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Librarians Embedded in Learning: Integrating Information Seeking and Sense Making 资料管理员与学习密不可分的关系:整合信息搜索与意义的领会,阿尔伯塔大学 帕特丽夏郎佩尔(Patricia Rempel) 博士,资料管理员 Herbert T. Coutts 图书馆 教育系南楼 电话(办公室):(780)492-3767 阿尔伯塔大学图书馆系统 传真: (780)492-8367 阿尔伯塔省埃德蒙顿市 电邮: prempelualberta.ca 加拿大 T6G 2G5,Patricia Rempel, PhD,Introduction 介绍,Embedded librarians: embedded in what? place, space or learning Information literacy instruction Information seeking Sense making Concept Mapping an informational thinking strategy Conclusion,Information Literacy Instruction 信息素养能力的教育,appears undervalued and underdeveloped often one-shot workshop or guest lecture recent ACRL instructional competencies can offer value-added lifelong research skills growing availability of quality media and/or web-based tutorials reinforces informal & self-directed learning of how-to- skills gives learners choice of time, place and repetition,Information Literacy Instruction信息素养能力的教育,I argue for: increased collaborative teaching embedded in learning cohorts see also Kuhlthau, Caspari & Maniotes (2007) My contention is: librarians embedded as active participants within learning cohorts engaged in inquiry learning can enhance both the efficacy and the perceived value of our information literacy instruction,Information Seeking信息搜索,information seeking defined as: a complex information and communication activity requiring access to diverse sources of information (Spink & Cole, 2001) information behavior defined as: activities a person may engage in when identifying his or her own needs for information, searching for such information in any way, and using or transferring that information (Wilson, 1999),Information Seeking信息搜索,ACRL (2000) definition of information literacy competency a set of abilities requiring individuals to recognize when information is needed and have the ability to locate, evaluate, and use effectively the needed information allows for wide diversity of information locations social networks and/or formal databases emphasis on database searching, however, tends to reinforce perception as school skill,Information Seeking信息搜索,emphasis on database searching also tends to reinforce perception as technology or ICT skill while much is learned through the use of media,ICT skills need not embody information skills For these reasons, I further argue for greater emphasis on linking thinking strategies as embodied in sense making or adaptive learning and doing so as embedded participants within learning cohorts,Sense Making 意义的领会,Information a tool designed by human beings to make sense of a reality assumed to be both chaotic and orderly (Dervin, 1999) Sense making an active and ongoing effort to deal with that which is unique and transient (Weick, 1995) occurs more frequently as technology outputs become more complex,Sense Making意义的领会,librarians must participate in the meaning-making process not doing so is to fail to meet the full range of information needs of people in an information age (Kuhlthau (2004) I see sense making as adaptive learning is our capability to change the understandings that form our personal knowledge base in response to desired changes in circumstance or in perceptions or understandings of changed external reality,Sense Making意义的领会,as it relates to information literacy instruction a notion that links processes of writing and thinking in the development of a research paper (Northey & Tepperman (2007) find out what you dont know background reading focus initial writing on developing ones argument revise and refine the argument reinforces that gathering facts is not the endgame reflective of learning to write in multiple drafts,Information Commons 信息资源,notion I use to encompass publicly accessible information includes traditional media and the Internet Internet more contested arena than mass media can include traditional social networks reinforces communication as image and story, and the Internet as a marketplace of ideas further suggests that information literacy should focus on thinking and writing competencies rather than access skills,Concept Mapping 概念的构建,a visual thinking strategy reinforces the information seeking and sense making as iterative processes reinforces the link between information literacy and educational research literacy questions and supporting arguments are at the heart of every research article (Shank & Brown, 2007) sense making means knowing your main question and the point you are trying to make (Northey & Tepperman, 2007) diagrams change in thinking over time,Concept Mapping 概念的构建,can be used as an advanced integrative research methodology with K-12 students with post-secondary students starts with what you know, links that with what you want to know what you found in the literature what your research found an example of constructivist learning,Concept Mapping 概念的构建,(Burkhardt, MacDonald & Rathemacher, 2003, p. 28,Concept Mapping 概念的构建,(Burkhardt, MacDonald & Rathemacher, 2003, p. 24),Conclusion结论


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