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1.The traditional friendship between our two countries dates back () ancient days.A.aboutB.ofC.withD.to该题正确选项是: D2.Many employees have a () attitude to the low salary.A.mentalB.negetiveC.vitalD.positive该题正确选项是: B3.Much of the discount is pocketed by retailers instead () being passed on to customers. about#in#of#withA.onB.ofC.upD.off该题正确选项是: C4.Is your father a doctor () a teacher?A.orB.andC.soD.but该题正确选项是: A5.It was a great trip except () one problem.A.forB.inC.toD.of该题正确选项是: A6.Practicing yoga is a good way for you to get () of your stress and worries and find some inner peace.A.ridB.riddingC.riddedD.up该题正确选项是: A7.How about () this apartment?A.buyB.to buyC.buyingD.bought该题正确选项是: C8.I didnt pay attention to () she was saying.A.whatB.whichC.whereD.in which该题正确选项是: A9.Hold () my hand while we cross the street.A.ofB.ontoC.toD.about该题正确选项是: C10.Did you pick () my suit from the cleaners?A.aroundB.inC.upD.down该题正确选项是: C11.He plays classical music, as () as pop and jazz.A.wellB.willC.as well asD.does该题正确选项是: A12.Its difficult to () them apart.A.gotB.toldC.tellingD.tell该题正确选项是: D13.Tom Hanks is () as a famous actor.A.knowB.knownC.knewD.knows该题正确选项是: B14.What is important is how we () use of our choices.A.makeB.madeC.takeD.took该题正确选项是: A15.How about () swimming this afternoon?A.goingB.to goC.goD.get该题正确选项是: A16.You can sing along to your () songs.A.like mostB.favouriteC.loveD.like该题正确选项是: B17.Spain used to be famous () its strong armada.A.forB.toC.as#about该题正确选项是: A18.Are you going to () the first experiment?A.part inB.take part inC.takes part inD.took part in该题正确选项是: B19.This means you commit to () awake for at least the next ten minutes.A.stayB.stayingC.stayedD.be staying该题正确选项是: B20.Ill have tea instead () coffee, please.A.ofB.withC.inD.about该题正确选项是: A21.My parents are proud of me.T.对F.错该题正确选项是: T22.Old people have many priorities.T.对F.错该题正确选项是: T23.Our coach always said that unity is the key to win the match.T.对F.错该题正确选项是: F24.Presidential elections are due to be held in ten days time.T.对F.错该题正确选项是: T25.Susan surprised me that she could be so charming.T.对F.错该题正确选项是: T26.The seafood will be freeze when in the fridge.T.对F.错该题正确选项是: F27.In the end, I miss out the performance so I felt a little bit unhappy.T.对F.错该题正确选项是: F28.Jason had a difficult time tolerating the pain.T.对F.错该题正确选项是: T29.Lisas style is different to yours.T.对F.错该题正确选项是: F30.My family like to have fun together.T.对F.错该题正确选项是: F1.All our activities are premised () the basis of "Quality with Equality".A.aboutB.toC.offD.on该题正确选项是: D2.Ill paint the ceiling if you () a start on the walls.A.makeB.madeC.didD.making该题正确选项是: A3.Jason was () to Alex than he was to the other mates.A.kindB.much kinderC.more kinderD.kindest该题正确选项是: B4.I wont let you () that.A.doB.to doC.doingD.done该题正确选项是: A5.This is the office () he worked.A.whereB.fromC.sinceD.when该题正确选项是: A6.Except () the remarkably tidy kitchen, the place was a mess .A.onB.offC.upD.for该题正确选项是: D7.They set off at a steady ().A.paceB.pieceC.pleaseD.place该题正确选项是: A8.Atlanta () to be host of the 1996 Olympic games.A.is choosingB.is chosenC.was chosenD.was choosing该题正确选项是: C9.We should spare () effort to beautify our environment.A.noB.anC.theD.a该题正确选项是: A10.He was 29 when war ().A.break outB.broke outC.break offD.broke off该题正确选项是: B11.The history of this Palace dates back () the period of Tang Dynasty.A.toB.withC.ofD.about该题正确选项是: A12.Jim ended up () a new TV after his old one broke.A.buyingB.buyC.was buyingD.bought该题正确选项是: A13.Take a deep breath as a first step () calm yourself down.A.toB.forC.inD.be该题正确选项是: B14.The playground is being () by those workers.A.buildB.buildingC.builtD.builded该题正确选项是: C15.Make the extra effort to () the buyer and you will be rewarded with a quicker sale.A.tookB.takeC.thouchD.impress该题正确选项是: D16.Jason () Tom with arrow of admiration.A.shootsB.shottingC.movesD.moving该题正确选项是: A17.The small fire can safely be left to burn ().A.underB.offC.upD.out该题正确选项是: D18.A good relationship has to be () on trust.A.findB.found#foundedC.finding该题正确选项是: C19.Eating cabbage will keep me ().A.healthB.flyC.fittedD.healthy该题正确选项是: D20.Rinse () with warm water, then follow with a cold water rinse.A.onB.toC.aboutD.off该题正确选项是: D21.It is generally accepted that smoking is harmful to our health.T.对F.错该题正确选项是: A22.Shed like to have a date with Ja


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