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2012届高考英语第一轮复习review of module4 book 4学案

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2012届高考英语第一轮复习review of module4 book 4学案

2012 届高考英语第一轮复习 Review of Module4 Book 4 学案总时数-科目英语使用时间 20122主备人王嘎使用人题名称 Revie f dule4 B 4Learning ais1t erize the iprtant rds and phrases2t revise the texts3t pratie reading exerises Ditatin lze test1 Read the passage abut Stephen Haing and fill in the flling blans Stephen Haing is ne f the st faus sientists in the rld partl beause f his sientifi disveries and partl beause f his phsial disabilit _ in 1942 in xfrd and _ fr xfrd Universit, he as diagnsed ith tr neurne disease Vitis f this disease annt ve and annt spea _ their brains a r _ In Stephen Haings ase it as disvered _ he as a brilliant sientist _ in a heelhair and speaing thrugh a speial puter, he has bee the vie f siene He has spent his areer at abridge Universit, _ he beae Prfessr f Phsis in 1977 His r as in the area f slg and he _ abut bla hles in spae His b A Brrief Histr f Tie _ (publish) in 1988 and is till a best-seller 2 Read passage “The Student h As Questins”and then fill in the blans uan Lngping, a hinese sientist, is a leading figure in the rie-gring rld He as brn and brught up in hina As a b he _ in an shls and _ the ninae, “the student h as questins” Fr an earl age he as interested in plants and began experients in rp bleeding hen he as a ung teaher He thught that the e t _ peple as t have re rie and t prdue it _ quil And there as nl ne a t d this b _ different speies f rive plant, and then he uld prdue a ne plant _ uld give a higher ield than either f the riginal plants He red hard fr ears Finall, in 1970 a naturall sterile ale rie plant _ This as the breathrugh Researhers ere brught in fr all ver the hina and the researh _ b the gvernent As a result f his disveries hinese rie prdutin rse _ 47 perent in the 1990s uan Lngpings rie _ t ther untries, suh as Paistan and the Philippines ReadingAs sn as he finished his herEri uped nt his bile and rde ff in the diretin f the beah hile he as _36_ alngHe thught abut the hales He hped he uld see the again tdaAfter he gt t the beahEri _37_ his bile behind a bush s that n ne uld see it fr the radThen he ran dn nt the sand _38_ it as nl fur in the afternn,the s as alread gring dar Eri frned If it _39_ he uldnt be able t see the hales beause the uld sta in deeper aterHe hurried alng the beah _40_ the rsThe ere the best plae t ath the hales fr beause f their 41Befre Eri reahed the rs he felt a drp f ater n his head “h n!” he thught “N the hales ill sta in the deep ater and I nt be able t _42_ the!” But ust then he sa a large shape n the beah It as a ung hale! The hale had e t lse t the shre and gt stu n the _43_ ! At first the hale didnt ve at all and Eri thught it as_44_ Then he sa its tail ve ealEri turned and ran thrugh the rain as fast as he uld ba t his bileHe had t get _4_! Unless the gt the hale ba in the ater sn,it uld die and Eri uldnt let that happen36Ariding Brunning getting D aling37Asent B hid l Dgt38AAs B Sine Beause DAlthugh39Ashne Bsned rained D ble40Aint Bff t Dfr41Alength B size height D shape42Aath Bill ath Dsave43 Asil B beah grass D ater44 Adead Bprett lvel D alive4Aare B ater ediine D helpfavurite great b is The Adventure f T Saer b ar TainT lives ith his aunt Pll in a quiet street f St Petersburg, issuriHes a livel and lever ung b,and he finds hiself in an exiting adventuresHe runs aa ith his t friends,Hu Finn and e,t an island in the iddle f the ississippi River fr several dasith Hu he ges ling fr treasure, ith Be he gets lst in a aveand finall,the find a bx f gldfavurite sene in the b is hen everne thins T is deadHe deides t g t his n funeralHe hides and athes fr a tie and then suddenl he appears Everne is surprised t see hi but there als pleased t see hi aliveT is the her f the str,but there are ther iprtant haratersHu is an utsider and everne is afraid f hiBe is prett ith fair hair,e is Ts best friendand Inun e is the bad an f the strThe thee f the str is abut hildren gring up It desribes h strangers are seen in sall tns f Aeria Finall, it tals abut freed,sial rules and h peple are punished fr bad behaviur h d I thin The Adventure f T Saer is a great b? ar Tain rte the str in 1876,but its still read and lved b peple all ver the rld tda And althugh its nl a str Tain rte it in the everda English f the suthern states f Aeria in the 19th entur,s it sunds ver real Tda its thught t be ne f the greatest bs in Aerian literature G n- read it! I n ull en it,t1here des T run aa ith his t friends?AT a quiet street B T a sall tn T an island DT a frest2h is the bad an in the str?AHu Finn B Inun e BeDPll3H did peple feel hen T appeared at his n funeral ?AThe ere surprised and pleasedBThe ere surprised and sadThe ere rr


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