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文档来源于网络,如有重复请自行下载英语演讲稿怎么写才好如何写好一篇英语演讲稿?下面,以一篇演讲稿为例,和大家具体讲讲一篇英语演讲稿怎么写才好。首先,大家要明白两点:一、英语演讲稿英语作文。演讲更多的是为了满足特定的场合,迎合特定的观众,同时需要与语音、语调、音量、肢体等共同产生效果。二、一篇好的英语演讲稿,能够为你的英语演讲加不少分。当某些场合演讲人的语音语调差别不大时,演讲稿的质量往往奠定了演讲的层次。Ladies and gentlemen,Let me first tell you a sad truth: we are no longer what we are, we are what we SHARE. Sounds quite ironic, right? But too often, if we turn off our computers, turn off our phones, log off Weibo or Wechat, and just sit in silence, we may actually have to face it-the feeling of being lost, incomplete, and disappointed.(一个好的开头非常重要,一定要吸引人!很多人喜欢用类似“Its my honor to stand here.”、”thank you for giving me this opportunity.”这样的开头,其实大部分情况下没有必要,还不如直接进主题!那么怎么吸引人呢?可以用反问、讲故事、举例子、有意义的笑话或punch line开篇。在这里和大家举两个punch line的例子:In the 21st century we have an iPhone, an iPad, but no eyecontact.Do you know the most effective way to convey information? Telegraph? No! Telephone? No! Tella woman!)So is the Internet, which has been one of the greatest inventions, actually leading us into a tomorrow of distraction, addiction and loneliness, a tomorrow that is so disappointing and dispiriting?(恰当地运用修辞,最好用的是排比和隐喻,水平较好的同学也可以用一些头尾韵,举个例子,本人之前写过的一篇演讲稿上的一句:We desire and decide to control our destinies, only to find ourselves in the daydreams.)First, distraction. Just like T. S. Eliot once said: “we are distracted from distraction by distraction”. The Internet distracts us from concentrating on what we are doing. When we are finishing our term papers, enjoying the wonders of nature, and even making plans of things we have to do, time and again, we may be interrupted and bothered by the spam and alerts, and we check them and why not have a look at something else? So, we cannot stop, we delay, we procrastinate, and we end up doing nothing meaningful that day. As someone puts it in a funny way, “A journey of a thousand sites begins with a single click”.(一定要注意逻辑和条理,也没必要完全一板一眼的。恰当地运用一些名人名言和警句,能起到画龙点睛的作用。同时,长短句要连用,这样才能让稿子读起来有抑扬顿挫的美感。)Second, addiction. I dont think there is a need to elaborate on how kids are being addicted to the online games and social media right now. Everybody knows it. Even those preschool kids, are so attached to the great inventions that they refuse to hand out phones, computers and iPads. Being addicted, of course, comes from the inability to resist, to tell right from wrong. And the internet, so magical and tempting, has to be controlled, if we really want to face and live in the real world.(例子例子例子,举一个恰当的例子比枯燥的说理要有用的多。)Also, loneliness. If the internet is our longest company, we may be psychologically lonely already. Studies have found that people that abuse the Internet are more likely to be depressed and lonely. You may not be alone or you may be popular online, but offline, you may be lonely and even hard to have a good nights rest. By abusing the Internet, we focus too much on what is going on and what our friends are doing every second, and we neglect what ourselves need to do, who we should meet and how we should live a meaningful life.(除了例子,有时候权威的数据、调查研究等能有效加强说服力。)Ladies and gentlemen, having seen all these problems, I thereby call on you to stop using the Internet for 3 days. Take it as an experiment, as an opportunity, to change, to live fully.(开始呼吁了,其实也是点出主题!但是要注意呼吁的方式如何让人更好地接受!)During the 3 days, you can read a real paper book, to feel the silence and sentiment it brings; you can take a trip, to discover the unfound beauty of nature and to enjoy the peaceful moments of life; you can have a face-to-face talk with your old friends, your parents, your neighbors, or you can help preparing some food at home, do some housework or community work, to connect yourself into some real and solid relationships; you can do some sports, write something, date your partners.things are endless that you can do without the Internet. And besides, they are the real lives we are supposed to live.(排比的栗子,酸爽的感觉)Someone once said: “ there are three kinds of death in this world. There is heart death, brain death, and there is being off the network”. Is that so? Do we dare to have a try and take a three-day offline experiment, to see if we can really survive? Most importantly, by doing so we can create more value in our real lives.(再加个妙语作为收尾,但是仍要注意重申主题,只不过可能换了一种方式。)Ladies and gentlemen, if now your morning routine is: wake up, check Weibo, check Wechat, Check QQ, its time to change. Take 3 days to go, without the internet, you will make a difference in your life.(好的结尾和开头一样重要,仍然要达到吸引人或者给人一种讲得好的感觉,同时注意再点出主题,一些例子、呼吁话语、妙语等同样可以用在结尾。比如我曾经用过的一个例子:Ladies and gentlemen, suppose five frogs are sitting on a log. Four decide to jump off. How many are left? Five, because deciding is different than doing. )Thank you!5


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