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江苏开放大学大学英语(A)形成性考核作业2参考答案 (2)

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江苏开放大学大学英语(A)形成性考核作业2参考答案 (2)

江开大学英语(A)形成性考核作业2参考答案作业详情我的作业待评分 1B-1. I didnt answer the phone _ I didnt hear it ring.客观题满分:2得分:2AifBunlessCalthoughDbecause 2B-2.In his report of the accident he _ some important details.客观题满分:2得分:2AmissedBwastedCescapedDfailed 3B-3. _ a wonderful trip he had when he traveled in China!客观题满分:2得分:2AWhereBHowCWhatDThat 4B-4.Were going to _ the task that we havent finished.客观题满分:2得分:2Atake awayBcarry onCget ontoDkeep off 5B-5. She didnt receive the application form; it _ to the wrong address.客观题满分:2得分:2AsentBbe sentCwas sentDbeing sent 6B-6. She gave up her _ as a reporter at the age of 10.客观题满分:2得分:2AcareerBinterestClifeDhabit 7B-7. It is necessary to find an engineer _ has skills that meet your needs.客观题满分:2得分:2AwhomBwhichCwhoseDwho 8B-8. Time _ very fast and a new year will begin soon.客观题满分:2得分:2Atakes offBgoes byCpulls upDgets along 9B-9. This new style of sports shoes is very popular and it is _ in all sizes.客观题满分:2得分:2AimportantBactiveCavailableDfamous 10B-10. The general manager sat there, _ to the report from each department.客观题满分:2得分:2Ato listenBlistenCbeing listenedDlistening 11B-11. Dont_ unknown files on the Internet.客观题满分:2得分:2AdownloadsBdownloadCdownDload 12B-12. We will go home instead _going to the cinema.客观题满分:2得分:2AonBofCinDto 13B-13.We must develop education to _ the changing situation.客观题满分:2得分:2AwelcomeBreceiveCmeetDaccept 14B-14. I dont believe what you said, but if you can prove it, you may be able to _ me.客观题满分:2得分:2AassureBinformCconvinceDrefuse 15B-15. It is good to relax_listening to music.客观题满分:2得分:2AtoBwithCbyDfor 16阅读Passage One,回答B-16到B-20五个问题。请从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入题干空白处的最佳选项。Passage One Letter One April 10, 2019Dear Sir, We have read your advertisement in International Trade and are glad to know that you are one of the leading exporters of silk blouses (短上衣,女衬衫)in China. We are interested in the goods and would like to be informed of the details of your various types, including sizes, colors and prices. We are a large dealer in silk garments(服装), having over 15 years experience in this particular line of business. Silk blouses of good quality and moderate prices command a good sale in our market. When replying, please state the terms of payment and the discounts you would allow on a regular purchase of over 100 dozen items. We look forward to your early reply. Yours sincerely, D. Johnson Letter Two April 20, 2019Dear Sir, We are pleased to receive you inquiry of April 10 , and thank you for your interest in our products. We are glad to tell you that we are in a position to supply the items inquired. We are confident that the superior material and exquisite(精致的)craftsmanship of our silk blouses appeal to the most selective buyers. On regular purchases of over 100 dozen items a discount of 3% is granted. If you place your order no later than the end of this week, we would guarantee a prompt delivery within 20 days, and demand you payment by sight L/C. Enclosed is a quotation sheet and a copy of illustrated catalogue giving the details you ask for. As the market is showing an upward tendency, it is profitable for you to place an order immediately. We look forward to your first order. Yours faithfully, Wang FanB-16. According to the passage, the buyer wants to purchase _.客观题满分:2得分:2A100 dozen silk blousesBless than 100 dozen silk blousesCover 100 dozen blousesDover 100 dozen it


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