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starter unit10课件 牛津版 课件

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starter unit10课件 牛津版 课件

Unit 10 My school day,What time is it?,Revise,Free talk,Do you have a /any?Yes, I do./No,I dont. Can you ?Yes, I can./No, I cant.Can I ?Yes, you can./No, you cant,ball, scarf, radio,computer, stickers,CDs, watches, hair clips 2. watch TVlisten to musicfly kitesride a bikedo homeworkeat snacks,Say the time in English.,6:00_ _ 1:05_ _ 2:15_ _ 3:30_ _ 4:45_ _ 5:55_ _,Practice,one o five,five past one,six oclock,six,two fifteen,a quarter past two,three thirty,half past three,four forty-five,a quarter to five,five fifty-five,five to six,你找出规律了吗?,3:00,4:00,5:00,7:00,10:00,3:20,6:40,7:50,9:25,10:45,11:05,2:05,3:05,5:05,8:05,Practice,New words and phrases,Presentation,get up,eat breakfast,go to school,hurry up,赶快,sorry,对不起,What time is it?,Its six fifty.,What do you do at this time?,We eat breakfast at this time.,ten to seven,What time is it?,Its seven oclock.,What do you do at this time?,We go to school at this time.,What time is it?,Its seven fifteen.,What do you do at this time?,We clean the classroom at this time.,a quarter past seven.,What time is it?,Its seven thirty.,What do you do at this time?,We read books at this time.,half past seven.,Action,Are you ready? Lets go?,Summary,1、询问时间的两种方式:,1) What time is it?,2) Whats the time?,2、时间的两种表达方式:,1) 顺读法,依照次序读时和分,2) 逆读法,从后往前读,先读分再读时 当030时用介词to,并且时+1,补充:整点时间,直接读整点或者在整点的后面加oclock,days Sunday周日 Monday 周一 Tuesday周二 Wednesday周三 Thursday周四 Friday周五 Saturday周六,lesson Chinese Maths English Biology Geography Politics History Computer P.E.,Word list单词表,What day is it today? Its,My First Day at Middle School Today is my first day at middle school. I get up at 6:30, and then do morning exercise for about half an hour. Classes begin at 8:00. In the morning I have four classes: English, Chinese, Maths and Music. I like English very much and I am good at music. I have lunch at 12:00 at the school. After lunch we have about two hours rest. Afternoon classes begin at 2:10 p.m. I have one self-study class and a P.E. lesson in the afternoon. During the P.E. lesson, we have a football match. At 5:30 p.m. we have supper. After that the school holds a welcome party(欢迎会) for all the new students. At the party, the headmaster(校长) tells us something about the school. Then the teachers and students sing and dance happily together. I have really enjoyed my first day at middle school. I will remember this day forever(永远).,My Favorite School Day My favorite school day is Wednesday. Because I have a computer lesson on Wednesday .I like computer best. Thats my favorite subject. I think its relaxing. First, at 7:20 I have Chinese. I like it. Its such fun. Then at 8:10 I have a Maths class. It isnt so difficult but interesting. At around 9:10 I have Geography. I dont like it. It is boring. Next, at 11:00 I have P.E. My P.E teacher is Mr. Du. He is very strict and he often makes me very tired. I have lunch at 11:40. After lunch, I have Art. I like Art. It is also relaxing. And then I have Reading for an hour. All my classes finish at 4:50. I play basketball for 20 minutes after school.,Thank you!,


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