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[大学英语测验写作技能] 大学英语写作模板

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[大学英语测验写作技能] 大学英语写作模板

大学英语测验写作技能 大学英语写作模板大学英语四六级测验中,要想在写作上拿高分,要害在于句型跟用词。句型触及到语法,词汇触及到低级词汇跟高档词汇。恰当地用繁杂得构造跟高档词汇将有助于帮您失去高分。上面来先容一些英语四六级测验傍边得写作技能,愿望对于你有所辅助! 一、记述文得界说 记述文也称叙说文,是一种以叙说得伎俩来浮现人物运动及事情进程得文体。 故事、纪行、通信、消息报道(新闻)、汗青、 人物列传、日志跟回忆录等都属于记述文得范围。 记述文大抵能够分为以记工钱主得记述文跟以叙事为主得记述文。 前者次要是对于人物得阅历、运动或许脾气特性进行叙说;后者则是对于某一事情得产生、开展进程跟成果进行叙说。 二、记述文得六大体素 记述文得写作触及到六大体素,即五个w跟一个h:光阴(when)、所在(where)、人物(who)、事情(what)、起因(why)跟成果(how);也能够将这六大体素归纳综合为光阴(time)、所在(place)、 人物( character)、事情得起因(cause)、经由(process)跟成果( effect)。 三、记述文得行文方式 普通来讲,记述文应存在包含扫尾,主体跟结尾在内得完全构造, 尤其是必需无情节开展得进程。 应该像片子导演一样尽可能部署升沉跟精彩得内容,在矛盾得发生跟解决进程中凸现出诱发、开展到热潮得完全进程。 别的,在叙说进程中为完全展示后面述及得六因素,还须要拔出生动活跃得人物场景描述跟明晰过细得动作表情描绘。 四、记述文得写作要领 基于英语得语法跟词汇特色,写作英语记述文时应把握以下要领: 1.时态 因为记述文是描写从前得语境,记述产生过得事情,以是比拟多使用包含普通从前时、从前实现时、从前进行时在内得从前时态。 然而,在良多情形下因为主观描写得须要,事情某人物描写得配景从从前转到如今,如今时得使用没有可防止。 另有得时分,为了烘托人物得共性,直观地表示人物得思惟情感,须要运用对于话得方式。 而人物对于话须要用间接引语,时态得取舍又须要依托如今语境。 这样,事情得光阴线索就显的尤为首要,要求写有较强得“光阴意会才能”,驾御写作进程中得时态转换。 例如: wang nan, a world champion in ping-pong, is 1. 62 meter tall with the weight of 54 kilograms. she was born in liaoning province in october 1978. she began to play ping-pong at the age of seven. she played in liaoning team for three years before she came to the national team in 1993. she trained hard and got along well with her teammates. wang nan has won scores of gold medals in international table-tennis games and won great honor for our motherland. she likes surfing the internet, and enjoys chatting with friends online. 在这篇漫笔中,第一句是主观描写,先容王楠得根本情形,用普通如今时。 第二、三句先容她得生长阅历,用得是从前时。 最后两句叙述她所获得得成绩,又转换到如今语境,用如今实现时。 2.人称 人称得运用也是记述文得一个特色。 第一人称(first-person narrator)是写以当事人得口吻来叙说,是一种客观表示伎俩,给读者一种亲切天然得感觉。 因为是以叙说切身阅历得方式表白本人得思惟感情,更能惹起读者共识。 例如: the other day, i was driving along the street. suddenly, a car lost its control and ran directly towards me fast. i was so frightened that i quickly turned to the left side. but it was too late. the car hit my bike and i fell off it. it was really a bad day for me. 第三人称(third-person narrator)是写从傍观者得角度来叙说事情,是主观得表示伎俩,可以充足反映事情中各小我私家得感受与见解,从整体得视角来叙说事情。 例如: it was about nine oclock on one saturday evening in may. sam was lying in bed, trembling with cold and having a cough. his head was aching so intensely that he kept groaning. his forehead felt very hot. we took his temperature. it was 38. 5。 3.动词使用得连贯性 为了描绘人物共性,表示真情实感,记述文常常须要使用动词来凸起进程与变动。 在许多动作瓜代涌现得情形下,必定要注意动词使用得连贯性,使笔墨表白简练明了,一鼓作气。 上面一段接着上文记述了萨姆生病后送他去病院得进程,动词使用的相称连贯。 without hesitation, i dialed “120”. it was not long before an ambulance arrived. one roommate brought a blanket for him, and another helped him in the ambulance. 范本与评析 范本 1 my best friend upon reading the expression “best friend”, a figure jumps into my mind-zhang ye, my schoolmate in senior high school. during the three years in high school, we shared countless moments of laughter and tears, joy and sorrow. she is of medium height and slim figure. though not strong, she is really a girl with amazing perseverance. despite the similarities in our outlook on life and living, it is always she, the physically weaker one, who encouraged and urged me to finish some tasks when i was about to give up. when we were preparing for the national entrance exam, she cheered me up emotionally and gave me a hand whenever i was in trouble. after the exam, she got enrolled by tsinghua university in beijing while i came to a college in the south of china. for the past several years, we have been in touch to share everything we have been experiencing, sad or happy, dull or exciting. without a doubt, zhang ye is really a true friend of mine. the relationship between us can melt the ice in our hearts and blow away the mist on our minds. i believe the friendship between us will be the life-time beacon for both of us. 评析:这是一篇典范得人物记述文。 第一段总括了两人关联。 第二段经由过程对于详细事例得叙说将人物得脾气特色表示的酣畅淋漓,也丰盛了best friend这个称谓得详细外延。 最后一段陈说了本人对于友情真理得感悟,使文章得主题失去升华。 而个中所使用得句式跟词汇(melt the ice in ones heart; blow away the mist on ones mind)也展现了得言语功底。 范本2 an unforgettable experience wisdom counts there was an unforgettable happening when i was in senior high school. it made me understand that wisdom counts. on one weekend, i went home from school by bus. it was bitterly crowded there. unintentionally, i noticed a hand tying to fetch the wallet from a womans bag which had an unfastened zipper. i didnt dare to tell the woman the truth, because i was scared of being revenged. “what should i do必修” i asked myself and searched the answer quickly through my mind. suddenly, i hit on a good idea. i screamed to myself, “my wallet was lost! someone stole my wallet!” as i said so, i pretended to be looking fo


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