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History of Mathematics in Mathematics Education emphasis on the role of-毕业论文翻译

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History of Mathematics in Mathematics Education emphasis on the role of-毕业论文翻译

1History of Mathematics in Mathematics Education emphasis on the role ofTo fully understand the mathematical sciences, to explore the laws of the development of mathematics, mathematics education for the purpose should be to carry out the history of mathematics teaching and research, a better understanding of the history of mathematics in mathematics education status and value, give full play to the history of mathematics knowledge in carrying out quality-oriented education important role. 1 History of Mathematics in Mathematics Education in the position of History of mathematics is to learn math, understand math tools. People want to understand mathematical concepts, 2mathematical ideas and methods of the development process, growth in mathematics liberal establishment of mathematics as a whole sense of the history of mathematics must be used as a supplement and guidance. In particular, the system of modern mathematics is like “prosperous dense forest” people “not see it standing outside glimpse of the whole picture, in-depth they may be trapped within the maze,” The role of the history of mathematics is to guide the direction of the “roadmap” to give people inspiration and Ming-jian. History of mathematics and mathematical philosophy, philosophy of science, and society in all aspects of cultural history are closely linked, covering what is math. Mathematics and innovation in human thought, mathematics and other scientific and technical relations. Mathematics and social progress, not only has the communication arts, science of nature, but also to a profound understanding of mathematics and culture, to cultivate arts, science Kanemichi, “Learning, talents and knowledge,” both math 3professionals have an important significance . “Learning, talents and knowledge,” that is, knowledge, abilities and insights and ideas, where “knowledge” is knowledge and ability to go in guiding the fundamental issue. If the mathematics education just stop at the mathematical theory of their own learning, and even the substance of the mathematical theory did not go into details, the students can not understand the system of relying on the mathematical knowledge on top of the mathematical ideas and beliefs throughout the mathematics in science and research activities Mental (including the scientific empirical spirit, the spirit of rational and critical spirit), and the sense of beauty and appreciation of mathematics, and mathematics are closely related to the social function of ethical norms such as mathematics culture, heritage, nor will it form a “before” and “knowledge.” Hence, learning the history of mathematics is based on “quality education” as the goal of the inherent requirements of mathematics education, which train students for the humanistic spirit and mathematical concepts, mathematical ability, mathematics, the overall awareness of special significance. 42 History of Mathematics in Mathematics Education in the role of 2.1 from a professional knowledge and learning to see the importance of the history of mathematics Expertise and historical knowledge is always complementary. That is, not only to study history need to have certain professional knowledge, and professional knowledge, they too need to learn to use historical knowledge to help analysis and reflection. Well-known mathematician Weyl (H? Weyl ,1885-1955) that: “If you do not know far back as ancient Greece, generations of seniors, have to establish and develop the concepts, methods and results, we can not understand the last 50 years math goals. “If the material is based on a branch of modern mathematics to write, and mainly on the basis axiomatic way of thinking rather than knowledge of an incident, 5scheduling system, will enable students in learning mathematics, we often know-but not why, in particular, will process of development of mathematical concepts, theorem proving the discovery process, as well as the various branches of mathematics little is known about the link between. So let students understand the historical development of various courses is to promote the essential means of learning subjects. Specifically, the role of the history of mathematics can be summarized as follows: (1) gives an overall framework of mathematics, there is an overall picture of mathematics, ability to recognize the relationship between the various branches. (2) mathematical problems, concepts, theories and methods have certain knowledge about the origin. The introduction of their motives and the consequences of an understanding of the above two points so that we of a certain branch of mathematics in the whole initial understanding of the positioning can be. (3) to sum up historical experience, the lessons learned, drawing on a variety of ways to solve problems, direction. (4) The trend of development of mathematics have a certain estimates and projections. 6Practical experience shows that a number of mathematicians to introduce students to the l


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