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[春节英语作3篇] 春节英语作文参考范文

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[春节英语作3篇] 春节英语作文参考范文

春节英语作3篇 春节英语作文范文 春节是我们中华民族的传统节日,更是我期盼的佳节。你知道怎么写一篇春节的英语作文吗?下面是办公室王老师给大家精心挑选的春节英语作3篇,希望大家喜欢!供你参考和阅读! 春节英语作3篇篇1 Applauded applauded snapped firecrackers rang, the year of the tiger is coming, I also its time to get up. Wash a face, brush your teeth, have breakfast, everything is full of the rhythmic. We ate breakfast, we began a sweep in the New Year! I with friends to play in the yard, and mom and dad and grandma, is doing some cleaning at home. I actually want to clean with them, but they just dont let me clean, I also worked as a health committee for two years! My friends and I play of hot air. Well climb trees, play the stone Jones in a minute. How long time flies by, not to play, is about to go home for lunch. To eat lunch! This is the first time the New Years lunch, natural eat very comfortable. After the meal, I also dont play, while washing curtains and adults. The lift chairs, slippers, busy as a bee. After cleaning, such as mother washes the bath set off to eat the meal! This year, we eat at home famous zhong shan hotel. Before lunch, the adults in mahjong fight. But as for me, playing poker, and two sisters. We played wasted, dou landlord, at half past ten, stop thief , countless number. Played for more than an hour, I was they played was a disastrous shit, I suspect that they play to depend on! Hum, dont play, I go to eat. 春节英语作3篇篇2 Tomorrow is the Spring Festival, Im very happy, think can eat the delicious food, delicious snacks, also can get a lot of lucky money, the more I think more happy, that night I didnt sleep all night with excitement, mind is full of food, dim sum, New Years money, and the beautiful new clothes, lovely toy. The morning of the Spring Festival, I jumped out of bed first, actively spirit, active exercise, then happily to call mom and dad, dad to see me get up so early, also not to be outdone, up and then got up from the bed, mom also have to get up, after washing a face to brush teeth, a heart think of is to eat a ball! The thought of eating, I always turns, busy parents to suggest what to do, my mother is my home chef, so the referee to decide what to do by her, the mother said: for a long time have not eaten dumplings, eat some dumplings. We are very agree with you. After deciding what to do, we conducted of labor division, dad do meat, mum kneading dough, I boil water. We do it is very exciting, less than half an hour, the ground fixed, dumplings are fixed, faster to boil the water. Mother pack dumpling to skillfully, my sister and I also learn to wrapped up, I am very not easy package three, so tired, really difficult to learn! Mother said: I was born do ah, dont eat bitter, hard to learn, how can you learn well? I have heard a little ashamed, and draw lessons, to raise your sail, to pack up, earnestly do this a little faster. This makes me understand a truth: learn what should be hard. 春节英语作3篇篇3 On New Years day is a holiday in my hometown is very grand. When I have something about my hometown Chinese New Year today. Lunar month, in the twelfth month, the taste of my hometown began to have New Years day. Prepared for the Chinese New Year by every thing, in short is arranged. The children prepare necessities and fireworks, firecrackers, there are two kick, cherry bomb, black spiders. The firecrackers in a pocket if could explode at any time, as people are afraid of. But very funny, cherry bomb is the gun, fell to the ground would burst and I no longer introduced all kinds of firecrackers. Children, adults also hectic. They have to prepare the Chinese New Year to eat, drink, wear, use, in the New Year show vientiane update weather. Twelfth, my family is going to cleaning, the adults at home cleaning, our children play firecrackers outside, but I sometimes go to help. The twelfth month, immediately to the New Years eve, New Years eve is busy, we all begin to do dinner, family reunion dinner, in chaozhou we have a custom, before the reunion dinner, will be god, after god, began to eat. Thats should be: 4 a.m. (because I am home early to dinner) before that we have received a red envelope. We had finished our meal, children go to play, adults. The night of the New Years eve is the most busy time, there are some boxes of fireworks, the door of the house under a after a put, no gap, after, after nearly twelve o clock. Then go to bed. 猜你感兴趣: 1.春节英语作文300字 2.春节英语作文270字作文 3.中国春节英语作文300字 4.春节英语作文320字 5.春节的话题英语作文 6.美丽春节作文400字 5


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