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Lets Learn PoetryLyric poetry is typically characterized by brevity, melody, and emotional intensity. The music of lyrics makes them memorable, and their brevity contributes to the intensity of their emotional expression. Originally designed to be sung to a musical accompaniment (the word lyric derives from the Greek lyre) , lyrics have been the predominant type of poetry in the West for several hundred years. The tones, moods, and voices of lyric poems are variable and as complexly intertwined as human feeling, thought, and imagination. Generally considered the most compressed poetic type, lyrics typically express much in little:I. Types of Poetry:1. Narrative poetry(叙 事 诗 ): Epic( 史 诗 ) ; Ballard(民 谣 ); Romance( 传 奇 )2. lyrics ( 抒 情 诗 )The major forms of lyrics are: (1) Epigram( 警 句 诗 )The epigram is a brief witty poem that is often satirical, such as Alexander Pope's "On the Collar of a Dog".(2) Elegy( 挽 歌 )The elegy is a lament for the dead, such as Thomas Gray's "Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard".(3) Ode( 颂 诗 )The ode is a long stately poem in stanzas of varied length, meter, and form. An example of the ode is John Keats's "Ode to a Nightinggale: "(4) Aubude( 黎 明 別 歌 )The Aubude is a love lyric expressing complaint that dawn a0oaicer must part from his lover. An example of the Aubude is "The Sun Rising".(5) sonnet( 十 四 行 诗 )The sonnet condenses into fourteen lines an expression of emotions or an articulation of idea according to one of two basic patterns: (or Petrarchan ) and the English (or Shakespearean). An Italian sonnet is composed of an eight-line octave and a six-line sonnet A Shakespearean sonnet is composed of three four-line quatrain and a concluding two-line couplet. The thought and feeling in each sonnet form typically follow the divisions suggested by their structural patterns. Thus an Italian sonnet may state a problem in the octave and present a solution in its sestet. A Shakespearean sonnet will usually introduce a subject in the first quatrain, expand or develop it in the second and third quatrains, and conclude something about it in its final couplet.4. Elements of poetry(诗 歌 要 素 )The elements of a poem include a speaker whose voice we hear in : its diction or selection of words; its syntax or the order of those words; its imagery or details of sight, sound, taste, smell, and touch; its figures of speech or non-literal ways of expressing one thing in terms of another, such as symbols and metaphors; its sound effects, especially rhyme, assonance, and alliteration; its rhythm and meter or the pattern of accents we hear in the poem's words, phrases, lines. (1) Voice: speaker and toneIn listening to a poem's language, in hearing the voice of its speaker, we catch its tone and feeling and ultimately its meaning. The range of tones we find in poems is as - various and complex as the range of voices and attitudes we discern in everyday experience. One of the more important and persistent is the ironic tone of voice.(2) DictionAt their most successful, poems include "the best words in the best order", as Samuel Taylor Coleridge has said. Often for both poets and readers the "best we those that do the most work; they convey feelings and indirectly imply ideas rather than state them outright. Poets choose word because it suggests what they want to suggest. Its appropriateness is a function of both its denotation and its connotation.(3)ImageryAn image is a concrete representation of a sense impression, a or an idea. Images appeal to one or more of our senses or more precisely, they trigger our imaginative reenactment of sense nce by rendering feeling and thought in concrete details related to our physical apprehension of the world. Images may be visual (something seen), aural (something heard), tactile (something felt), olfactory (something smelled), or gustatory (something owed) . .Poetry, characteristically, is specific-in details that appeal to senses that we perceive the world. we hear dogs bark and children laugh; we feel the sting of a bitterly cold wind; we smell the heavy aroma of perfume; we taste (as well as smell and feel) the ice cream or pizza we may enjoy eating. Poetry includes such concrete details and thereby triggers our memories, stimulates our feelings, and enjoins our response.(4) Figures of speech: simile and metaphorRhetoricians have catalogued more than 250 different figures of speech, expressions or ways of using words in a non-literal sense. They include hyperbole or exaggeration (" f11 die if I miss that game"); underestimate ("Being flayed alive is somewhat painful") synecdoche or using a part to signify the whole ("Lend me a hand") , metonymy or substituting an attribute of a thing for the thing itself ("step on the gas"); personification, endowing inanimate objects or abstract concepts with animate characteristics of qualities ("the lettuce was lonely without tomatoes and cucumbers for company"). We will not go on to name and illustrate th


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