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高一上定语从句第一课时学案(张绍春)一定语从句概述。1. 先行词:2. 关系代词:3. 定语从句的位置:4. 定语从句的含义和作用:二关系代词在句中作主语。Step one 文中句子重现。1. It was felt in Beijing, which is more than two hundred kilometers away. 2. But the one million people of the city, who thought little of these events, were asleep as usual that night.3. A huge crack that was eight kilometers longs and thirty metres wide cut across houses, roads and canals. 4. The number of people who were killed or injured reached more than 400,000.5. Later that afternoon, another big quake which was almost as strong as the first one shook Tangshan. 6. The army organized teams to dig out those who were trapped and to bury the dead. 7. Workers built shelters for survivors whose homes had been destroyed. Step two 归纳总结一:从以上例句的形式我们可以看出,例 1,2 是 定语从句;例 37 是 定语从句。which/who/that/whose home 在从句中作 。定语从句中谓语单复数由 决定。归纳总结二:认真分析文中出现的定语从句,归纳关系代词的作用修饰功能在从句中的作用修饰人 修饰物 修饰人或物主语定语三模仿例句 3-7 翻译下列句子。a) 我昨天买的那本书丢失了。b) 喜欢游泳的那个男孩是我的朋友。c) 我们住在门开着的那个房间。四定语从句实践:play a game. Get into groups and make up sentences according to the example. Taking turns to complete the sentences with that, which, who or whose.EXAPLE: the boy bought a bicycle.S1: the boy bought a bicycle that/which was stolen from his neighbour.S2: the boy who/that is wearing a red jacket bought a bicycle.S3: the boy whose glasses were broken bought a bicycle.Repeat the game using the sentences:1. The boy likes the story book2. The man bought the house.3. The survivors were dug out by the soldiers.4. The nation was shocked at the news.备注:一 Who/whom/that, which/that, whose+n 在从句中做宾语。1. The boy whom/who/that we just saw in the library is the monitor of Class Three.2. Mary didnt find the book which/that she lost yesterday.3. The old man who/whom/that I often take care of is 65 years old.4. He is the man whose umbrella I borrowed yesterday.5. The tree whose leaves I picked is very tall.归纳总结: Who/whom/that, which/that 在从句中做宾语也可以省略。还原到从句中。二 只能使用 that 的情况。1. Newton was one of the greatest scientists that ever lived.2. He is the first man that comes to the party.3. She couldnt understand anything (that) they had told her.4. We are impressed by the teachers and schools that we visited there.高一上 定语从句第一课时 练习I. 用适当的关系代词填空1. He prefers the vegetables _ are from his parents farm.2. Youd better not drink water _ has not been boiled.3. You have done all _ your parents wanted you to do.4. Please let me know whether there is anything _ I can do for you.5. At the party, the old school friends talked of the things and persons _ they could remember in the school.6. The last film _ I saw in 1999 was My Father and My Mother.7. He is the very person _ weve been looking for.8. I won't make friends with those _ often tell lies.9. The unsmiling woman _ I met at the dinner party was one of my wifes friends.10. The most interesting book _ I've ever read is the History of the Time.II.用定语从句合并以下各句1. Wheat is a plant. It is planted in the north of China.2. You went to see a movie with a girl last night. Who is the girl?3. You lost a dictionary in the school library last week. Have you found it?4. I saw the short old man in the meeting room this morning. Now where is he?5. The great man once lived in that house. Can you show me around the house?6. A lady came to our shop to buy a woolen dress. Are you the lady?7. You often talk of your professor. Is that old man the professor?8. I will always remember the days. I spent those days in that beautiful city with my husband.9. That is the college. I visited that college two months ago.10. San Francisco is a famous city. Great earthquake often shook that city.III. 单句改错 (每句一错)1. Is this the horse that you spent five hours drawing it yesterday? _2. Those who has finished the exercises may leave the classroom now. _3. Children eat a lot of sweets or chocolate often have bad teeth. _4. Mr Green is always working hard should get a rise. _5. John is the only one of the students that have been abroad. _6.I care about nothing which is going on there. _IV. 用适当的介词和关系代词填空1. This is the house _ I was born on a rainy evening.2. Is the girl your friend _ you shook hands just now?3The young should never forget the day _ the Communist Party of China was founded.4. The pen _ I wrote the letter just now is gone.5. There is a very big tree in the village _ the villagers often have meetings in summer.6. I can't find the gold ring _ I spent 100 dollars.V 易错题辨析Group A they/which/who/whom/themMr Li has three daughters, none of _ is an engineer Mr Li has three daughters, but none of _ is a dancer Mr Li has three daughters; _ are doctors Group B which/that/as/when/It is on the morning of May 1st _ I met Liang Wei at the airport It is the factory _ Mr Wang works定语从句典型错误例析1. 我给他看了我上周在杭州的照片误 I showed him the p


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