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第 1 页 共 10 页 2020年中考英语作文:话题预测及范文12 篇 1 预测主题 :安全。为了进一步增强中学生的安全意识,提高自我保护能力, 请你根据提示,以Safety first 为题写一篇演讲稿。字数100 词左右。 提示: 1 不带道具等为危险品到学校。2 不独自在河里游泳。 3 不与别人 打架。 4 你的补充观点。 Safety first As we all know,safety is the the most important thing in our lives.Although our parents try their best to prevent us from danger,teenagers have to learn how to protect ourselves. How can we make sure we are safe?First,we mustn t bring dangerous things such as knives to our school because these things may cause serious to swim in the river alone,so dont have a bath in rivers by ourselves without our parentspermission.Besides,we should be friendly to others so fighting is not allowed.Whats more,make sure to pay attention to the traffic on our way to school or home.We must follow the traffic rules when we go out.Dont the street when the traffic lights are red.Last but not least,if we are in danger,remember to call the police or our teachers for help. In short,everyone needs to learn how to protect ourselves and stay away from danger. 2 假如你是李华,你们学校针对同学们长期吃垃圾食品,忙于玩电子产品或 第 2 页 共 10 页 沉迷于网络而疏于锻炼的现状,举办了一场“How to live a healthy life?” 为主题的演讲比赛,提倡健康的学习和生活方式。请你写一篇演讲稿,阐述你 对健康生活方式的理解,倡导健康生活方式,鼓励大家积极参与健身运动。 要求: 1.文中不得出现真实姓名和学校名称; 2.词数 100 左右。 How to live a healthy life Hello, I am talking about how to live a healthy life. Firstly, we should eat more vegetables and fruit instead of junk food.Whats more,we shouldnt sit for a long time without having a rest.Most importantly,doing sports can not only help us make more friends but also make us make more friends but also make us stronger and healthier. Having a healthy body is of great importance to everyone.We should do something before its too late. Thank you for your time. 3 亲爱的同学,你的初中学习生活马上就要结束了,请你以“My English Study ”为题,并根据以下要点和要求用英语写一篇短文。 1. 要点:你在英语学习中遇到的困难;解决困难的办法以及你的体会。 2. 要求:文中不得出现真实姓名和学校名称,词数100 左右。 My English Study How time flies!My three-year middle school life will come to an end soon.Looking back,I have many unforgettable memories of my English 第 3 页 共 10 页 study. When I entered the middle school,I was not able to understand the teacher in class,and I couldnt master the words and phrases.For a time I wanted to give it up.Later,with the help of the teacher and my classmates,I listened to the teacher carefully in class,kept on reading English every day and spoke English as much as possible.Step by step ,I made great progress in English. In a word,only when you develop interest in studying English can you learn it well. 4 俗话说:滴水之恩,当涌泉相报。感恩是中华民族的传统美德,作为中学 生的我们应该常怀感恩之心。请以The person I thank most为题,炳根据以 下要点和要点用英语写一篇短文,介绍你最感激的人。 1 要点: 1)你感激谁; 2)你感激他(她)的原因。 3)你想对他(她)说 什么。 2 要求: 1 )文中不得出现真实姓名和学校名称。2)词数 80 词。 The person I thank most The person I thank most is my father. My father is a teacher .He is friendly,funny and patient.In his spare time,he always plays basketball with me.We are just like friends. When I was young,I used to fall ill.Once I was seriously ill in hospital,he looked after me all day and all night with any rest.During that time ,he made his effort to cheer me up.After half a month,I recovered 第 4 页 共 10 页 thanks to his great care.However,he got thin and tired. Father,I hope you ll be healthy and happy forever.And ll make greater progress in return. 5 厉行节约,文明做人已成为人们普遍关心的社会话题之一。请你结合身边的现 象和自身实际用英语写一篇短文, 谈谈作为一名中学生如何从我做起, 杜绝浪费, 做文明人。 要求:文中不得出现真实姓名,次数100 左右。 DO you want to be civilized people? First,I think we must save energy.when learning the room,we should shut off the electricity.It is better to go to school by bike.Dont throw the rubbish everywhere. What s more,we shouldnt throw away the food.Its our duty to save the water,so dont leave the tap on.We can also use the both sides of paper. In a word,if we follow the rules,our city will be more beautiful. 6 预测主题:阅读。你喜欢阅读吗?请你以Reading-A good habit 为题 写一篇有关阅读的的短文。内容包括:1 你的阅读习惯(喜欢的书籍,阅读的时 间地点,购书方式等。 2 阅读带给你什么益处。 3 号召大家都读书。 Reading -A good habit Reading is a very good habit.I like reading very much .In my eyes, I think that forming a good reading habit is necessary for us.It can not 第 5 页 共 10 页 only improve our knowledge but also make us to think over more different things efficiently. Beside, we can do some reading every time when we are free.For example, I often read some of my favorite books in my spare time both at home or in the library.What I like most are story books because most of them are quite interesting.Now I often buy my favorite books on line for its big discount. Finally,I like to share my favorite books with our family or my classmates.Since reading can benefits us a lot its time for us to have our good reading habits now. 7 自信服于人力量,带给人快乐。拥有自信,人生处处是台,生活越来越精 彩。情节和你的亲身经历,谈谈自信的重要性,分享一次你的经历,并说说如何 才能更自信。要求 ;1)语言表达准确,短文连贯通顺。2)文中不能出现真实姓名 及学校名称。 3 词数 80 词左右。 Its important to be confident.Self-confidence can bring us courage to stick to what we do . When I was in Grade 7,once my teacher asked to make a speech in class.Although I practiced many times at


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