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人教2011课标版初中英语八年级上册Unit3SectionB2a-2e (共17张PPT)

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人教2011课标版初中英语八年级上册Unit3SectionB2a-2e (共17张PPT)

Unit 3 Im more outgoing than my sister. (Section B 2a 2e),n. WeChat (微信),Circle of friends(朋友圈),How are we different?,My friend is.,She or he is taller/shorterthan me,I am more hard-working/outgoingthan she/he.,She or he likes.,Can you describe your friends?,smarter,more popular,easier,funny,serious,outgoing,quiet,smart,hard-working,tall,heavy,thin,short,friendly,different,hot,2,1,4,3,bigger,Read the words and expressions loudly.,serious mirror kid necessary different bring out grade should reach share heart,n.镜子 n.孩子 adj.严肃的,稳重的 adj.不同的 adj.必须得;必要的 n.成绩等级 v.伸手;到达 使显现 v.分享;共享 n.内心;心脏 modal.应该;应当,sris,nessri,kd,mr(r),dfrnt,br,gred,d,e(r),ri:t,h:t,Fast Reading,Read the passages quickly and match the person with the right ideas.,Friends are like books you dont need a lot of them.,Its not necessary to be the same. My best friend is quite different from me.,A true friend reaches for your hand and touches your heart.,Mary Smith,Huang Lei,Jeff Green,Read the passage carefully and find the differences and similarities between friends. Fill in the blanks.,Jeff Green is _ and _ serious than most kids. He like reading and study _ in class. He is shy so its _to make friends.,differences:(不同点),Huang Lei is _from Larry. Huang Lei always get better _, Larry is _ and much _ hard-workng. Larry plays tennis _, so he always wins,Coral is _than anyone she know.,Careful reading,quieter,more,harder,difficult,different,taller,less,better,funnier,grades,Similarities: (相同点),My best friend Yuan Li is _ too, so we often enjoy _ together.,quiet,studying,we_ like sports. Larry often helps to _out the best in me.,both,We can talk about and _everything.,share,bring,Careful reading,Can you correct the following statements?,2. Jeff thinks it is easy for him to make friends.,1.Jeff is less serious than most kids,3. Huang Lei is taller than Larry.,4. Larry is much more hard-working than Huanglei.,5.Mary thinks her friends should be the same as her .,6.Carol broke her arm last year and Mary made her feel better.,more,isnt,shorter,After reading,less,doesnt really care about that.,Mary,Carol,one student describe (描述)his best friend and lets guess who is she or he. who can get the answer the most quickly can win a prize!!,find out friend!,These expressions may helps you:,I have a best friend. She/he is different from/similar to She/he is taller/shorter/heavier/thinnerthan She/he is quieter/funnier/more seriousthan We both like I like but she/he likes,Which saying(谚语) about friends is your favorite?,1. A good friend is like a mirror.,3. Friends are like books you dont need a lot of them as long as theyre good.,2. My best friend helps to bring out the best in me.,4. A true friend reaches for your hand and touches your heart.,you can not go far without friends.,A friend to everybody is friend to nobody.,得朋友难失朋友易,广交友,无深友。,A friend is easier lost than found.,出门靠朋友,A friend in need is a friend indeed. 患难之中见真情,remember,Unit6 Im more outgoing than my sister.,The Comparative Degree of Adjectives,形容词的比较级,规则变化,不规则变化,Talk about personal traits,谈论人物特征,Compare people,人物对比,自己今昔对比,自己和朋友对比,taller /shorter / heavier thinner/ more beautiful,more serious /quieter more outgoing,外貌特征,性格特征,summary,Homework,1.Remember how to change comparative degree,2 Compare you with your friend,Thank you! Goodbye!,


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