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BBS.TPOOO.COM托福写作句子修饰技巧 2句子美化A:状语前置在英文写作里,状语前置是一种相当常用的句式变换手法。状语前置就是把一个由副词、介词、现在分词或者动词不定式形成的小短语放在句首。这种句式最大的好处是让你的句子产生了一种长短结合的跳跃的节奏感。新托福作文状语前置用法全集 Historically, in America workers have been mercilessly exploited by big corporations. For example, garment industry workers, railway workers and fruit pickers were suffering many hardships and paid very little. Clearly, this is a positive alternative for 3motivated parents and their children. Undoubtedly, the most basic elements of writing are to be found in pictures.B 句中做手脚 同理,在新托福作文的句中也经常可以引入小短语,它会让句子显得更加灵活多变。Shopping, a necessary part of daily life, is increasingly time-consuming (消耗时间的 ) in North America.WeII all die in the end, and because of this, we should cherish every moment of life.In America, those who move long distances are generally the kind of people who play the major role in holding the community together, in large part because / partly 4because they are more confident and have better career opportunities.The internet is a simple collection of screens改成 The Internet is, simply, a collection of screens of information ( known as webpages ) that reside on thousands of computers around the world. A positive attitude, after all, is essential for a students academic performance. Upon reflection, I recognize, sadly, my experience of being a high-school student and those of the high-school students today are not as different as I hoped. Many scientists believe that human activity has very little, if any, impact on the recent warming trend on Earth. C 副词领路人 5有些表示幅度或者范围的副词,如果放在形容词的前面引导形容词,经常可以起到让它们后面的形容词更加明确的作用。例如: The ability to speak English is increasingly important in a global society.The medicine doesnt cure the illness. It merely ( just) stops the pain.The products success cant be solely(- only,但注意 solely 只能作副词)attributed to the advertising.类似的副词还有:approximately(大约) ,markedly (显著地) ,substantially (大幅度地,显著地,在比较正式的文章和演讲中异常常用) ,considerably (显著地,可观地) ,slightly 微小地,marginally c 略微地,和fractionally 本意是分数地,但一般就近似“微小程度地”意思。D 倒装是进步的阶梯 6倒装这种语法现象同学们都学过,但经常想不到去积极使用。在新托福作文里如果找准机会用一次,会让考官感到一股暖流涌上心头。 Not only should the parents spend more time with their children, they should also try to communicate with their children more often. Only in this way can the problem of child obesity be effectively controlled. Under no circumstances should teachers punish their students physically. Strange as it may seem, parents attention sometimes hinders (阻碍) students academic progress. 近义词: hinder / impede / obstruct Neither of these factors is the case any 7longer. Never have there been more appropriate vehicles for direct marketing than the Internet and E-mails.E 强调但不强势用 It is that.或者 It is whoParents and siblings have a far greater impact on the development of their personality traits.Though friends definitely play a significant role in shaping teenagers personality, it is the parents and siblings that have a far greater impact on the development of their personality traits.F 虚拟不等忽悠 8The recent crisis could not have occurred without the participation of the biggest players on Wall Street.Had I lived in a small town, my life would have been confined to (被限制 ) very few possibilities.G 抽象画法的 ofImportance / help / value / interest / significance / necessity / quality 等。 比如 : Fossil fuel is of great importance to the development of industry, transportation and tourism. Whether people in the developing world are suffering is of no interest to many wealthy citizens in industrial countries. 9H 被动也疯狂It can be argued thatIt has been noted thatIts observed that.Its believed thatIts commonly accepted thatIts generally recognized thatIt is reported that.(注意这里可以用现在时)Its estimated thatI 变性表决心请注意这里的变性是指“改变词性”的句式变换手法。写作中的变性主要有三种:改变前: People are concerned because the traditional values are gradually disappearing from the tribes.People are concerned about the gradual disappearance of the traditional tribal values. 10改变前: Some people dont fulfill their responsibilities as parents.改变后: Some people dont fulfill their parental responsibilities.Telecommuting(在家远程上班) can bring numerous benefits to both employees and employers.Both employees and employers can benefit from telecommuting.Telecommuting can benefit employers and employees.Telecommuting is beneficial to both employees and employers.Both employees and employers can be beneficiaries (受益者) of telecommuting. 11J 副词排成队 Athletes tend to move gracefully, energetically and powerfully.Some people argue that the new instruction methodology can help students develop intellectually and emotionally.All this material is now quickly, inexpensively and readily available from the comfort of our desks and work stations. After the surgery, most young patients feel physically and mentally back to normal within a week.M 双重否定就是肯定1t is not unrealistic to promote more job satisfaction in any


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