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Unit 4 ChangeI. Teaching AimsIn this unit, students will be able to:1. Listen for the main idea and the key information of every passage;2. Arouse Ss interests for the topic of this unit and participate actively;3. Grasp the language points and grammatical structures ;4. Learn to talk about “I need a change”.II. Teaching important points 1. Lesson A Speaking, Communication2. Topic understanding and content understanding of each passage3. Improving the students listening and speaking abilityIII. Teaching difficult points1. Lesson B Video Course2. Speaking with logical thinking3.Vocabulary about the topicIV. Teaching Methods1. Task-based teaching in while-listening procedure2. Listening and practicing3. Speaking and communication4. Media instruction5. Communicative Methods: answering, discussion, presentation, team work.V. Teaching hours 10 class periodsVI. Teaching Procedures1. Lead-in / Warming upWhats your dream?Have you ever thought about doing something for these children to help them realize their dreams? Could you say something about Kofi Annan Ghana , the seventh Secretary-General of the United Nations?2. Lesson A : Vocabulary Link 1. Direct Ss attention to the pictures. Present the vocabulary. Have them read the sentences and number the pictures. Check answers. 2. Have Ss work in pairs. If there is one student left, ask him or her to join a pair to make a group. Tell Ss they will interview one another, asking and answering the questions: What changes do you want to do.? Present the listed situations and people. Answer any questions about vocabulary. Ask Ss to fill in the blanks before practicing the model conversation. Have Ss create more conversations. Invite one or two pairs to give a demonstration to the class.3. Lesson A : Listening 1. Familiarize students with the new words in activity one. Have them read the new words aloud. Present the situation. Tell Ss they are going to hear sth about “New Years resolutions”. Have Ss read the statements in the box. Ask Ss to listen and check the confirmed statements. Play the recording . Check answers. 2. Present the situation. Tell Ss they will hear a conversation between Mike and Paula. Ask Ss to listen and number the objects in the order they hear them. Play the recording . Check answers. Tell Ss to listen again and complete the sentences. They must either circle the correct answers or fill in the blanks. Play the recording. Check answers. 3. Present the situation. Tell Ss they will hear a interview about Yelizs story. Have them read the questions so they know what information to listen for. Ask Ss to listen and write short answers to the questions. Play the recording. Check answers. Have SS read the short summary. Tell them to listen to the talk again and fill in the blanks with the words they hear. Play the recording. Check answers. 4. Introduce the situation. Explain that Ss will listen to a talk about finding your dream. Tell Ss to read the steps as listed in the table. Have them listen to the talk carefully and write their answer. Play the recording. Check answers. Have Ss listen to the talk again. Play the recording. Check answers. 5. Present the situation. Tell Ss they will hear a talk about their dreams. Ask Ss to read the questions so they know what to listen for. Have them listen carefully and write short answers to the questions. Play the recording. Students write down their answers, then the teacher checks the answers. Have Ss listen to the passage again and complete the sentences by filling in the blanks. Play the recording. Check answers. The talk again and fill in the blanks with the words they hear. Play the recording. Check answers.4. Lesson A : Pronunciation 1. Remind students when they should reduce want to. Play the recording. Have Ss work in pairs to practice the conversations. 2. Have Ss listen and read the sentences. Play the recording. Ask Ss to work in pairs to read the sentences. Check their pronunciation.5. Lesson A : Speaking and communication Activity One 1. Introduce the situation .Explain that When making requests, could is a little more polite than can. If your response to a request is negative, you usually give a reason. Ask Ss to listen and fill in the blanks with the words they hear.Play the recording. Check answers. Elicit or explain that Conversation 1 is informal and Conversation 2 is formal. 2. Put Ss in groups of three. Present the conversations again. Ask Ss to listen and read along in their groups. Play the recording again.Ask Ss to practice the conversations in groups. Remind Ss to keep eye contact with their group members while speaking. 3. Ask Ss to work in groups of three. Ask Ss to read the model conversation. Answer any questions about vocabulary. If necessary, play the recording. Elicit or explain to Ss who the famous celebrities are. 4. Have


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