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六年级英语上册Unit 7教案1

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六年级英语上册Unit 7教案1

1作者:盐城市第一小学 孙 梅 6A Unit 7(B)第四课时教学目标 1、Review B and E. 2、Learn A. 教学重点 Be able to read the text and answer some questions. 教学难点 have a big lunch visit their relatives and friends delicious food dress up in costumes 教学准备 Tape-recorder, pictures 教学过程: 一. Warming up Read B&E. 二 . Preparation. 1. Greetings 2. Free talk What do people usually do at? They Did you last? 2Yes, I did./No, I didnt. 三. Revision Have a dictation. Mid-Autumn Festival, dragon boat races, have a long holiday, a popular holiday, in January or February, eat moon cakes, play with beautiful lanterns, Spring Festival, eat a lot of delicious food, meet friends and relatives. 四. Presentation 1. the first paragraph a. Listen to the tape. b. Questions. Whats the date today? Why are the teachers and the students getting excited? What are they talking about? Christmas is coming. get very excited 2. the 2nd paragraph a. Listen to the tape. b. Questions Whens Christmas? What holiday comes after Christmas? What day comes after Sunday? 3on the 25th of December come after 3. the3rd paragraph a. Listen to the tape. b. Questions Did David go to a party last year? What did he do last year? Did Yang Ling visit her friends and relatives? What else did he do? go to parties have a big lunch visit their relatives and friends delicious food 4. the 4th paragraph a. Listen to the tape. b. Questions Whats Bens favourite holiday? What do people do at Halloween? Did Ben dress up in costumes? What did he do? dress up in costumes 3. the 5th paragraph a. Listen to the tape. 4b. Questions Whats Yang Lings favourite holiday? What did she do? moon cakes 6. Read the text. 7.Do the exercise. 五. Homework 1. Recite the phrases. 2. Read A. 六. Writing on the blackboard. Unit 8 have a big lunch visit their relatives and friends delicious food dress up in costumes 第五课时教学目标 1、Review A. 2、Do some exercises. 教学重点 Be able to talk about the holidays. 教学难点 Be able to say out “What do people usually do at?” 5教学准备 Tape-recorder, pictures 教学过程: 一. Warming up Read A. 二. Preparation. 1. Greetings 2. Free talk What do people usually do at? They Did you last? Yes, I did./No, I didnt. 三. Revision Have a dictation. last Mid-Autumn Festival, dress up in costumes, favourite holiday, visit relatives and friends, at the Spring Festival, get excited, have a big lunch, Christmas, go to parties, lots of delicious food 四. Presentation 1. Listening. A. Listen and write. B. Listen and judge. 6C. Listen and match. 2. Reading and writing A. Look, think and write. B. Look and write. eat moon cakes, watch dragon boat festival, have a party, make Easter eggs C. Look, read and fill in the form. D. Read and answer. 五. Homework Review Unit 8. 六. Writing on the blackboard. Unit 8 eat moon cakes, watch dragon boat festival, have a party, make Easter eggs 第六课时Have a test. Homework. 7根据文中提示完成下列句子: 1.I often get up _(早上六点一刻) 2.My father usually _(看电视) after supper. 3.They often _(举办体育节) in September. 4.Liu Tao often visits his grandparents _(在周末). 5.Yang Lings uncle _(居住在 ) a small town near Nanjing. 6.We _(制作了许多美丽的风筝) at the kite festival. 7.Billy always eats a lot of food _(每天). 8.Su Hai , where is my diary? It was on my bed _(刚才 第七课时分析考卷. Homework. 1 Prepare Unit 9. Listen to the tape. Read A&B several times. 2. Revision. 人称代词与物主代词 8教后感:本课的教学中,将一般现在时和过去时混合在一起,学生容易混尧。在教学中要让学生注意时间的变化,区别两种时态。


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