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. . . . . . . 边境民族地区义务教育均衡发展研究 论文起止时间:2013 年 5 月2014 年 5 月 . . . . . . . 摘 要 党的十八届三中全会再次重申“大力促进教育公平,逐步缩小区域、城乡、 校际差距” 。义务教育作为纯公共产品和基本公共服务,其均衡发展是促进教育 公平的重要手段,是社会公平正义在教育领域的延伸和体现,也是当前义务教 育改革的最高呼声。这是本研究的核心和根本。 边境民族地区集山区、贫困、民族、边疆为一体,与全国、全省整体水平 相比,义务教育发展速度缓慢、水平滞后,区域、城乡、校际间失衡状态十分 突出。这有悖于教育实质意义的公正、公平,损害了边境少数民族的合法教育 权益,背离了“平等、团结、和谐”的社会主义民族关系,制约了边境民族地 区和谐稳定发展大局。没有边境民族地区义务教育的均衡发展,就没有省乃至 全务教育的均衡发展,如何补齐这块“短板” ,尤为重要而紧迫。这是本研究的 着力点和切入点。 本文立足教育公平,将公共产品、基本公共服务均等化理论运用于边境少 数民族地区义务教育均衡发展实践,采用文献资料、对比研究、问卷调查、案 例剖析的方法,甄选最具地域、民族和发展代表性的 9 个边境民族自治县开展 调查研究,通过挖掘 5 个维度 30 余项指标的 1000 余个丰富、详实的数据,发 现边境民族地区义务教育在社会经济发展、经费投入、办学条件、师资水平、 办学质量及效益 5 个方面存在严重不均衡。对造成边境民族地区义务教育非均 衡发展的经济性、政策性、社会性 3 个因素进行系统、全面分析。有针对性地 从健全公共管理制度、完善政策保障体系、实施资源均衡发展工程、营造良好 发展环境 4 个层面,提出促进边境民族地区义务教育均衡发展的策略。 文章试图紧扣国家和省义务教育公共政策,突出研究对象、围、数据的典 型性、代表性和客观性,力求使研究结果体现真实、可靠和实用,使对策建议 凸显实践价值和现实意义,旨在一定程度上为边境民族地区的义务教育均衡发 展提供政策指导和决策参考。 关键词:关键词:边境;少数民族;义务教育;均衡发展;对策研究 . . . . . . . ABSTRACTABSTRACT The Third Plenary Session of the 18th Central Committee of the CPC reiterated “To vigorously promoteeducationfairness. To gradually narrowregional, urban and rural, schools gap. As the pure public goods and basic public services, the balanced development of compulsory education is an important means to promote education fairness, but alsothe embodiment and extension of social justice in the field of education. It is the highest voiceof the current compulsory education reform. This is the core and essence of the study. Yunnan border ethnic areas are combinations of mountains, poverty, ethnic groups and borders. Its compulsory education development obviously lags behindthe advanced areas in Yunnan and the country.The phenomenon of imbalance between regions, urban and rural areas, schools is very prominent.This deviates from education justice and socialist ethnic relations of equality, unity, harmony, harms the legal education rightsof border ethnic minorities,restricts the harmonious and stabledevelopment of border ethnic areas.Onlythe balanced development of compulsory education in borderethnic areas, can realize the balanced development of compulsory education in Yunnan and evenin the country. How to make up the piece of short board of compulsory education in borderethnicareasis particularly important and urgent. This is the focus of the study. Focused on education justice, the study applies public goods and basic public service equalization theories to compulsory education in Yunnan border ethnic areas,usesresearch methodsof documents study, comparative studies, surveys, case studies, etc., takes the most . . . . . . . representative of nine border ethnic autonomous counties for the study.With more than 1,000 data of selected 5 dimensions and 30 specific indicators, it finds that the development of compulsory education in Yunnan border ethnic areas is seriously imbalanced inaspects of economic development, funding, education quality and effectiveness. The study deeply analyzes economic, policy, social causes of compulsory education balanced development in Yunnan border ethnic areas, andproposes suggestions for promoting compulsory education balanced development in Yunnan border ethnic areas in four aspects, including a sound management system development, policy support system improvement, implementation of the resourcesbalanced development, and creating a favorable environment for development. This thesis attempts to closely link national and Yunnan provincial compulsory education public policies, highlights the typical, representative research object, scope and data, makes the study results true, reliable and practical.Its suggestions highlight the practical value and significance,in order to supply policy guidance and decision-making referencesto some extent for the balanced development of compulsory education in border ethnic areas. . . . . . . . KEYKEY WORDSWORDS: Yunnan borders, ethnic minorities, compulsory education, balanced development, countermeasures. . . . . . . . 目 录 摘 要.I ABSTRACT.II 绪 论.1 一、问题提出及研究意义.1 (一)问题提出 .1 (二)研究意义 .2 二、国外研究现状.3 (一)国外理论研究及实践经验 .3 (二)国理论研究及实践探索 .6 (三)国外研究述评 .11 三、研究思路、容与方法.13 (一)研究对象与容 .13 (二)研究假设与技术路线 .13 (


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