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Marketing of Aquatic (Fishery) Products水产品(渔产品)市场营销

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Marketing of Aquatic (Fishery) Products水产品(渔产品)市场营销

Marketing of Aquatic ProductsWilson2021.2,Markets of Aquatic Products International Trade Package Brand Construction Marketing Strategy,Outlines,Section 1 Markets of Aquatic Products in China,I. Characteristics of Aquatic Products and Markets,1. Aquatic products resources situation in China 1.1 Various species and types (1500/600) 1.2 Large amount of Commercial species(70/20)/High-yield individual fish is limitted 1.3 Fast growth, maturity and resource recovery,2. Characteristics of Chinas aquatic products markets,2.1 Abundant in aqua-species 2.2 Big Difference in market value 2.3 Biggest price fluctuation 2.4 Lowest market entrance requirements,II. Influence factors for consumption market,1. Population 1.1 Influence from total population growth and growth speed 1.2 Influence from elderly people and urban residents growth,2. Economic factors,2.1 Social purchasing power 2.2 Consumers income,3. Products,3.1 Quality and functions 3.2 Prices and Substitute Goods,4. Sociocultural factors,4.1 Cultural and Education Backgrounds 4.2 Consumption Preference and Values,5. Regional Environment,5.1 Regional ideas difference 5.2 Regional salary difference,III. Characteristics of retail market,1. Different types and chemical compostion 1.1 Types (Fish;Shellfish;Seaweed;Mamals in forms/Freshwater;Marine/Live; Ice;Frozen;Dried,III. Characteristics of retial market,1.2 Chemical composition 1.3 Changes after dead,2. Identification of the freshness,2.1 Fish gills 2.2 Fish eyes 2.3 Scales and skin 2.4 Tissue status,3. Characteristics of fish commodaties in supermarkets,3.1 Numerous types 3.2 Difficult goods resource control 3.3 Muscle content difference due to size and different sections 3.4 Seasonal influence for flavour 3.5 Easy Spoilage变质,IV. Whosale Market,Traditional retail/wholesale markets Specialized market (Led by govt.) Modern circulation market(Chain/Supermarket) E-business or e-market,http:/,1. Opportunities and Challenges,With globalization and WTO: Trade quantity increased and space expanded Advanced management, technology and IT introduction Personnel quality improving and complete structure,Challenges for wholesale markets: Outside factors: a. new technology and e-business development threaten the traditional markets; b. supermarkets capability with complete circulation system (processing+delivery) c. cross-border companies competition d. chain shops and online shops competition,Inside factors: a. Maket management machenism lagging behind; b. Operation method lagging behind, lack of talents, management personnel capability; c. trading mathod lagging behind, complicated circulation, blocking the market circulation-led industrialization d. unbalanced information resources,Special restriction factors in marine products circulation: a. harvesting space narrowing b. marine resources declines c. cost increasing d. domestic demand decreases e. living satandard increases,2. Industrilization of Aquatic products market,2.1 Industry Integration, industrialization promotion -Production Combine gov., social community, producer, operator, wholesale market, means of production, research institutes in a same info. platform for technical (dolphin) -2002, Chloromycetin in frozen shrimp exported to EU; -2004, Anti-dumping to Vanamei produced in China by US,I. Basic Situation1. Characteristics of International trade,1.1. Most coming from developing countries; 1.2. Developed countries are the major importers; 80% 1.3. Processed products are majority; 90% 1.4. More important to developing countries,2. Influence factors,Stable after 1990s Asia economy slack and crisis in Japan. Importing keeps decline in major countries in Asia. Economy in EU and US had good momentum and help maintain the trade market, also the barriers decreased. Factors like mechanism, management, environment, technology and consumption preference,2.1. EEZ implementation by coastal countries 2.2. Environment fluctuation and fishery management 2.3. Aquaculture development 2.4. Added value products expansion and freezing/package technology innovation 2.5. Consumption preference 2.6. Aquatic industry integration,3. Characteristics of Chinas Aquatic products trade,Keep increasing. Due to: market demand-price increase; structure adjustments, more added value; foreign investment,3.1. Cultured species for dominance 3.2. Normal trade for dominance (high value species) Processed products increased fast. (Imported raw material, export fish fillets) 3.3. Regional distribution 3.4. Exporting targets relatively limited (Japan, South Korea, USA, EU) 3.5. Live products, frozen products and deeply processed products in harmonious devt,II. Major trade barriers,Tariff walls and non-tariff barrier,Technical Green Anti-dumping Anti-subsidy Import license,Need to take measures to do the analysis and research about the non-tariff barriers,1. Conventional Non-tariff Barriers,1.1. Technical barriers Through issuing laws and regulations to establish technical standardization, certification


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