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Unit 8 单元话题复习 学案 2020-2021学年人教版英语七年级下册

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Unit 8 单元话题复习 学案 2020-2021学年人教版英语七年级下册

七下 Unit 8 Is there a post office near here? Revision 学案一、课前预习。1、 你能在下面的方框中填入更多的内容吗?post officeplacesnext topositions Is there a around here?ask for directionsGo along give directionsyour favorite places in your neighborhood二、课堂练习。1. 听对话并写出地图中这些字母所代表的地点。 NORTH STREET SOUTH STREETEPolice stationschoolABBRIDGE STREETSupermarketDCLibraryhotelzooPayphoneTinas homeA _ B _ C _ D _ E _2.请先根据地图补全对话(听前预测),然后再次听对话检查答案是否正确。The man: Hi, _. Im new in _. Is there a post office near here?Tina: Yes, there is. Its _ North Street. Its _ the school _ the park.The man: Thanks. And _ any banks around here? Tina: Yes, there is _ on Bridge Street. Its just _ the library. And there is a restaurant _ the bank. You can enjoy delicious food there. And the supermarket is _the restaurant.The man: That sounds great. And _ can I get to the hospital?Tina: Just _ Bridge Street and _ at the second crossing. Then _ the police station and you can see the hospital _. You can find it easily.The man: Thank you very much.Tina: Youre welcome.3.阅读下面的文章,完成表格。Dear Julie,How is it going? Im very glad to hear that you will come to Chengdu. Now I live in an interesting and nice neighborhood. I love my life here. Id like to share it with you.There is a restaurant across from my home. We can have delicious food there. Next to the restaurant is a supermarket. My parents usually shop there. And there is a small zoo near my home. Its on South Street. My brother likes spending time there watching animals on weekends. Besides, there is a library between North Street and South Street. Its very quiet and my grandfather enjoys reading there. When he reads books, time goes quickly! My favorite place is the park. I often take a walk there because I love the clean air and sunshine. To get there, I usually go along Bridge Street and turn left at the second crossing. Then walk along North Street, and the park is on the right, across from the library. Look forward to your coming! Love you! Yours, Tina1) Task 1: Read the letter quickly and answer the questions. Q1: Does Tina love her neighborhood? Q2: What places does Tina introduce to Julie in her neighborhood?2) Task2: Read the letter carefully and complete the chart. PlacesPositionsActivities4. 小组讨论,完善下面的思维导图。Library, bank.The _ of the placesThe _ in the neighborhoodNext to, behind.The _ of the placesHow to ask for directionsThe _to the placesHow to give directions TinasHer_ placesnames neighborhood reasonsnice, interesting.Her _ aboutthe neighborhood5. 自我评估 How many can you get?LearningobjectivesGreatGoodSo-soTry hardask for and give the directionsdescribe the neighborhood 三、课后练习。1. 在课前的预习部分添加更多的内容。2. 画一张关于你的社区或者梦想中社区的地图,并根据地图写一篇短文进行介绍。 4


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