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tpo28 听力解析

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tpo28 听力解析

TPO28 听力解析Section 1Conversation 11. What is the conversation mainly about?A. Criticisms of Deweys political philosophyB. Methods for leading a discussion groupC. Recent changes made to a reference documentD. Problems with the organization of a paper答案:D解析:(0.26-0.48)Professor:So lets get started. Your paper on John Deweys political philosophy has a few issues I like to cover. You get great biographical sketches in the beginning. OK, but then you get to his political philosophy. I dont think you have done enough to situate his philosophy within the time period. In other words, you havent connected his philosophy to the thinking of other intellectuals of the time.教授说学生的 paper 并没有很好的将 J.D 的政治哲学与同时代其他知识分子的哲学所联系起来,也就是 paper 的 organization 有问题2.Why is the student late for his meeting?A.Seeing the doctor longer than expectedB.No nearby parking spaces where availableC.His soccer practice lasted longer than usualD. He had problems printing his paper答案:A解析:(0.12-0.22)Student: Im so sorry Im late Professor Mills. I have just been to students medical center. I pushed my ankle playing soccer this morning. It takes longer than I expected to see the doctor.同义转换3. What revision does the student need to make to his paper? (click on 3 answers)A.Describe the influences on Dewey in more detailB.Expand the introductory biographical sketchC.Remove unnecessary content throughout the paperD. Use consistent references throughout the paperE. Add an explanation of Deweys view on individuality答案:A,C, D解析:(0.48-0.56)Student: So I havent catch the most critical influences, the influences that were most significant to his political thinking?Professor: Exactly.(1.30-1.50)Professor: Yes, revised.Let me ask, when you finished writing, did you go back and ask yourself if all the material was relevant?Student: Well. no.Professor: I do think there are areas that can be cut. I guess what I am saying is your paragraphs are really presenting in logical order. The direction of your argument is not crystal-clear, and there is some unnecessary material getting in the way.(2.13-2.30)Professor: It looks like you get have mixed up with another reference system.Student: Oh, yeah. I used something different in high school. Its so confusing when switching to a new system.I know. But remember, everything needs to be consistent when comes to referencing. Its a very important academic convention.教授认为学生的 paper 没有描述对 Dewey 政治思考最重要的影响,应该添加,对应 A 选项。教授认为 paper 的 reference 不够 consistent,来自于不同的 systems,对应 D 选项paper 中有不必要的材料,应该被 cut,对应 C 选项4. Why does the professor mention the political science club?A.To encourage the student to run for club presidentB.To point out that John Dewey was a member of a similar clubC.To suggest an activity that might interest the studentD. To indicate where the student can get help with his paper答案:C解析:(2.32-2.47) Professor: Oh, also, I want to ask you, will you be in the political science club meeting Saturday?Student: Definitely, the topic is John Dewey.Professor: Yes. Are you interested in meeting part of the discussion? Tom is looking someone to help out. I think you have a lot to contribute.Student: That will be fun. I ll give them a call.教授问对讨论会感兴趣吗,对应 C 选项5.Why does the professor say this? A. To find out how many drafts the student wroteB. To encourage the student to review his own workC. To emphasize the need for the student to follow the guidelinesD. To propose a different solution to the problem答案:B解析:重听部分:Let me ask, when you finished writing, did you go back and ask yourself if all the material was relevant?教授问学生在完成写作后有没有回去重新看看材料是否都有关联,即 review his own workLecture 16. What is the lecture mainly about?A. The importance of Lockes views to modern philosophical thoughtB. How Descartes view of knowledge influenced trends in Western philosophyC. How two philosophers viewed foundational knowledge claimsD. The difference between foundationalism and methodological doubt答案:C解析:lecture 一直在讲 foundationalism,Locke 和 Descartes,对应的也就是 two philosophers 和 foundation knowledge claims7.Why does the professor mention a house?A. To explain an idea about the organization of human knowledgeB. To Illustrate the unreliability of our perception of physical objectsC. To clarify the difference between two points of view about the basis of human knowledgeD. To remind students of a point he made about Descartes in a previous lecture答案:A解析:(0.44-1.08) Take knowledge as a house, you need a solid foundation on which you build your house. And if you have a strong foundation, your house is more likely to be solid. Well, foundationalists think the same thing is true of knowledge. If you have a solid base for your knowledge claims, then your knowledge structure is more likely to be strong. Well, true.professor 说 foundationalists 认为如果有 solid base for knowledge,那么 structure(对应选项中的 organization of human knowledge)也会更 strong,与修建房子同理,对应 A 选项8.What did Locke believe to be the most basic type of human knowledge?A. Knowledge of ones own exist


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