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新型干法水泥厂纯低温余热发电站的建设与调试郭量 万清蓉 成都建材工业设计研究院有限公司(610021)摘要 成都建材工业设计研究院有限公司总承包建设的云南保山昆钢嘉华公司 3 000 td7J 己生产线纯低温余热发电站获得成功。水泥窑佘热发电站的建设在某种程度上受制于水泥熟料烧成系统,该项目的热力系统根据 CDc 烧成系统的特点选择了单压系统。佘热发电站的建设时间可与熟料生产线同步设计同步建设,也可同步设计分步建设,各有利弊。对于同步设计同步建设的余热发电站的安装调试要与烧成系统的安装调试相结合,科学合理地安排。关键词 水泥厂 佘热 发电 建设 调试0 引言云南保山昆钢嘉华水泥有限公司 3 000 td 水泥生产线配套 45 MW 纯低温余热发电机组于 2008 年 4 月 5 日正式并网发电,在并网后 24 h 内发电功率顺利提升至 4 420 kW,目前系统和设备处于正常运行状态中。该水泥生产线由成都建材工业设计研究院有限公司(以下简称成都院)设计,余热发电项目由成都院采用工程总承包模式进行建设,充分利用了成都院在国内外水泥生产线工程总承包的丰富经验,并结合对新型干法水泥窑和余热发电的设计优势完成,创造了良好的社会和经济效益。下面就该项目简单介绍新型干法水泥窑余热电站在总承包模式下的热工设计、安装、调试和运行。l 水泥窑佘热发电站的建设特点水泥窑余热发电站的建设一方面必须严格按照电力行业的相关标准和规范执行,一方面又和常规电站的建设有不同之处。由于此类电站是通过水泥窑废热回收利用发电,首先得保证以水泥熟料生产为主,在保证水泥熟料质量、产量和综合能耗的前提下,以合适的投资、合理的设计、可靠的施工和调试来提高余热利用效率。因此体现在水泥窑余热发电站的系统设计、建设时机、运行模式等方面和常规电站又略有不同,在某种程度上都受制于主生产线。目前的水泥窑余热发电基本都采取从窑头冷却机和窑尾预热器 C。筒抽取废气,该类废气具有流量大、品位较低、易波动不稳定的特点,采用纯低温余热发电需要可靠的技术和较高要求的设备来保证。由于水泥生产工艺流程、原料特性、主机设备选型、气候条件等诸多因素影响,相同规模的水泥生产线,其余热品质和余热量也不尽相同,尽管余热发电的基本理论和技术一致,但其余热发电站的装机容量、配置、系统参数、设备性能和特性也不完全相同,因此在余热发电系统设计上,只有根据窑系统的实际工况和主机设备特性(如预热器、窑尾高温风机、篦冷机、窑头废气风机等)选择合适的热工系统设计和布置,而不是简单的由熟料产量或者吨熟料发电量来作为依据,并且最终综合分析投运后的熟料热耗、电耗、发电功率,还要参考具体的锅炉进出口烟温、阻力、汽轮机发电效率等来验证系统的合理性,这是和常规电站的规划和设计不同的地方。成都院在总承包模式下根据 CDC 烧成系统的特点,在余热发电的热工设计和设备配置上采取了合理的方案,并在实际运行中得到了充分的验证。2 电站主机设备配置根据对窑系统工况和主机设备的综合分析及评定采用了以下主要配置:(1)AQc 锅炉:锅炉人口烟气量 117500Nm3h锅炉人口烟气温度 350锅炉人口烟气浓度 50gNm锅炉人口烟气负压 respectively start; (3) disk car plant in operation, adjustment lubricating oil pressure on the current view disk car bearing and return oil flow, and voice recognition within normal cylinder. (4) The first set of boot by cold attitude start curve Chong warming. A careful inspection cylinder explosion, axial displacement, bearing temperature, temperature pressure, the air temperature, cylinder temperature difference, relative expansion, steam/temperature parameters are in control, and a smooth across the provisional border speed 1 832 r/rain, the steam turbine the most important and most sensitive and difficult to deal with the six vibration parameters and axial displacement in good and practical measure critical speed, the largest vibration value 0.095 ilal-fl (double amplitude) and the rest of 0.043 mn' l.(5) by 505 control and supplemented by manually, turbine up as soon as possible to 3 030 r/min, the fixed speed time to 98 min, a main pump all for testing, and then to be as soon as possible, in situ "gate shutdown, main auto doors and adjust door rigorous testing, according to which continued into power machine excitation, corresponding adjustment trial, after the first and site. (6) generators with a load 10% to run after 4 h generators in the machinery for the speeding test (Lifting Speed 505), as soon as possible to move to 3 310 r/rain, and then electric speeding pilot, speeding to control the 505 3 270 r/min, automatic quickly closed doors, main motor speed motor.(7) The test after recovery unit 3 000 r/min, to carry loads. (8) with a load warm machine time according to the intended for generators with a load speed of the steam engine allows the rise, the whole process, turbine run various points of the parameters including generators, winding, iron core temperature rise in the normal value.(9) in the system and network power after the success of the shut down the consumer, successful conduct of 72 h full load test operations (during the period from the kiln system fluctuations, the load instability).5-3 On the Debug required attention (1) to strictly control the water quality to ensure that the water workshop timely supply water. Because of the boiler cooking stoves and wind, pot of water replenishment is far greater than normal operation of consumption, so at a time when the chemical treatment capacity is relatively tense, if the water quality or not water standards or instability, salt water quality in particular the fluctuations in the Reverse Osmosis beds will cause aLevel 2 film plug serious, resulting in the water capacity substantially reduced and water shortage, can only artificially reduce boiler sewage rate, the cooking stove results and will have adverse effects. (2) in the automobile debugging, required to travel to adjust valve (oil motivated Tour), CPC import hydraulic (at the same time, filling the main hydraulic pump import) of the corresponding adjustment in order to ensure the full low parameters. 5, 4 turbines Kai stopped in the remaining power system in the package of START and trial operation of the turbines start and shut down a few models, the clinker line remaining characteristics and power systems and configuration, we mainly by the party style and achieved good results.(1) The boot parameters rated, and in accordance with the actual choice is cold and hot start thinking mode of control, temperature rise good time, and as soon as possible to vacuum. (2) In the shut down, according to the shutdown normal and special equipment rated parameters l hygiene select Shut Down and sliding down parameters, the cylinder temperature control. (3)


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