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人教版七年级英语下Unit12 What did you do last weekend单元试卷及答案

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人教版七年级英语下Unit12 What did you do last weekend单元试卷及答案

英语人教七年级下Unit12 What did you do last weekend单元测评(分数:100分时间:90分钟)第卷听力部分(20分)听句子,选择与其意思相符的图片(有两幅多余图片)。句子读一遍(5分)1_2_3_4_5_听句子,选择正确答语。句子读一遍(5分)6AIt was fantastic. BIt was small. CI went to New York City.7AShe went to the beach. BHe stayed at home. CIt was really cool.8AIt was terrible. BIt was not bad. CThey were very friendly.9AHow do you go there?BThank you.CReally?Did you visit the Great Wall?10AYes, I did. BYes, I do. CNo, I wasnt.听对话,选择正确答案。对话读两遍(10分)11Did he do his homework last night?ANo, he didnt. BYes, he does. CYes, he did.12How was Bobs vacation?AIt was boring. BIt was pretty good. CIt was hot.13Where did she go?AShe went to the mountains.BShe went to the beach.CShe went to summer camp.14How was the weather in New York City last week?AIt was warm and humid. BIt was cold but sunny. CIt was hot.15Where is Jacks uncle?AHes in Guangdong. BHes in Fujian. CHes in Guangxi.第卷笔试部分(80分)单项选择(10分)16_ did you do last weekend?AHow BWhere CWhat DWhen17Did you have great fun _ English from Mr.Green?Alearn Blearning Clearns Dlearned18The boy _ when he was in the mountain by himself.Alost Bloses Cis lost Dwas lost19You look very tired.I _ too late to watch the basketball game last night.Astayed up Bput up Cwoke up Dcalled up20The soup is very _; Id like some more.Adelicious Bawful Cwell Dcheap21Who cleaned the classroom?Bob _.Adoes Bdid Ccleaned Dwas22_ was your weekend?It _ really relaxing.AHow;was BWhat;were CWhat;was DHow;were23We all know that snakes have no _.Aeyes Bmouths Cteeth Dears24I saw a cat _ with a ball in the living room.Aplay Bplayed Cplays Dplaying25The weather was terrible,and it _ me _ sad.Amake;feel Bmade;feel Cmade;felt Dmakes;feel完形填空(10分)Last Sunday we had a great trip.My father, my mother and I _26_ to summer camp.We went to a mountain.First we _27_ to the foot of the mountain _28_ bus.In the middle of the mountain there was a river.The water was clean and clear.I washed my face _29_ the water.It was warm.There _30_ some fish in the river.In the mountain there were flowers.They were _31_.At noon, many people got together, and they were very _32_.We made our meal in the mountain.The food was very _33_, and we liked it very much.After meal, we went on our trip.We felt _34_.It was really _35_.26Ago Bgoes Cwent Dgoing27Aget Bgot Cgot to Darrived28Aby Bon Cin Dtook29Aon Bwith Cfor Dinto30Ais Bwas Cwere Dare31Augly Bbeautiful Cawful Ddelicious32Afriendly Bfriends Cbusy Dtired33Anice Bterrible Cbad Dworse34Ahappy Bunhappy Cfriendly Dunpleasant35Acold Bhot Cfun Dsad阅读理解(30分)AMost American families like to have vacation in summer.Summer is a good season for vacation.It is often hot in July and August.Children do not go to school in those two months.Some like to stay at home, read books, stay with their families or watch TV.Many families take their lunch to eat at a place with many trees or near a nice lake.Some people have enough time and money to travel(旅行)to other countries like France, Japan and Australia.They usually fly to these countries.Many families travel by car or train to see interesting places in their own countries.Their favorite cities are New York, Chicago, Miami, San Francisco and Los Angeles.Not everyone likes to go to busy cities.Some families travel to mountains or beautiful valleys(山谷)36According to the passage,_ is a good season for vacation.Aspring Bsummer Cautumn Dwinter37Some children like to stay at home during their vacation.They dont _.Aread books Bstay with their familiesCwatch TV Dgo to school38Many families like to have their lunch _ during their vacation.Ain the office Bnear a cinemaCnear a big factory Dnear a nice lake39If you have _, you can travel to other countries.Amoney and friends Bfriends and timeCmoney and time Dfood40Which of the following is “芝加哥” ?AChicago. BNew York. CMiami. DLos Angeles.BDear Jane,After I left Paris I spent two days in New York City and one day in Washington DC.I got to Miami, Florida on Nov.13.The weather is wonderful here.This morning I went swimming and then


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