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birthday party(1)

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birthday party(1)

What is a birthday party speech?Birthdays are happy occasions for all the people. Apart from your usual chain of gifts and celebrations you can also include birthday speeches Birthday Speeches which are a window of expression, a medium and which allows you to express your love, gratitude and respect to your beloved ones. Birthday speeches can be delivered by any of the guests and family members. Birthday speeches are like cream toppings to the cakes! They are wonderful way to express your feelings, wishes and blessings. It's better to prepare a rough draft of the birthday speech beforehand. The speech is about 5 minutes in length which is the perfect length for a birthday speech. Anything over five minutes will most likely bore your listeners. One should also take notice that the speech is lighthearted yet the speaker is not trying to be a stand up comedian. Often inexperienced speakers will try too hard to be funny. The result is offensive or inappropriate remarks. Ten Top Tips on What to Say or Do in Birthday Speeches1. Always welcome the guests in your speech if it is your own birthday. Say how happy you are to be there, if you are a guest at the birthday party. If you are a family member say how great it is to see everyone gathered together for such a special occasion.2. Thank whoever is responsible for organizing the birthday party saying how much you are enjoying the lovely food and the marvellous atmosphere.3. Talk about what a birthday means. Depending on which one it is, you could find a poem or a quotation that sums up how you feel. If it is a special one such as a 21st there is even more reason to celebrate so start searching for that appropriate phrase that will stand out in the birthday speech.4. Speak of the celebrant's attributes. Say he/she has always been a great friend, a marvellous listener or the soul of hospitality. Say what he or she means to you as a family member, friend or neighbor.5. Add a bit of humor to the birthday speech. E.G. If everyone knows the birthday boy or girl cannot sing in tune announce that as a special treat you have organized a recording session for him/her.6. Speak about his/her foibles like needing Times Square to park the car or his/her inability to get anywhere on time.7. Be diplomatic in what you say. There are things people won't want mentioned in a birthday speech. Mention of alcohol or drug habits are not a good idea. It is probably safer too to avoid mention of politics, as there will undoubtedly be different loyalties amongst the guests.8. Talk of his/her skills or talents. It's nice to praise the celebrant for what he/she does with those talents. So if you love dancing with him/her, say so. If you enjoy playing golf because he or she is so entertaining, say that too. If he/she does wonderful work for the underprivileged, it's good to say nice things.9. Mention what the birthday boy or girl means in your life. If he is a husband or she is a friend, say how they have enriched your life in so many different ways. Then add how much the guests think of him/her.10. Your birthday speech should always end on a positive note. Be positive in your speech. Talk about the future and all the good things you wish for the celebrant in the days ahead. Above all your birthday speech should leave him/her with happy memories.The guidelines of Birthday SpeechesPlanning a birthday party for your best friend? I'm sure you have everything set. The DJ is booked, the fanciest cake has been ordered, the entertainment for the evening is waiting outside the door and the camera man is cleaning his lens. However, there is something that has skipped your mind. don't worry! Let us tell you how, you can spontaneously add some more cheer to the party you are planning. Putting together, a birthday speech is simple.all you have to pay attention to is a few guidelines:Past, Present and FutureThis is where your task is cut out. You've known the person you are writing the speech for, forever, and therefore you have a plethora of references. Compile a list that consolidates his past achievements, failures, and showcase them in a humorous light. Lift embarrassing moments from school or college, talk about how he was always late or never returned a call. How he kept up with embarrassing trends that never really looked good on him. Twist reality a little bit, talk about his present employment, shampoo, perfume, the last movie you saw together and how he couldn't stop crying. Make big plans for his future, glorify him to the point of no return, It's his birthday, put him in the spotlight!Guests at the party You are playing host, it's your responsibility to ensure that everyone present at the party has a nice time, is made to feel special. So prior to the party, get your hands on a guest list, cook up a speech that involves everyone. If you have time on your hands you could do it a couple of days in advance via phone or e-mail, take suggestions from guests, a


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