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云南省中考英语总复习 第一部分 夯实基础过教材 九全 Units 7-8习题 人教新目标版

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云南省中考英语总复习 第一部分 夯实基础过教材 九全 Units 7-8习题 人教新目标版

九年级(全)Units 7-8. 单项填空1. (2017鄂州) The tall man with glasses over there looks like our math teacher.It _ be him. He has gone abroad.A. may not B. mustnt C. cant D. neednt2. These songs are very moving. Their lyrics can _ girls thoughts and feelings.A. express B. discuss C. expect D. imagine3. What do you think of your job now? Ive never _ making the decision because the job is worth all my efforts.A. regretted B. refused C. returned D. realized4. Be careful when driving on the road, please. You know _ is the most important.A. safety B. danger C. meaning D. illness5. When we traveled to Zhengzhou last week, the weather was _ and it rained heavily all the time. So we had to stay in the hotel.What a pity! You should have gone around to enjoy the beautiful scenery there.A. fine B. awful C. wonderful D. peaceful6. After the first _, our team had much confidence and followed through to win every match.A. record B. victory C. position D. discovery 7. In modern society, the technology has a great influence on many_,such as military, medicine and public safety.A. problems B. levels C. fields D. places 8. How terrible!The bookstore caught a big fire yesterday and there was heavy black _.Thanks to the firemens timely help, the fire was put out.A. smoke B. flood C. storm D. lightning9. You seem not to agree with Bob.Right. His plan will _ the company from creating new jobs.A. protect B. provide C. prevent D. produce10. Well done, Lily. You finally make it.Thanks. But I wont succeed without your _. You helped me a lot.A. support B. weight C. progress D. mistake 11. Jack is smart and hardworking, so he is admired by his boss and gets a good _ in the company.A. review B. position C. support D. expression12. A lot of Chinese students studying abroad _ to come back to their motherland after graduation, because they want to do their parts for China.A. prefer B. hate C. refuse D. doubt13. Do you know about Marys birthday party?Yes. I _ her invitation yesterday. I am thinking about whether I will go there or not.A. offered B. accepted C. received D. requested14. The two tickets are just what I need. Tell me how you _to get them.With the help of my cousin.A. continue B. fail C. refuse D. manage. 完形填空 Sun was not happy at school last month. It was not because she _1_ school. It was because of_2_ hair.Sun studies in Anhui. Her school has a _3_ rule about hair: no changing your hair color, no curly hair; boys should have a crew cut (平头), _4_ girls hair cant hang past their ears.Sun and the other girls in her class hate _5_ hairstyle. They call it “mushroom head (蘑菇头)”Suns story is not the only one. In many other schools, there is also a hairstyle rule. Last week in a school in Beijing, some students were _6_ to cut their long hair. Mr. Xu is the headmaster of the school. In his school, girls cant have hair _7_ their shoulders. He says the hair rule is there for a good _8_. “Everybody needs to have a look that _9_ matches his or her job,” says Mr. Xu. “Those hairstyles are for adults. Students are different from grownups.”The _10_ hair rule is not only made for students. Teachers also have to obey it. “While students cant change their hair color, neither can their teachers,” says Mr. Xu.1. A. gave B. left C. loved D. hated2. A. hers B. she C. her D. herself3. A. strict B. warm C. patient D. hungry4. A. or B. so C. and D. but5. A. / B. the C. a D. an6. A. laughed B. driven C. asked D. received7. A. under B. with C. past D. through8. A. reason B. excuse C. idea D. thought9. A. hardly B. properly C. suddenly D. differently10. A. humorous B. dangerous C. strict D. meaningful. 阅读理解A(2017青岛改编)Our skin is like a bag that we live in. Inside the bag our bodies are mostly water. Our water is like the water in the sea. It is very salty. Also, like the ocean, we can lose our water. The wind and the sun could take it away. Our bag of skin keeps our bodys ocean from drying up. Our skin keeps out sunshine. Too much sunshine can hurt us. Skin also keeps out dirt. Thats important because some kinds of dirt can make us sick. Our skin feels things. It feels warm things, cold things, things it touches, and things that hurt it. A campfire feels warm. A snowball thrown in our face feels cold and hurts us. A hug is the touch of another persons skin on our own. Our hair is a special kind of covering. It helps us keep things out of our eyes, ears and nose. Hair is also good for keeping us warm. When


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