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中考语法专题训练第一部分:语法专题名词专项复习练习一、用所给单词的适当形式填空。I. The clothes must be the _(visit). 2.The police(be) catching thieves now. 3.This pair of shoes _(not do) suit me. 4.Tom is one of the most diligent _(boy) in the class. 5.Mr.B rown is wearing a pair of _(glass). 6.Please give them their _(photo). 7.There are twelve _(month) in a year. 8.The foreign teacher gave us some _(advice) on how to learn English. 9. All the soldiers want to be. (hero) JO.The girl under the tree is a friend of _.(Lucy) 11.How much are these _?(vegetable) 12.There are _(hundred) of workers in a facto1-y. 13. She fell off the bike, and hurt both of her _(foot). 14.The _(man) in the room come from Tianjin. th 15.March 8is_ Day.(woman) 单项选择。()1.-Where did you go on _Day? -Nowhere, I just studied at home. A. Child B. Children C. Childrens D.Childrens ()2.lts said that more than 100_ will attend this meeting in Shanghai. A. man teachers B. woman teachers C. men teachers D. womans teachers )3.The are eating _ at the foot of the mountain. A. sheep, grass B. sheep, grassed C. sheeps, grasses D. sheeps, grass ()4.My teachers gave me , when I was a student in this school. A. a lot of good advices B. a lot of good advice C. a good lot of advices D. a good lot of advice ()5. You should go out for some _, instead of staying inside the room doing your _ all the time. A . exercise, exercises B. exercises, exercises C. exercise, exercise D. exercises, exercise ()6.Not only the seven students in the class but the teacher of them _ very happy to hear about her win in the competition. A. is B. are C. was D. were ()7.Tom together with his parents often _ shopping in the nearby supermarket. A. go B. goes C. going D. gone ()8. There _ only one boy and forty-one guls in theu class. A. is B. are C. has D. have ()9.His family _ in yesterdays flood. A. is damaged B. are damaged C. was damaged D. were damaged ( )10. When I went to see Jane yesterday, her family _ playing the musical instruments(乐器)attheir living room. A. A. is B. rue C. was D. were ()11._ is so high that Im afraid I cant afford it. A. This computer B. This computers price C. The price of this computer D. The price of this computers () 12.Generally spe如ng,_ like dancing a bit more. A. girl students B. girls students )13. is very small and white. A. The hat of your brother C. your brothers hat ()14.Heis _. A. one student of my father C. my fathers students )JS.This is_. A. Mikes and Jim bike C. Mike and Jim bike A. A friend of her ( C. girls students B. the hat of your brothers D. your brother hat 8. one student of my fathers D. one of my fathers student B. Mikes and Jims bike D. Mike and Jims bike ()16. _ has travelled to Beijing . B. A friend of hers C. Hers one friend () 17.The girl tal灼ngto Mary is a friend of_. A. Marys sister B. Marys sisters )18._ are _ for cutting things. A. Knife, used B. Knives, used C. Knife, using )19. What lovely weather it is! A. I B. the C. an D. a C. Mary sisters D. girlsstudents D. A her friend D. sister of Mat-ys D. Knives, using ()20. I would like to have _. A. two glasses of milk B. two glass of milk C. two glasses of mjlks D. two glass of milks 代词专项复习练习一、用所给单词的适当形式填空。I. You can do it all by _.(you) 2. Miss. Li teaches _(they)Chinese and they like her very much. 3. Its time for _(we) to have supper. 4. Meimei learnt to speak English by _(she). 5. Th at cat is too young to look after _(it). 6. I met an old friend of _(I) in the Su1runer Palace last Sunday. 8. The teacher wants you to return that book of _(he). 9. Mr. and Mrs. Green and a friend of _(they) are coming to see us. 10. We are going to Pairs to stay with a French friend of _.(we) 11. Do you have _ T-shirts? Would you like _ tea? (any/ some) 12. We were all very tired, but _ of us would like to have a rest.(用合适的代词)13. The boy _ is helping the old man is Johns brother(用适当的关系代词)14._ of the twms are in our class.(用合适的代词)15. Sam is my brother. Do you like to play with _(he)? 16. Did you enjoy _(you), Mary and Kate? 17. The old man has two sons. One is a worker, and _ is a teacher. 18. We couldnt buy anything because _ of the shops opened at that tune.(用合适的代词)19. _ is the population of the world today?(用合适的疑问代词)20. Why is _ easy for such a young girl to learn three foreign languages so well?(合适的代词)单项选择。() l. We found _ very difficult to learn Japanese. A. this B. that C. it D. its )2. Her parents went there with a friend of_. A. they B. themselves C. them D. theirs ()3. I asked him for some oil, but he hadnt _. A. some B. any C. anything D. no ()4._ of the four roads will take you to the hospital. A. Neither B. Either C. Both D. Any ()5.1 have five color pencils, one is red, another is blue and _ three are green. A. the other B. other C. the others D. others ()6 ofus would agree with you. A. Someone B. No one C. None D. Nobody ()7. Did you break _ windows? A. both of B. both the C. either of D. the both )8._ of you would like to go with me? A. Which B. What C. Any D.Who ()9 has passed the examination. A. Every of us


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