacedCwere replacedDwill be replaced3、 Can school students under the age of 16 ride electrical bicycles in your city? No, according to the law, they _.Amay notBneedntCmustntDshouldnt4、_ you to get good marks in the English exam.AWishBWishesCHopeDHopes5、Tom, do you know if Sam _ to my party next week? I think he will come if he _.Acomes; will inviteBwill come; will be invitedCcomes; invitesDwill come; is invited6、With WeChat becoming more and more popular in China, it seems that we are_ the art of chatting face-to-face.AenjoyingBlosingCfailingDreminding7、Helen, can I wear jeans and a T-shirt to the school talent show?OK, but a dress might be_.Agood Bbad Cbetter Dworse8、 Why did Jane look so upset yesterday, Betty?Because she failed the English exam again, and she didnt know what to do.Adidnt takeBdidnt like C didnt pass9、Tom, _ afraid of speaking in front of people. You are the best one in our class.AdontBdoesnt beCnot beDdont be10、 Are you willing to study abroad one day? _ It sounds attractive, but it still worries me.AOf course I am.BWhy not?CAre you joking?DIm not sure. 完形填空11、Life is full of chances and challenges. Especially we are struggling for the coming senior high entrance examination.For students, if we dont study hard, 1 ,we will fall 2 other students. At first, I didnt know 3 the word “exam” meant. Later, I knew an exam was a 4 of competition. In competitions, there were always 5 and losers. As I grew up, I got to know competitions well. In ones life, there must be competitions, so people could 6 . Never too be late to learn everything.Some of us hate studying,someday they will regret what they did at school. Each time I saw children 7 games, and heard their laughter, I 8 I were that age again. However, I remembered my parents words-You must work very hard 9 have a good future. So I 10 up my pen and began to study hard again. Dont you think about what you will do after graduation in two months? Maybe I was still not 11 what competitions really meant. One day, I was 12 an English-speaking competition. When I went to the stage, I saw other students looking at me kindly. I was a little nervous but proud of myself.So many people focus on me.I suddenly knew what the competition was. It was not as cruel 13 my teacher and parents told me. In fact, competitions were important and necessary.Try your best to get good grades in order to achieve your aims in the following senior high school.I learned a lot 14 what I experienced. Now I understand more about the life. Competitions are important for us all.Im sure 15 can win a bright future if he puts his heart in schoolwork !Success is coming to all the students of Grade Nine ,come on!1Abecause of Bsooner or later Cat the same time2Abehind Bafter Cover3Ahow Bwhere Cwhat4Afew Bnumber Ckind5Awinners Bteachers Csoldiers6Adeveloped Bimprove Cstronger7Ato play Bplaying Cwould play8Afound Bthought Cwished9Aso that Bin order to Cas for10Apicked Bdropped Ctook11Aagree Bsure Cbelieve12Ajoining Bentered Ctaking part in13Aas Bthan Cbetter14Aabove Bunder Cfrom15Aanyone Bsomeone Cnobody. 语法填空12、A robot has started serving customers at a high-tech highway restaurant in Chongqing. After greeting customers at the gate, the robot 1 (name) Amy brings meals to customers. But 2 can a robot avoid walking into customers and the restaurant's human staff while walking? In fact, Amy has 3 in-built navigation system (导航系统) that allows it to choose a proper way to reach a customer's table without any problem. Orders 4 (place) at two tables that double as big touch screens and customers can order food there or simply on their own phones 5 scanning QR code(二维码). After they have ordered their food, diners can pay using a mobile payment app 6 as Alipay or WeChat Pay. While waiting for the orders, customers can use the special tables to play games, read some 7(news), and check the traffic and weather conditions for their journey ahead. The robot catches everybodys eyes with 8 (it) human-like appearance. It is really welcomed by customers and the restaurant 9 it not only cuts down much of business cost for the restaurant, but makes diners wait a much 10 (shor


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