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ReviewLesson TwoParaphrase1. You hear it said that fathers want their sons to be what they feel they cannot themseves be, but I tell you it also works the other way.Its said that fathers want their sons to realize their unfulfilled dreams, but I say that sons also have expectation of their fathers.2. It was a wonder to me theyd want to be seen with such a windbay.I felt surprised that they were willing to be seen together with such a guy who is talktive and nosiy.3. For the first time I knew that I was the son of my father. He was a story teller as I was to be.It was the first time for me to realize that we are father and son. He was a born story teller, which I became to many years later.Translate1.人们过去把发现新大陆的功劳归之于哥伦布。People used to give credit to Columbus for the discovery of the New Continent.2.你觉得那位新头头怎么样? 我觉得他似乎挺好的。So how did our new boss strike you? He seemd quite a nice guy to me.3.他总是向别人借钱而忘记还给人家。He's always borrowing money and forgetting to pay back.4.看他花钱的样子,你还会以为他是个百万富翁呢。To see the way he spends money, you'd think that he was a millionaire.5.当地政府据顶修复在去年地震中遭到严重破坏的佛教寺庙。The local government has decided to restore the Buddhist temple badly damaged in an earthquake last year.TextWhen we were broke, down and out, do you think he ever brought anything home? Not he. If there wasnt anything to eat in the house, hed go off visiting aroud at farmhouses. They all wanted him. Sometimes hed stay away for weeks, mother working to keep us fed, and then home hed come bringing, lets say, a hm. Hed got it from some farmer friend. Hed slap it on the table in the kitchen. “you bet Im going to see that my kids have something to eat,” hed say, and mother would just stand somiling at him. Shed never sa a word about all the weeks hed been away, not leaving us a cent for food. Once I heard her speaking to a woman in our street. Maybe the woman had dared to sympathize with her. “oh,” she said, “it's all right. Life is never dull when my man is about.”Lesson ThreeParaphrase1. Newlyweds he figured, were the best prospects, .He thought that the newly married couples were the most probably customers who ere the most likely to by the subscriptions.2. Dell placed local advertisements offering his customized computers at 15 percent off retail price.Dell put up ads on local newspaper to sell his custom-made computers at the price which is lower than the retail price by 15%.3. It was time to come to grips with the magnitude of what he had created.It was time for Dell to deal with the problem brought by a great size of his business which was growing rapidly.Translate1.戴尔和他的两个哥哥从小就被父母灌输了要勤奋学习、努力工作的思想。Dell and his two brothers were imbued by their parents with the desire to learn and the drive to work hard.2.他对十五很挑剔。要取悦他很不容易。He is very particular about food. It's hard to please him.3.你觉得买一本那样的电子词典值得吗?Do you think it worthwhile to buy one of those electronic dictionaries?4.戴尔最重要的营销策略之一就是直销。他知道 IBM 要求它的经销商每月要完成一定的销售额度,而在大多数情况下,他们是完不成任务的。他还知道持有过多的库存耗费很高。于是他以成本价买来了经销商多余的存货。One of the most important marketing strategies is to sell from the manufacturer directly to the end user. Dell knew that IBM required its dealers to take a monthly quota of PCs, in most cases more than they could sell. He also knew that holding excess inventory was costly. So he bought dealers' surplus stock at cost.5.这个发生在光天化日下的凶杀案的消息传播的很快,但是凶手一点也不害怕。他以为自己是警察局长的儿子就可以逃脱法律的惩罚。The news of this killing in broad daylight got round very quickly. But the murderer was not at all afraid. He thought that because he was the son of the police chief, he could get away with it.6.令麦克尔·戴尔担忧的是我们的国家正在逐渐丧失它的竞争优势。 “现在人们过多的保佑享受是正当权利的态度, ”他说, “这是我应得的 需要被这是我赢得的所取代。 ”What concerns Michael Dell is that our country is losing its competitive edge, "There's too much of an entitlement attitude nowadays,"he says."'I deserve this' needs to be replaced with 'I earned this.'"7.如果你对这个价格不满意,那你开个价。Make an offer if you are not happy with the price.8.对于事件的起因大家意见不同。Opinions differ concerning the cause of the event.9.当地政府正在努力引入外衣来开发当地的土地资源The local government is trying to invite foreign capital to develop their land resources10.年轻人总是充满活力。Young people are usually full of drive.TextHe credits his own success to the fact that Alexander and Lorranie Dell expected their three sons to learn and work hard - and draws a lesson from this. "The reason our schools are failing isn't because classroom sizes are too big. I can show you schools in Thailand where kids study in unbelievably crowded classrooms - and yet they're learning much more than our students. Why? Because they want to learn. Because they want to work hard. Because their parents and their teachers expect that of them."Lesson SevenParaphrase1. He was by nature a sociable, chatty man an he had reckoned that his action would infallibly produce conversation.He was born to be such a kind of person who enjoyed getting along with others and making friends, and was talkative. And he had considered that his action would definitely


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