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牛津版上海中考二模冲刺讲义初中单选易错题整理40道1. _ maths, we study Chinese, English, physics and chemistry in school.A. ExceptB. BesidesC. BesideD.As2. The underground train can _ a lot of passengers every day.A. takeB. bringC.carryD.send3. Before you sleep, make sure your room is _ locked.A. fluentlyB.securelyC. gentlyD.luckily4. Neither you nor he _ to Guilin before.A. have goneB. have beenC. has goneD. has been5. I wonder if you _ the invitation yesterday. A. sendB. sentC. has sentD. will send6. -_have you lived in Canada? -For about ten years.A. How soonB. How often C. How far D. How long7. Its the most beautiful building I have _seen.A. alreadyB. yetC. neverD. ever8. Mrs. Zhang hasnt decided_.A. how do itB. how to do C. what to do itD. what to do9. I remember the most important points of the story, but I have forgotten the details. The underlined part meas”_”.A. mainB. chiefC. responsibleD. ideal10. The policeman tried their best to search _ the three men who had robbed the bank.A. lied B. layC. laidD. lying11. You cant learn English well _ you practice more.A. whatB. howC.what anD. how a12. Do you know _ the children listened to yesterday evening?A. have no choice, takeB. have no choice, to takeC. can do nothing, to doD. can do something, do13.Your computer will _ without any anti-virus software.A. go wrongB.go aheadC.go backD.go over14.We have grown up. We cant depend too much _ our parents.A. withB. onC.byD.in15.She determined to _ in her life.A.successB.succeededC.succeedD.successful16.-Must I go to buy it now? -No, you _. You may buy it on your way home tomorrow.A. mustntB.needntC.cantD.shouldnt17. He gets up early every day_Sunday, because he wants to have a good rest.A.besidesB.except forC.except that D.except18.Mr. Green _Beijing since three years ago.A.has come toB.wentC.had inD.has been in19.I dont believe he has finished his work, _?A.have I B.has heC.havent ID.hadnt he20.My father gives up smoking. He doesnt smoke _.A.no longerB.any longerC.not any longer D.longer21. - Youve agreed to go. So why arent you getting ready?- But I _ that you _ me to start at once.A. didnt realize, wantedB. dont realize, wantC. havent realized, wantD. hadnt realized, wanted22. One of the sides of the board should be painted yellow, and _.A. the other is whiteB. another whiteC. the other whiteD. another is white23. I have solved the problem _ I will never forget. A. in a wayB. by the wayC. on the wayD. with a way24.Courage is one of the things _ to make ones mark.A. helped B. neededC. will leadD. being necessary25.Its easier to talk about doing a thing than _ into practice.A. putting itB. putting C. to putD. to put it26.Word came from my hometown _ an earthquake had taken place there, _ 200 persons their lives.A. where to costB. which in order to costC. that costingD. that cost27. _ does a new evening dress _ this cost?A. What likeB. How much asC. What price such asD. How the same as28. It was five oclock in the afternoon _ they arrived at the Lost Property Office.A. since B. before C. when D. that 29.One third of the fruit _ about to be sold to that city _ a high price.A. is; at B. has; on C. are; for D. is; with 30.When the lecture saw everyone _, he began his lecture.A. seated B. sat C. sits D. is seated 31.The noise of the machines _ can be clearly heard in our classroom.A. fixed B. being fixed C. to be fixed D. having been fixed 32. His father studied hard at school when he was young, _ led to his success in his later life.A. what B. which C. that D. so that 33.English has an extremely rich vocabulary because it _ many words from various sources. A. borrowsB. borrowedC. has borrowedD. had borrowed34.Someone is ringing the doorbell. Go and see _. A. who is heB. who he isC. who is itD. who it is35._ for your laziness, you could have finished the assignment by now. A. Had not it beenB. werent itC. It were notD. Had it not been36.Prices of daily goods _ through a computer can be lower than store prices.A. are boughtB. boughtC. been boughtD. buying37.Most interviewees are advised to shake hands firmly with interviewers because a form handshake is always considered


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