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英美文学选读-阶段测评 4成绩: 30 分一、Multiple Choice 共 40 题题号: 1 本题分数:2.5 分( )is generally regarded as the forerunner of the 20thcentury “streamofconsciousness” novels and the founder of psychological realism.A、Theodore Dreiser B、William Faulkner C、Henry James D、Mark Twain (P498.para.2)亨利 .詹姆斯是美国现实主义文学大师,他的作品往往涉及美国之外的主题,其作品的风格是“心理活动” 。被誉为 20 世纪美国意识流文学的先驱。标准答案:C考生答案:D本题得分:0 分题号: 2 本题分数:2.5 分Closely related to Dickinsons religious poetry are her poems concerning( ),ranging over the physical as well as the psychological and emotional aspects of death.A、love and nature B、death and universeC、death and immortality D、family and happiness(P518para2)迪金森的诗歌涉及宗教和爱情两方面,而其涉及宗教的诗歌往往是以死亡和永恒为主题的,所以答案是 C。标准答案:C考生答案:A本题得分:0 分题号: 3 本题分数:2.5 分H.L.Mencken considered( )“the true father of our national literature”.A、Bret Harte B、Mark TwainC、Washington Irving D、Walt Whitman (P477.para1)马克.吐温是美国文学巨匠,他以两部“ 历险记”创造可美国文学史上的一个奇迹,那就是开创了美国文学的一个新时代,所以将他誉为“真正的美国文学之父” 。标准答案:B考生答案:B本题得分:2.5 分题号: 4 本题分数:2.5 分Among the following writers( )is generally regarded as the forerunner of the 20th -century “stream - of - consciousness” novels and the founder of psychological realism.A、T.S.Eliot B、James JoyceC、William Faulkner D、Henry James(P498.para2)詹姆斯现实主义文风的特点是注重心理分析和心理描写,所以,他被誉为是 20 世纪意识流派的先驱,也是心理现实主义的奠基人。标准答案:D考生答案:B本题得分:0 分题号: 5 本题分数:2.5 分The childhood of Tom Sawyer and Huck Finn in the Mississippi is a record of a vanished way of life in the( )Mississippi valley.A、pre - War of Independence B、post - War of IndependenceC、pre - Civil War D、post - Civil War(P479.para2)马克吐温是以为地方主义作家,他的作品主题是密西西比河流域和美国的西部。而汤姆索亚和亨克贝利的故事发生在美国内战前的密西西比河流域。标准答案:C考生答案:A本题得分:0 分题号: 6 本题分数:2.5 分The Portrait of A Lady is generally considered to be( )masterpiece,which describes the life journey of an American( )in a European cultural environment.A、Henry Adamswidow B、William JamesgirlC、Henry Jamesgirl D、Theodore Dreiserswidow (P496.para.1)詹姆斯的作品大多涉及 international theme,一般是美欧文化的冲突,其中贵妇画像,就是其中之一,讲的是一个美国姑娘在欧洲的遭遇。标准答案:C考生答案:B本题得分:0 分题号: 7 本题分数:2.5 分Which of the following statements is NOT true of Emily Dickinson and her poetry? A、She remained unmarried all her life B、She wrote,1,775 poems,and most of them were published during her life time.C、Her poems have no titles,hence are always quoted by their first lines.D、Her limited private world has never confined the limitless power of her creativity and imagination.(P518-519)艾米莉.迪金森属于美国现实主义流派的诗人,她虽然身居深闺,但一生创作了数千首诗歌,主要涉及两大主题死亡和爱情。在她抑郁而死后,她的作品才公之于世标准答案:B考生答案:C本题得分:0 分题号: 8 本题分数:2.5 分Henry James fame generally rests upon his novels and stories with the( )theme.A、international B、localC、colonial D、post-modern美国现实主义小说家主要有三位,马克吐温,亨利詹姆斯和豪威尔斯。其中,詹姆斯的作品是国际主题,通常情节是一个纯真的美国姑娘或是小伙在欧洲的不幸遭遇。标准答案:A考生答案:C本题得分:0 分题号: 9 本题分数:2.5 分After the American Civil War,the literary interest in the so-called “reality” of life started a new period in the American literary writings know an the Age of( ).A、Realism B、Reason and Revolution C、Romanticism D、Modernism (P473.para.1)这是一个文学常识题,美国文学的发展是迎头赶上的,殖民时期的文学还没有登上世界文学的舞台,从独立战争前后,美国文学发展进入浪漫主义时期,接着是内战之后进入现实主义时期。标准答案:A考生答案:D本题得分:0 分题号: 10 本题分数:2.5 分Mark Twain employed an unpretentious style of( )in his novels which is best described as “vernacular”.A、standard English B、Afro-American English C、colloquialism D、urbanism (P481.para.2)马克 .吐温的写作特点素有 “地方色彩主义”的美称,也就是语言口语化,取材地方化。标准答案:C考生答案:B本题得分:0 分题号: 11 本题分数:2.5 分The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and,especially,its sequence( )proved themselves to be the milestone in the American literature.A、The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn B、Life on the MississippiC、The Gilded Age D、Roughing It (P479.para.2)马克 .吐温的小说 汤姆.索亚历险记和亨克.贝利 .芬历险记开创了美国文学的新纪元,正如海明威所言:“这两部小说标志着美国现代文学的到来 ”标准答案:A考生答案:B本题得分:0 分题号: 12 本题分数:2.5 分Mark Twains particular concern about the local character of a region came about as “local colorism,” a unique variation of American literary( ).A、romanticism B、nationalismC、modernism D、realism(P474.para3)马克吐温作品的选材多是美国西部和密西西比河流域的事情,所以被誉为美国地方色彩主义作家,也是美国现实主义作家的代表人物。标准答案:D考生答案:C本题得分:0 分题号: 13 本题分数:2.5 分Hemingways “Indian Camp ” is one of the fourteen short stories collected under the title of( ).This title is very ironic because there is no peace at all in the stories.A、Three Stories and Ten Poems B、Across the River and into the Trees C、The Green Hills of Africa D、In Our Time(P604.selected reading)海明威的 印第安人营地中的十四个小故事的题目是 In Our Time 是一个及其有讽刺意义的选择,它暗示的是:Give us peace in our time,O Lord.标准答案:D考生答案:D本题得分:2.5 分题号: 14 本题分数:2.5 分At the age of eighty -seven,( )read his poetry at the inauguration of President John F.Kennedy in 1961.A、Robert Frost B、Walt WhitmanC、Ezra Pound D、T.S.Eliot(P560.para1)佛罗斯特在美国声望极高,曾四次获得普利斯奖项,美国国会参议院专门为他的生日设立纪念庆典日,那么他的肯尼迪总统的就职典礼上朗诵自己的诗也就是顺理成章的了。标准答案:A考生答案:B本题得分:0 分题号: 15 本题分数:2.5 分Unlike his contemporaries in the early 20th century,( )did not break up with the poetic tradition nor made any experiment on form.A、Walt Whitman B、Robert FrostC、Ezra Pound D、T.S.Eliot(P562.para2)很难说佛罗斯特是属于新派诗人还是旧派诗人,因为他从来就没有脱离过旧派诗人的文风,也没有尝试着做任何的革新,


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