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每日训练24- 高三英语一轮复习

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每日训练24- 高三英语一轮复习

高考英语一轮复习每日训练24一、完形填空“Come on Dad,it will be fun!” My daughter Bailey_1_saying that to me,but I couldnt get past the feeling I was going to throw up.I was fifty and wanted to do something Id_2_done before.Bailey thought skydiving (跳伞运动) would be the perfect_3_for meshe had done it before and _4_it and she wanted to go again.I could tell you of all the things I was thinking of doing,_5_an airplane never came close to making the list.As I aged,I seemed to have a growing_6_of heights.The_7_of doing it made me break out in a sweat (汗)I was really_8_.After several requests from my daughter,I_9_said yes and she looked almost_10_.I told her I_11_to do something I was afraid of doing.I told a friend what we were doing,and she_12_to go,too.We had a 3 hour drive to the jump site,and I was getting_13_as we got closer.My heart beat very fast.We_14_and my friend was late,_15_we had to wait.At least it gave us_16_to watch the video of skydiving.As we got into the plane,I was strapped(绑住) to my instructor Ronnie so I didnt have to worry about anything;I just had to _17_myself.The short climb to the right altitude was_18_for me,as I almost threw up.As we stepped to the door,I looked behind me and said “RONNIE I AM NOT.GOOD!”He said,“Dont worry;its going to be_19_”,and we fell to the ground at 200 kilometres an hour.The next five minutes were so beautiful and amazing.I was_20_that I got over my fear.1A.remembered BavoidedCpracticed Dkept2A.never BalreadyCalways Djust3A.job BbehaviorCending Dactivity4A.regretted BlovedCdoubted Dbegan5A.missing BtakingCgetting off Djumping out of6A.fear BcollectionCunderstanding Dshare7A.result BfeelingCthought Dfact8A.bored BafraidClazy Dtired9A.suddenly BusuallyCfinally Dpossibly10A.shy BsurprisedCimpatient Dfrightened11A.continued BhatedCneeded Drefused12A.wanted BfailedCforgot Dpretended13A.angry BweakCsad Dnervous14A.followed BarrivedCstayed Dappeared15A.so BbutCthough Dbecause16A.time BreasonsCmoney Dinstructions17A.accept BteachCforgive Denjoy18A.special BpainfulCdifferent Dimportant19A.strange BcorrectCdifficult Dgreat20A.sorry BworriedCglad Dinterested二、阅读理解NEW YORK (Reuters Life!) Parents wanting their children, particularly teenagers, to develop good eating habits should make sure they eat meals together,a new study suggests.In one of the first longterm studies to look at the benefits of family meals,researchers at the School of Public Health at the University of Minnesota found that family meals have a great influence on teenagers because they encourage healthy eating habits and good nutritional (营养的)choices.The study was published in the Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior.“These findings suggest that having regular family meals from early to middle adolescence has a marked beneficial effect on the development of healthful behaviors for youth,”said Teri LBurgessChampoux,who worked on the study.“The importance of shared mealtime experiences during this key developmental period should be emphasized (强调) to parents,healthcare providers and educators.”The researchers examined information from Project EAT, a study that looked at which socioenvironmental, personal, and behavioral factors(因素) influence the eating habits of nearly 400 children.The students completed a questionnaire(问卷) in 1998 and 1999 when they were 12 to 13 years old and another as middle adolescents five years later. Regular family meals (five or more meals with all or most of the family per week) declined over time,the researchers said. During the early teen years,60 percent of the children had regular meals with their family,compared to 30 percent during later adolescence.Children who ate five or more meals a week together in both early and middle adolescence ate healthier meals with plenty of vegetables and foods rich in calcium,fiber and minerals.语篇解读文章介绍了科学家们的一项研究成果:青少年与家人一起用餐有助于养成健康的饮食习惯以及获取均衡的营养。1In the study,the researchers have examined the relationship between _.Anutrition and eating habitsBhealthy meals and fitnessCfamily meals and eating habitsDfamily meals and teens health2The researchers suggest that parents should _.Aencourage their children to communicate with the familyBtry to let their children eat often with the familyCpay more attention to their childrens personaldevelopmentDgive their children more advice on how to stay fit3From the passage we learn that regular family meals _.Agive chil


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