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实用英语口语:easuring 度量

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实用英语口语:easuring 度量

实用英语口语:easuring 度量谈论度量十大经典句型How tall is this building?这栋大楼有多高?How heavy is this water melon?这个西瓜有多重?How much is your new car?你的新车多少钱买的?How big is your room?你的房间有多大? How long is this river?这条河有多长?How long is this rope?这条绳子有多长?How wide is this table cloth?这块桌布有多宽?How deep is this lake?这个湖有多深?How fast can he run?他跑的有多快?How far is it from your home to Kunming?从你们家到昆明有多远?情景对话How tall is this building?Its about one hundred meters tallHow heavy is this water melon?Its about three kilogramsHow much is your new car?Its thirty thousand yuanHow big is your room?Its fifteen square metersHow long it this river?Its about one thousand kilometers longHow long it this rope?Its about ten meters longHow wide is this table cloth?Its about two meters wideHow deep is this lake?Its about two meters deepHow fast can he run?He can run ten kilometers via one hourHow far is it from your home to Kunming?It is about one hundred kilometers语法精练习How tall is this building?这栋大楼有多高?How tall is this tree?这棵树有多高?How tall is this pinetree?这棵松树有多高?How heavy is this water melon?这个西瓜有多重?How heavy is this pineapple?这个菠萝有多重?How heavy is this pomelo?这个柚子有多重?How much is your new car?你的新车多少钱买的?How much is your new shirt?你的新衬衫多少钱买的?How much is your new tie?你的新领带多少钱买的?How big is your room?你的房间有多大?How big is your office?你的办公室有多大?How big is your living room?你的客厅有多大?How long is this river?这条河有多长?How long is this road?这条路有多长?How long is this rope?这条绳子有多长?How wide is this table cloth?这块桌布有多宽?How wide is this river?这条河有多宽?How wide is this swimming pool?这个游泳池有多宽?How deep is this lake?这个湖有多深?How deep is this river?这条河有多深?How deep is this pool?这个水池有多深?How fast can he run?他跑的有多快?How fast can she run?她跑的有多快?How fast can you run?你跑的有多快?How far is it from your home to Kunming?从你们家到昆明有多远?How far is it from your home to your school?从你们家到学校有多远?How far is it from your home to your office?从你们家到办事处有多远?度量提高篇Sentences about measuring are very important in every day communication. The English structure are really be different from the Chinese words. Reading sentences carefully and getting the general ideas about them. The more you reading,the more you can speak them fluently谈论度量十大经典句型Whats height of the building?这座楼有多高?How much is the water melon weight?这个西瓜有多重?Whats the price of your new car?你的新车是多少钱买的?Whats the size of your room?你的房间有多大?Whats the length of this river?这条河有多长?Whats length of this rope?这条绳子有多长?Whats the width of this bridge?这座桥有多宽?How thick is the ice here?这儿的冰有多厚?Whats his running speed?他的跑步速度是多少?Whats the distance between the Kunming and your hometown?你们家到昆明之间的距离有多远?情景对话Whats the height of this building?Its twenty-three stories highHow much does this water melon weight?It weights about five kilogramsWhats the price of your new car?Its fifteen thousand yuanWhats the size of your room?Its about twenty square meters large.Whats the length of this river?This river is one third as long as that oneWhats the length of this rope?I guess its about fifty meters longHow wide is this bridge?Its about twenty meters wideHow thick is the ice here?Its about fifteen centimeter thickWhats his running spead?He can run as fast as JimWhats the distance between the Kunming and your hometown?Its about one hundred fifty kilometers from my home to Kunming语法精练Whats height of this building?这座楼有多高?Whats the height of the tree?这棵树有多高?Whats height of this mountain?这座山有多高?How much does this water melon weight?这个西瓜有多重?How much does this pomelo weight?这个柚子有多重?How much does this pineapple weight?这个菠萝有多重?Whats the price of your new car?你的新车是多少钱买的?Whats the price of your new shirt?你的新衬衫是多少钱买的?Whats the price of your new tie?你的新领带是多少钱买的?Whats the size of your room?你的房间有多大?Whats the size of your office?你的办公室有多大?Whats the size of your living room?你的客厅有多大?Whats the length of this river?这条河有多长?Whats the length of this road?这条路有多长?Whats the length of this rope?这条绳子有多长?Whats the width of this bridge?这座桥有多宽?Whats the width of this river?这条河有多宽?Whats the width of this swimming pool?这个游泳池有多宽?How thick is the ice here?这儿的冰有多厚?How thick is the carpet?这个地毯有多厚?How thick is the glass?这个玻璃有多厚?Whats his running speed?他的跑步速度是多少?Whats his walking speed?他的行走速度是多少?Whats his sailing speed?他的航行速度是多


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