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【最新】英语:Unit5 Go with Transportation Lesson35课件 课件

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【最新】英语:Unit5 Go with Transportation Lesson35课件 课件

Lesson 35: Future transportation,New words,certainly adv. 当然 presentation n. 介绍;表达 invention n. 发明 present v. 展现 round adj. 圆的 wing n. 翅膀 dangerous adj. 危险的 factory n. 工厂 North America 北美洲 humorous adj. 幽默的 as long as 只要,wing n. 翅膀,On hundred years from now,D: In 1900, planes hadnt been invented! How did people fly? J: They didnt fly. To get to another city, they needed a horse! D: Couldnt they take a car? J: Certainly! But only rich people had cars at that time! B: How will people travel 100 years from now? Will people invent new types of transportation? J: We need to answer that question for our presentations. B: What invention will you present, Danny? D: The Danny Wheel! Its one big round wheel. You stand inside it, and turn over and over! B: Youd better not invent that, Danny! Its dangerous. It would make you sick! J: Brain is right, Danny. Im sorry, but I wouldnt want to ride in the Danny Wheel, either,Learning tips,Henry Ford opened a car factory in 1908, and began building small cars in large numbers. After that, most families in North America could buy a car. Henry Ford called his car the Model T Ford. All Model Ts were black. Henry Ford liked to be humorous and say, “You can have it in any color you want, as long as its black.,Project: whats your future transportation,In 1990, few people had cars. Nobody knew about airplanes or rockets. What would they think about the types of transportation we have today? Would they be surprised? Now think about future of transportation. What types of transportation will there be 100 years from now? Describe one type of transportation in the future. Dont forget to: Think and be creative! Use your imagination and have fun,In 1900, plane hadnt been invented! 在1900年,还没有发明飞机! 过去完成时的被动语态。过去完成时的被动语态由had +been+及物动词的过去分词构成。例如: When we got there, that big bridge had been built. 当我们到那时,那座大桥已经建成了。 拓展 现在完成时的被动语态:其结构是:have /has +及物动词的过去分词。例如: My homework has been done already. 我的作业早已做完了,Certainly! 当然啦! certainly 一定,必定。例如:He will certainly come. 他一定来。 当然;当然可以(用于口语)相当于sure. 例如: -Will you please pass me the book? 请你把书递给我好吗? -Certainly. /Sure. / Of course. 当然可以。 【衔接】 certain adj. 1) 确凿的;无疑的,只用作表语。如: It is certain that two plus two makes four. 2加2等于4是确定无疑的。 2) 确信的;有把握的,同义词sure。如: He is certain to do well in this exam. 这次考试他一定能考好。 3) 可靠的。如: There is no certain cure for this illness. 这个病尚无可靠的疗法,4) 某一的;某种;一定的;相当的。 如:a man of a certain age 相当年纪的人 5) 短语: for certain等于for sure肯定地,有把握地。如: I dont know for certain. 我不确定。 make certain=make sure 把弄确定;弄清楚。如: make certain of the time 弄清时间 Make certain when the train leaves. 弄清火车什么时候离开,What invention will you present, Danny? 你想要介绍什么发明呢,丹尼? Present 1) vt. 展现;介绍 present to把呈现给;把介绍给 The exhibition presented a picture of general prosperity in Chinas agriculture. 展览会展示了中国农业的一片欣欣向荣的景象。 Allow me to present Mr. Brown to you. 请允许我把布朗先生介绍给你。 2) adj. 现在的 Whats your present address? 你现在的住址在哪儿? 3) v. 出席,在场 There are many old men present. 许多老人都到场了。 【衔接】 present还可以用作名词 礼物 Ill give her a present on her birthday. 生日那天我要送给她一件礼物。 现在 at the moment 此刻,这会儿 for the moment暂时 【注意】 presentation n. 表达,介绍,是present的名词形式,Its one big round wheel. 它是个既大又圆的轮子。 round adj. 圆的 He has a round face. 他有一张圆脸。 There are twelve round poles over there. 那边有12根圆柱。 【拓展】 round的其他用法 1) adv. 围绕地 He kept me running round on the playground. 他让我绕着操场跑圈。 2) adv. 在周围,在附近 He visited all the people round. 他访问了附近所有的人。 3) prep. 围绕着 The earth moves round the sun. 地球绕着太阳转,4) prep. 在的周围 They are planting trees round the school. 他们在学校周围植树。 相关短语: all the year round 一年到头 They work all the year round. 他们一年到头工作。 show around带领参观 Well show some foreigners round our school tomorrow. 明天我们将带一些外国人参观我们的学校。 【注意】 当round作副词和介词时,等同于around,Youd better not invent that, Danny! 你最好不要发明那个,丹尼! Youd better “你还是好,最好还是”,后跟动词原形。 You had better wash your clothes yourself. 你最好自己动手洗衣服。 【拓展】 变否定句时,直接在better后加not。 You had (Youd) better not go to the movies tonight. 今晚你最好不要去看电影。 变反意疑问句时,助动词要用had。 Youd better work harder, hadnt you? 你最好更加努力学习,好不好,It would make you sick. 它会使你恶心! sick adj. 1) 生病的,有病的,同义词是ill,反义词well。既可以作表语,也可以作定语。如: Jane is taking care of her sick mother. 詹妮正在照顾她生病的母亲。(定语) His wife is sick in bed with a cold. 他妻子因患感冒而生病卧床。 【注意】 2) sick作表语,恶心,呕吐。如: The boy feels sick when he travels by car. 那个男孩坐汽车旅行时总想呕吐。 3) 作表语,厌烦,讨厌。例如: John is sick of his job. 约翰讨厌他的工作,Im sorry, but I wouldnt want to ride in the Danny Wheel, either. 很抱歉,我也不想乘坐丹尼轮子。 either adv. 也 Jim isnt late. Kate isnt late, either. 吉姆没迟到,凯特也没迟到。 辨析:either, too与also 这三个词都可以用作副词表示“也”,但用法不同: either仅用于否定句,要放在句末; too用于肯定句中,放于句末; also用于肯定句和疑问句中,要放于句中。 Tom didnt come, either. 汤姆也没来。 That is a red bag, too. 那也是个红色的书包。 Brian is also right. 布莱恩也是对的,拓展】 either的其他用法 1) adj. (两者中)每一方都 There are some shops on either side of the street. 街道两边都有商店。 2) adj. (两者中)任何一个 You can take either book. 你可以拿这两本书中的任何一本。 3) pron. (两者中)任何一个 Either of us shall agree to your arrangement. 我们两人中有一个会同意你的安排。 【衔接】 有关either的习语 1) either of(两者中)任何一个,作主语时,谓语动词要用单数形式。 Either of us is a student. 我们两个人都是学生。 2) ei


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