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法律论文:证券投资基金管理人法律义务问题研究 提要证券投资基金作为一种大众化的投资理财工具,体现了基金资产所有权与经营权的分离。这种分离易产生基金管理人“内部人控制”风险,作为基金核心主体的基金管理人易于利用手中掌控的经营权损害基金和基金份额持有人的利益。基金治理结构失衡、基金运作管理缺乏有效监督和制约等因素加大了基金管理人的道德风险,于是下面这样一种制度设计便成为证券投资基金体制中的关键:在赋予证券投资基金管理人极大权力的同时,如何对这种权力进行有效约束?绝对的权力必然导致绝对的腐败,如果基金管理人的投资权力得不到有效的制约和监督,管理人便可能滥用其投资权力,甚至利用基金资产为其个人或有利害关系的第三人谋取私利,从而违反证券投资基金的本旨。在我国当前情况下对基金管理人的权力进行约束,确立基金管理人的义务显得尤为必要。在我国,现有基金法规不完善,基金管理行业道德水平和基金管理人投资水平低下,基金管理人利益冲突交易时有发生,对基金持有人的法律救济手段和证监会对基金管理人的监管都难有好的效果。因此,本文主张借鉴英美等基金业发达国家的做法,用英美等国证券投资基金管理人的法律义务信赖义务来规范我国基金管理人的行为。本文以四万字的篇幅,试图以宏观和微观相结合的角度,运用信托法、契约法、民法、公司法、证券法等多方面的法律知识对基金管理人信赖义务予以较为深入的阐述,并结合实际在我国确立基金管理人信赖义务的必要性和现实意义及如何对基金管理人的信赖义务进行多方位监控。全文共分五个部分:第一部分:证券投资基金概论。这部分首先介绍了英美德日等国对证券投资基金的不同定义,以此反映各国法律对证券投资基金功能和形式的不同规制和各国立法技术的差异,接着文章介绍了证券投资基金的两种基本分类,并阐述了各类证券投资基金的基本定义、当事人构成和彼此间的区别。证券投资基金的特征在这部分也有论述。总之,这部分内容对证券投资基金进行了初步的阐述,并为下文的展开垫定一个理论基础和视角前提。第二部分:证券投资基金管理人的法律义务信赖义务。信赖义务是一个源自英美衡平法的概念,它与大陆法中的诚信义务、善良管理人的注意义务、信托法中的信托义务皆有区别。证券投资基金中所有权与经营权分离、基金管理人易产生“内部人控制”风险、基金管理人职务目标与私人目标的脱节等构成了基金管理人信赖义务的制度性因素。英、美、日等国皆有信赖义务的立法实践。在我国基金法规不完善、基金行为道德水平低下、基金业存在种种不规范行为乃至基金黑幕的情况下,确立基金管理人的信赖义务显得尤为必要。第三部分:证券投资基金管理人的注意义务。注意义务是基金管理人信赖义务中的积极作为义务,它的法律渊源大致来源于契约法、侵权法和衡平法三方面。注意义务的标准应以客观标准为原则,以主观标准为补充,并应采用高于一般受托人的标准专家标准。注意义务的内容包括对投资对象的限制和对投资方式的限制。第四部分:证券投资基金管理人的忠实义务。基金管理人的忠实义务即基金管理人应防止自身与基金或基金持有人之间的利益冲突,其核心内容即利益冲突之禁止。利益冲突交易可划分为三种形式:本人交易、共同交易和代理交易,。本部分着重对这三种利益冲突交易的法律规制予以阐述,并分析了在我国明确基金管理人忠实义务的必要性。第五部分:对证券投资基金管理人信赖义务的监控。笔者主张:应通过对证券投资基金监管模式和证券投资基金立法模式的选择建立对基金管理人信赖义务的宏观监控;通过开放式基金和公司型基金建立对信赖义务的机制性监控;通过基金份额持有人和基金托管人的监督建立对信赖义务的当事人监控;通过完善基金治理结构和基金管理人治理结构建立对信赖义务的结构性监控。这样才能构建筑起对基金管理人信赖义务履行的宏微观相结合、内外部制衡兼具的全方位、多层次、多角度的监控体系,以切实维护基金投资者的利益。AbstractAs a popular investment tool,the securities investment fund embodies the separation of the ownership from the management of the fund assets. It means the danger of the insider control of the manager. manager is inclined to take advantage of the power of the management to infringe upon the interests of the fund and the fund unit holder. So it is important to create the institution to control the managers power efficiently whereas such power is so great. In our country,it is even more necessary to regulate the managers behavior since the imperfect fund legislation,the low investment level and the low moral level of the manager,the frequent occurance of the interests conflict contracts of the manager,etc. In this thesis it is adovocated to adopt the fiduciary duty to regulate our countrys fund managers legal duty. This thesis is about 40000 words. It can be pided into five chapters. Chapter I:the introduction to the securities investment fund. The definitions of different countries,the basic classification and the character of the securities investment fund are introduced in this part. The theory foundation and the visual angle are formed for the ensuing paragraphs. Chapter II:the securities investment fund managers legal dutyfiduciary duty fiduciary duty is a concept arise from the equity law. The following factors necessitate the fiduciary duty of the manager:the separation of the ownership from the management,the insider control of the manager,the porce between the private aim and the occupational aim of the manager,etc. The legislation of the fiduciary duty exist in the foreign country such as England,America and Japan. Its more necessary to establish the managers fiduciary duty in our country. Chapter III:the duty of care of the manager of the securities investment fund. The duty of the care originates from the contractual law,the tort law and the equity law. The standard of the duty of care must be objective and be supplemented by the subjective aspect. The contents of the duty of care comprise the limitation on the investment objects and the limitation on the investment way and method. Chapter IV:the securities investment fund managers duty of loyality. The manager should prevent the interest conflict between himself and the fund and the fund unit holder. Non-conflict is the core. The conflicts of interest transactions may be pided into three types:principal transaction,joint transaction and agency transaction. This part would emphasize the legal regulation of the three types of transactions. Chapter V:the supervision to the securities investment fund managers fiduciary duty. The macroscopic supervision should be founded through the choice of the fund supervison style and the fund legislation style. The mechanism supervison should be founded through the development of the open-end fund and the statutory type fund. By means of the control of the fund unit holders and the fund custodians the client supervision can be established. Also the structural supervision can be set up through the refinement of the fund administrative structure and the fund manager administrative structure. So the comprehensive,many-sided supervision system can be founded to safeguard the fund investorsinterests.目录第一章证券投资基金概论1一、证券投资基金的定义11.美国对证券投资基金的定义12.英国和我国香港对证券投资基金的定义23.日本、德


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