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英语作文介绍春节 过春节的英语作文

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英语作文介绍春节 过春节的英语作文

英语作文介绍春节 过春节的英语作文春节是我国最重要的节日,也是一年中最隆重的节日。每家每户都会庆祝一番。下面是WTT给大家精心挑选的英语作文介绍春节,!供你参考和阅读!英语作文介绍春节篇1In the cold ter, the warmest is the Spring Festival; in the monotonous ter, the most prosperous is the Spring Festival; in the boring ter, the most hy or the Spring Festival.So, the Spring Festival in the hope of everyone came.In the distance with the New Years Eve, the grandparents ready to sweep the dust.Grandpa and grandmother wear a straw hat, grandfather in the bamboo of the Department of the broom, the roof of the house and the wall sweep over and over, the dust and spider web sweep down.Grandma is the ground to sweep a lot of garbage for the new years life more clean, refreshing cool over a year.The morning, my grandmother took me to the cave farms to buy food, there are a lot of people in the farms, voes, I do not want to be in this noisy environment to buy food, they lie in trycle reading.Flash, two hours is ing, my grandmother just e out from the farms, carrying a few bags of raw food and cooked food, lay the foundation for the day after tomorrows dinner.A blink of an eye, and New Years Eve only in close proimity.The most important thing is to worship ancestors.Put the food and e on the table, and put red paper on the chken and the fish.And finally burned a lot of paper money, for whh I also left the ancestors and family and family blessing.Finally, the most eciting moments of New Years Eve.At night, the family sat together to eat a reunion dinner, everyone blessed each other, full of good food, grandmother secretly often pocket something, take out a look, wow, the orinal is New Years money.I cautiously put it, bouncing to run the fireworks.Fireworks shine on my ecited face, the fireworks illuminate the dark sky of the country, red, green, blue, the sky slowly raised some fireworks, shog everyones brilliant mood., my father and I keep the old side, while watching the Spring Festival Gala.Midnight, my mother went out to fight the gun, white snowflakes really like firecrackers tidbits, sound resounded through the sky.The Spring Festival was bustling, and after a few days, people began a new job and continued to create new life英语作文介绍春节篇2The first day of the first month is the traditional festival of our country.Morning, dawn, I was “crackling” firecrackers awakened.This indates that the first lunar month has arrived!I hurriedly dressed and ran out of the door.Oh, the courtyard of a lively scene: adults are putting a variety of firecrackers, artillery, salute, etc., the yard became the gun of the ocean.The children have a place, we together, put a rotating gun, but also acpanied by vague green, red, yellow and “Chi Chi” sound, some children a little scared to put a spray gun.See here, my hand itch, and hurried back to take firecrackers Home, home people are dumplings, the whole family harmony, hiness, how warm the family!This day, I was very hy, New Years Eve night, our family is much more fun!New Year s Eve night, 8 oclock, the Spring Festival Gala also began.Looked at a funny sketch, listening to a song of the first song, our family of eight people, while cling, laughing.what! How much I hope that our family every day! I look forward to the New Year, I am looking forward to the Spring Festival!After the Spring Festival, I grew up one year old, I think this year, one year old, I should be more hard to learn, more honor their parents.I will do it, I will do it! I will not let my parents down.Finally, I wish everyone hy every day, every day wishful正月初一,是我国的传统节日“春节”。早晨,天刚亮,我就被“噼噼啪啪”的鞭炮声吵醒了。这预示着,正月初一已经到了!我急忙穿好了衣服,跑出了房门。呵,院里一片热闹的景象:大人们正在放各种各样的鞭炮、大炮、礼炮等等,院子里成了炮的海洋。小孩子们也有一席之地,大家聚在一起,放起了旋转炮,还伴有隐隐约约的绿色、红色、黄色和“哧哧”的响声,有些小孩子有点害怕,就放起了喷花炮。看到这里,我的手痒痒了,急忙回去拿鞭炮回到家,家里人都在包饺子,全家人和谐、幸福,多么温暖的一家人!这一天,我过得很快乐,除夕之夜,我们家更是欢乐多多!除夕之夜,8点来了,春节联欢晚会也开始了。看着一个个搞笑的小品,听着一首首动听的歌曲,我们全家八口人,一边拍手,一边笑。啊!我多么希望我们家天天都这样!我好期盼过年,我好期盼过春节呀!过春节了,我长大一岁,我觉得今年长大一岁后,我应该更加努力学习,更加孝敬父母。我一定会做到的,我一定会做到的!我不会让父母失望。最后,祝大家天天快乐,天天如意英语作文介绍春节篇3Spring Festival is Chinas most important festival, but also the most solemn holiday in the year.Every household will celebrate.Some nationalities will also engage in some activities to celebrate the Spring Festival, such as dragon and lion dance, storytelling opera, run dry boat, step on stilts, yangko dance and so on.One to the year off, adults and children are busy open, prepared for the year, sweeping the house, the ancestors are busy also hy! Stk couplets is an indispensable item.Or their own hands or people to do it, the harvest of the year and the hope of the year are written into this small couplets.Classmates, talking about the couplets, there is a story! Spring Festival couplets, orinated in the peach character, it first eared in the Zhou Dynasty, is hanng in the door on both sides of the rectangular peach board.It is said that peach has a town ghost, eorcism function.Because the worlds evil spirits are afraid of “God tea”, “Yu Lei” two gods, so the people used


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