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2012年现代劳恩斯GENESIS(BH)G5.0 GDI维修手册(二)

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2012年现代劳恩斯GENESIS(BH)G5.0 GDI维修手册(二)

9. Remove the cylinder block rear cover (A) and the gasket (B). 10.Attech the engine to engine stand for disassembly. 11.Remove the cylinder block bank cover (A) and the gasket (B). 12.Remove the 4 separators (A). 13.Check the connecting rod end play. 14.Check the connecting rod cap oil clearance. 15.Remove the piston and connecting rod assemblies. (1)Using a ridge reamer, remove all the carbon from the top of the cylinder. (2)Remove the connecting rod cap (A). (3)Push the piston, connecting rod assembly and upper bearing through the top of the cylinder block. Keep the bearings, connecting rod and cap together. Arrange the piston and connecting rod assemblies in the correct order. 16.Check the main bearing oil clearance. 17.Check the crankshaft end play. 18.Remove the lower crankcase assembly (A). 19.Lift the crankshaft (A) out of engine, being careful not to damage journals. Arrange the main bearings and center bearings in the correct order. 20.Remove the oil jets (A). 21.Check fit between piston and piston pin. Try to move the piston back and forth on the piston pin. If any movement is felt, replace piston and piston pin as a set. 22.Remove the piston rings. (1)Using a piston ring expander, remove the 2 compression rings. (2)Remove 2 side rails and the oil ring spacer by hand. Arrange the piston rings in the correct order only. 23.Disconnect connecting rod from piston. (1)Remove the snap rings from piston. (2)Remove the piston pin. (3)Remove the connecting rod and the piston. InspectionConnecting Rod And Crankshaft 1. Check the connecting rod side clearance. Using a feeler gauge, measure the side clearance between the connecting rod big-end. Standard side clearance : 0.1 0.3mm (0.0039 0.0118in) (1)If out-of-tolerance, install a new connecting rod. (2)If still out-of-tolerance, replace the crankshaft. 2. Check the connecting rod bearing oil clearance. (1)Check the match marks on the connecting rod and cap are aligned to ensure correct reassembly. (2)Remove 2 connecting rod cap bolts. (3)Remove the connecting rod cap and bearing half. (4)Clean the crank pin and bearing. (5)Place plastigage across the crank pin. (6)Reinstall the bearing half and cap, and torque the bolts. Tightening torque : 22.626.5Nm (2.32.7kgf.m, 16.619.5lb-ft) + 98102° Do not turn the crankshaft. (7)Remove 2 bolts, connecting rod cap and bearing half. (8)Measure the plastigage at its widest point. Standard oil clearance : 0.018 0.036mm (0.0007 0.0014in) (9)If the plastigage measures too wide or too narrow, remove the upper half of the bearing, install a new, complete bearing with the same color mark (select the color as shown in the next column), and recheck the clearance. Do not file, shim, or scrape the bearings or the caps to adjust clearance. (10)If the plastigage shows the clearance is still incorrect, try the next larger or smaller bearing (the color listed above or below that one), and check clearance again. Discrimination Of Connecting Rod Discrimination Of Crankshaft Pin Journal If the proper clearance cannot be obtained by using the appropriate larger or smaller bearings, replace the crankshaft and start over. If the marks are indecipherable because of an accumulation of dirt and dust, do not scrub them with a wire brush or scraper. Clean them only with solvent or detergent. Connecting Rod Mark LocationClass Mark Connecting Rod Big-end Inner Diameter a A 55.000 55.006mm (2.1654 2.1656in) b B 55.006 55.012mm (2.1656 2.1658in) c C 55.012 55.018mm (2.1658 2.1661in) Crankshaft Pin Mark LocationClass Mark Crankshaft Pin Journalouter Diameter I A 51.994 52.000mm (2.0470 2.0472in) II B 51.988 51.994mm (2.0468 2.0470in) Discrimination Of Connecting Rod Bearing III C 51.982 51.988mm (2.0465 2.0468in) Connecting Rod Bearing Mark LocationClass Color Connecting Rod Bearing Thickness A Blue 1.500 1.503mm (0.0591 0.0592in) B Black 1.497 1.500mm (0.0589 0.0591in) C None 1.494 1.497mm (0.0588 0.0589in) D Green 1.491 1.494mm (0.0587 0.0588in) E Yellow 1.488 1.491mm (0.0586 0.0587in) (11)Select the bearing by using selection table. Connecting Rod Bearing Selection Table Connecting Rod Bearing Connecting Rod Mark a(A) b(B) c(C) Crank shaft pin journal mark I(A) E(Yellow) D(Green) C(None) II(B) D(Green) C(None) B(Black) III(C) C(None) B(Black) A(Blue) 3. Check the connectig rods. (1)When reinstalling, make sure that cylinder numbers put on the connecting rod and cap at disassembly match. When a new connecting rod is installed, make sure that the projections (A) and the front mark (B) of the rod and the cap. (2)Replace the connecting rod if it is damaged on the thrust faces at either end. Also if step wear or a severely rough surface of the inside diameter of the small end is apparent, the rod must be replaced as well. (3)Using a connecting rod aligning tool, check the rod for bend and twist. If the measured value is close to the repair limit, co


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