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Unit2 How often do you exercise?第 2 课时:Section A 3-4【学习目标】1.完成学习3-4,熟练运用频率副词2.进行听力强化训练;听力内容转述训练。能运用本课词汇及句型进行 自由交际对话.【自主学习案】:Task 1.识记类会读写本课单词及短语(1)个人记读单词3分钟 (2)两人一组相互检查读音(3)展示,写在学案上单词:短语: Task 2.理解类 学习3部分1、利用所给数据填all、most、some、或noall=100%most=51%一一99%some=l%一一50%no-0%ActivityEvery DayOnce or Twice a WeekThree or Four Times a WeekExercise15% ()10% ()75% ()Do homework95% ()0% ()5% ()Watch TV85% ()2% ()13% ()2、(1)根据表格1完成短文Task 3.应用类1、对于各种日常活动,哪些是你经常做的?哪些是你有时做的?哪些是你从来不做的?哪 些是你每天要做的把它们列举出来。often:sometimes:never:everyday .onceamonth .2、在课文中划出下列句子,并翻译。DHere are the results of the students activity survey at Green High School.2)Most students exercise three or four times.3)Some students exercise once or twice a week.4)As for homework, students do homework every day.5)The results for watch TV” are interesting.观察与思考:1) . Here are the results of the student activity survey at Green High School.该 句为倒装句,其主语为 the results of the student activity survey. "Here+be+主语”是 英语中常见的倒装句型。 例如:高小姐,送给你一些鲜花。O2) .As for homework至于家庭作业:as for.意思是“至于:关于",常用于句首作状 语,其后跟名词、代词或动词的-ing形式(即动名词)。如:As for him, I never want to see him here.至于他,我永远不希望在这里见到。As for the story, you, d better not believe it.关于那故事,你最好不要相信。3) . The results for "watch Ware interesting.“看电视”的结果很有趣功(3) 区别 interesting 和 interested 用法【制学学案】: 导入:What do we do on weekends? How about the students in Green High School?1 .检查预习作业,小组对学群学,讨论并解决相应的问题。2 .抽签展示任务,其余学生专心静听,并准备质疑。3 .教师答疑,进行点拔答疑。4 .课本完成Part 3,阅读短文,听录音,完成短文。What Do Students Do at Hilltop High School?Here are the results of the student activity at Hilltop high school. students exercise three or four times a week. Some students exercise once or twicea week. students exercise every day.As for homework, students do homework every day. students do homework three or four times a week. students do homework once or twice a week.The results for “watch TV” are interesting. students watch TV once or twice a week, some students watch TV a week, but moststudents watch .5 .复述课文:用自己的话简要说出格林中学的调查结果。6 .、完成小组调查表,完成4部分。(在小组内展开调查,完成表格,并根据调查结果进行 对话练习。)A:How often do you read English books?B: I read English books about twice a weekHow often do youonce a week / twice a week /three times 然后每个小组选派一名同学汇报,如:In our group. LiLei reads English twice a week; Lusy goes shopping once a month【当堂训练案】 一、选择()1、 The twins* uncle every day.Ax exercise B、exercisesCy is exerciseD、is exercises()2 do you go to the movies?A、How mangB、How oftenC、How muchD、How()3、I think I am A、Health B、not health C> healthyD、 healthest()4 My mother wants me. A、 drink B、 not drink C、drinks D、 to drink)5、 Jim is a good student. Helate forclass.A、is hardly everB、 is not everis everD、 is always( )Therelot of junk food on the table.A> areB、 have CisD、has7、A、 homework , weAs for B> As to C、 As ofdo it on Sunday.D、 As from8 How often do you play soccerA、 two time a week B、 twice a weekC、 a time a weekD、one time a week二、补全句子1 )我每周购物一两次。I shop a week .2 ) “看电视”的调查结果很有趣The "watch TV are very .3 )对于家庭作业,大多数学生每天都做。 homework, students do every day.三、完形填空。All over the world people enjoy sports. Sports are 1 people * s health. Manyon theirpeople like to watch 2 Play sports games. They buy tickets 3 turnTV sets to sitthem.Sports 5 with the seasons. People play 6 games in different Sometimes they Play inside the room. Sometimes they play outside.We can 7sports here and there. Some sports are rather interesting 8seasons.peopleeverywhere like them. Football, for example, is very popular in theworld.People9 different countries cannot understand each other,But after agame they often become very 10 to each other.)1. A . good for)2. A. otherB.B.good atothersC. goodC. the otherD. good toD. theothers)3. A. andB.butC.orD.)4. A, in frontB. in the front ofC. in the frontD. in front)5. A. change)6A. sameB. areC.B. differentplayC. theD.samestartD. thedifferent7A. find outB. lookC.findD. hear8A. otherwiseB. butC.orD. and9A. fromB. toC.outsideD.inside10A. friendB.friendlyC .friendsD. morefriendly 我的收获 我的疑惑.


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