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10-Henry and Mudge Take the Big Test(quiz有答案)

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10-Henry and Mudge Take the Big Test(quiz有答案)

Henry and Mudge Take the Big Test 1Which did Henry not buy Mudge for his first day of school?He bought him some dog food.He bought him a red leash.He bought him a silver collar.He bought him some liver treats.2What happened when the man told the collie to stay?He yelled at the dog for getting up.He walked down the street and disappeared.He asked Henry to watch her for awhile.He offered her a drink of water.3What did Henrys mother say she hoped that school had?She hoped it had many other dogs.She hoped it had lots of play time.She hoped for lots of paper towels.She hoped it had dog treats.4When Henry walked around the long white building, what did Mudge do?He fell asleep.He chased him.He drooled on his paws.He stayed in the same place.5What was the name of the collie?Her name was Susie.Her name was Sammy.Her name was Mudge.Her name was Sally,6How did Jack Papp teach Mudge not to jump up?He slapped Mudges paws.He blew air in Mudges ear.He danced with Mudge.He tickled Mudge on the tummy.7What did Henry like to do when he was nervous?He liked to play paddle ball.He liked to chew gum.He liked to go for a run.He liked to take a nap.8Who was sitting on the front porch?Henry, Mudge and Henrys mother and father were sitting there.Henry and Mudge were sitting there.Henry, Mudge and Henrys father were sitting there.Henry, Mudge and Henrys mother were sitting there.9Which one did Henry not think would happen at the first day of school for Mudge?He thought he would sit on a poodle.He thought he would do great.He thought he would drool on the teachers foot.He thought Mudge could not stay awake long enough.10What did Mudge do when Henry asked him if he wanted to go to school?Mudge yawned.Mudge snored and drooled.Mudge covered his head.Mudge ran around in circles.Henry and Mudge Take the Big Test 1. Correct Answer:He bought him some dog food.2. Correct Answer:He walked down the street and disappeared.3. Correct Answer:She hoped for lots of paper towels.4. Correct Answer:He stayed in the same place.5. Correct Answer:Her name was Susie.6. Correct Answer:He danced with Mudge.7. Correct Answer:He liked to play paddle ball.8. Correct Answer:Henry, Mudge and Henrys mother were sitting there.9. Correct Answer:He thought he would do great.10. Correct Answer:Mudge snored and drooled.


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