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46 Expensive and uncomfortable1. load1)(精神方面的)负担,重荷,忧虑,劳苦Her recovery(恢复)took a load off my mind.Take off 卸下脱下2)装载,使负荷Load a lorry(卡车) with brick(砖)3)装(胶卷,弹药,数据或程序)Load a new film into the camera(照相机)Be careful .The gun is loaded. (枪上膛)4)unload 从卸下货物Would you help me unload my car?5)download下载2. Wooden adj. 1)木制的,木造的 a wooden chair Be made of(看得见的原材料)be made from(看不见的原材料) 2)(动作等)笨拙的;(表情等)呆滞的,木然的 Wooden movements 僵硬的动作3. extremely 非常,及其,极端I am extremely sorry.It was an extremely difficult and dangerous task.4. Occur 发生When did the accident occur? 这个事故是什么时候发生?1) happen/occur 两者都是指偶然发生或未经筹划的事件,但occur比happen正式2) take place 指按计划发生The wedding took place on 24th April.3) occur to sb 想到,想起An idea has occurred to me.我有主意了Did it ever occur to you to learn another foreign language?Did it ever occur to you你可曾想?5. Astonish 使目瞪口呆Astonish sb是某人目瞪口呆The news astonished everybody.Be astonished at被(因)惊吓I was astonished at the loud sound.我听到这么大的声音被吓了一跳。Astonished 感到惊吓的Astonishing令人惊讶的He looked astonished. His victory(成功) was really astonishing.6. Pile1) adj.大批的,大堆的a pile of work 大量的工作 pile of friends 很多朋友2) v.堆,摞,放 pile papers on the table 把文件堆放在桌子上3) 盛,把盛在容器里She piled his plate with potatoes.她把土豆盛在盘子里。4) (口)(大批的人)蜂拥地移动The passengers piled into the train.乘客蜂拥般地挤上火车。7. Discover发现,看出,察觉Do you know who discover America?We never discover how he died.我们查不出他的死因。Invent vt.发明,创造,编造Who invented the computer?两者区别,一个发现已有事务,一个创造现未有事物8. Admit1).vt.承认(事实,过失)(反义词,deny vt.否认知青,拒绝)I admitted my mistake(错误).2) admitted doing He admitted having stolen that car.他承认偷了那辆车。4) vt.准许进入,准许入场she opened the door and admitted the guests(客人) into the house9. confineconfine sb/sth in/to 把限制在某空间以内it is cruel(残忍)to confine a bird in a cage.After the operation, he was confined to bed for a month.Confine oneself in bed 坐月子Confined (指空间)有限的,受限制的It is hard to work in such a confined space.47 . A thirsty ghost1. thirsty1).口渴的I am thirsty to death.我口渴的要命。2).渴望的The young politician was thirsty for power.那个年轻的政治家渴望权势。3).a thirsty ghost (喻)嗜酒的鬼魂2. ghost 1).幽灵,鬼 Very few people believe in ghost. (believe in 相信) Ghost story.鬼故事,怪谈 2)幻影般的东西,幻想,一点点 He hasnt got the ghost(一点点)of a chance of winning the first prize.3 .haunt 1)(指鬼魂)常出没于(某处) A ghost is said to haunt the house.据说这所房子经常闹鬼。 2)经常到(某处),常去,常至 This is one of the bars I used to haunt.这是我过去常去的一个酒吧。 I hear you haunt that disco.我听说你经常去那家迪斯科舞厅。4. furniture 家具(不可数) A piece of furniture一件家具 We had litter furniture.我几乎没有什么家具。 Furnish v. (给房子,房间)装置(家具) The apartment is badly furniture.这座公寓里面的家具不全。4. suggest 1) v.暗示Her pale face suggests that she is ill.她苍白的脸暗示着她生病了。Are you suggesting that Im telling a lie?你是暗示我在撒谎吗?2)建议Suggest sb for建议某人作为Suggest sth as 建议某事作为I suggest Paris as a good place for a honeymoon.我建议巴黎是个度蜜月的好地方。(as 作为)Suggest doing 建议做I suggest learning 100 new words a day.我建议每天学习100个生词。Suggest that(should do)(用虚拟语气)I suggest that you (should) apologize(道歉) to her.5. shake使(建筑物等)摇动,使(身体,声音等)颤抖,摇(瓶等)The explosion(爆炸) shook the houses.Shake the bottle before taking the medicine(药).Shake hands 握手 6.accept1)接受 Will you accept my invitation(邀请)?I asked her to marry me and she accepted.2)承认,相信,认可Did you accepted that his statement(陈述) was ture?3)接纳,迎进The class accepted the new teacher.7. 1)going to 表示意图,打算或不久即将发生的事2)用将来完成时表示将来某一时刻已经完成的动作3)与过去完成时经常连用的连词,no soonerthan, hardlywhen以及befor4)间接疑问句,第二类条件句5)“必要”,“不必要”的情态助词,mast,have(got)to,need6)have加名词代替普通动词,can 与be able to 的区别和过去完成时中的被动语态Are you going to visit Old Delhi?你打算去旧德里旅游吗?I would if I could ,but I cant afford it.(第二类条件句)Did you speak to the manager(经理)?He didnt come ,so I didnt have to him after all.I ve called a taxi.You neednt have done that Id already called one.(need 表示必要)He had no sooner returned than he bought a house.(no soonerthan用于过去完成时,表示一就)By the end of next year, they will have finished work on the new stadium.(将来完成时,by引导的时间状语常与它连用)He asked if/whether Mr.Gilberts operation had been successful.(间接疑问句)We had a long walk through one of the markets of Old Delhi.(had a walk=walked)481. pull1)v. 拔(草,瓶塞,钉子等)。拔掉,拉开 (Push 推)I spent a whole day pulling weeds. Pull out a nail(钉子)2)v.拖拉拽If you want something ,pull this cord.2. collect1)v.收集,搜集,(人)集合They collected up all the wastepaper(垃圾) after the picnic.A lot of people collected at the concert.演奏会上听众云集。 2)v征收(税收),募(捐),收(款),募集(捐款)Collect for charity 慈善募捐Collect taxes 征收税金Collect rent from a tenant 向房客收取租金,landlord 房东3. nod1).点头,摇头He nodded and we stoop up.他点头示意所以我们站起来了。2)v.打盹I nodded off during the class today.3)v.(不留神)弄错,失误(罕见)Homer sometimes nods.智者千虑必有一失。4. meanwhile/in the meantime1) 期间,在此期间The train wont leave for an ho


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