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13-Henry and Mudge and the Careful Cousin (quiz有答案)

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13-Henry and Mudge and the Careful Cousin (quiz有答案)

Henry and Mudge and the Careful Cousin by Rylant, Cynthia; 1What did Henry tell Mudge while they were waiting for Annie?He said, Annie is my careful cousin.He said, I sure hope she is fun.He said, She will not brush you.He said, I think she will like you.2Which question that Annie asked, could Henry NOT answer about Mudge?Does he bite?Does he jump up?Does he drool a lot?Does he play catch?3How did Annie throw the Frisbee?She flipped it up into a tree.She sent it flying high into the air for Mudge to catch.She whizzed it like a rocket into Henrys hands.She sent it flying onto the porch.4What happened when Mudge licked Annie while she was sitting on the couch?She screamed for her dad.She hugged Mudge.She ran away.She turned pink.5What did Annie like to do?She liked to play catch.She liked to play the piano.She liked to play with the fish.She liked to play with dogs.6How long was Annie going to stay with Henry?She was to stay a whole day and night.She was to stay a whole two weeks.She was to stay the whole day.She was to stay a whole weekend.7What did Henry wonder about Annie?He wondered what she would do if she smelled his dads car.He wondered what she would do if she smelled Mudges mouth.He wondered what she would do if she smelled his dirty socks.He wondered what she would do if she smelled his fish tank.8What did Henry and Mudge do while they were waiting for Annie?Henry and Mudge played catch.Henry and Mudge chased butterflies.Henry brushed Mudge.Henry and Mudge took a nap.9Why did Annie turn pink in Henrys room?He let Mudge drool on her frilly dress and shiny shoes.He asked her to play the piano.He handed her a cookie from a dusty paper bag.He told her to hold one of the fish.10What two things did Mudge love?He loved brushing and barking.He loved brushes and company.He loved brushes and dancing.He loved dancing and company.Henry and Mudge and the Careful Cousin1. Correct Answer:He said, I sure hope she is fun.2. Correct Answer:Does he drool a lot?3. Correct Answer:She whizzed it like a rocket into Henrys hands.4. Correct Answer:She turned pink.5. Correct Answer:She liked to play the piano.6. Correct Answer:She was to stay a whole day and night.7. Correct Answer:He wondered what she would do if she smelled Mudges mouth.8. Correct Answer:Henry brushed Mudge.9. Correct Answer:He handed her a cookie from a dusty paper bag.10. Correct Answer:He loved brushes and company.


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