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高二英语第一学期牛津版:Unit3 fashion课件

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高二英语第一学期牛津版:Unit3 fashion课件

Unit 3 Contemporary Style,contemporary ?,belonging to the present time syn. modern,style ?,the quality of being fashionable in the clothes that you wear Short skirts are back in style. fashion vogue fashion: a popular style of clothes, hair, etc. at a particular time or place; the state of being popular style: the quality of being elegant and made to a high standard 优雅格调;品位;风度,Style or Fashion?,Fashions fade (褪色), style is eternal(永恒). The difference between style and fashion is quality(素质).,Fashion can be bought. Style one must possess(拥有). Only great minds can afford a simple style.,The truly fashionable are beyond fashion.,So,Then there are many suggestions from well-known and unknown people:,If most of us are ashamed of shabby(褴褛的) clothes and shoddy(劣质的) furniture, let us be more ashamed of shabby ideas and shoddy philosophies(哲学). It would be a sad situation if the wrapper were better than the meat wrapped inside it. Albert Einstein,People seldom notice old clothes if you wear a big smile. Lee Mildon Be careless in your dress if you will, but keep a tidy soul. Mark Twain Beauty of style and harmony and grace and good rhythm depend on simplicity.,The expression a woman wears on her face is more important than the clothes she wears on her back. To be a fashionable woman is to know yourself, know what you represent, and know what works for you. To be in fashion could be a disaster on 90 percent of women. You are not a page out of Vogue.,Text,Fashion,What is a “presentation”?,A prepared talk (given to a group of people to introduce something or state an opinion) Spoken language or written language? (Refer to P37 “Strategy”) Read through the text and find out the sentences in spoken language. (Meanwhile, do C),Here are the five objects Laura brought along:,blouse,trainers,Blonde wig,Hat made of beaver fur,bag,The viewpoint Laura wants to express by showing each different object:,It is very expensive,Her brother took a trip to London to buy them.,It was fashionable in the 1960s,Beavers almost became extinct.,Mother Teresa, a famous woman, just used a very ordinary bag like this.,Fashion is important to her.,It was a waste of time and money.,Changes in fashion can create or ruin jobs.,Fashion can affect the natural world.,Fashion is not the most important thing in life.,Read and answer:,What should one do first when making a speech? (para.1) Make the topic and viewpoint clear to the audience. How did Laura do it? What should one do then? (para.2-5) Illustrate the topic/ viewpoint by giving examples, statistics, etc. What examples or statistics did Laura give in her presentation? What should one do at the end of the speech? Summarize or restate the topic/viewpoint or make comments and give suggestions.,Summary of each paragraph:,Para. 1 Laura is giving a talk about fashion and will illustrate it with five objects. Para. 2 She shows her favourite blouse to prove that fashion is important to her. Para. 3 Her brother Gary wasted a trip to London by spending all his time shopping for trainers. She shows the class the pair that he bought. Para. 4 She shows a wig to remind the class that fashion is a big business.,Para. 5 She shows an old hat to illustrate the impact that fashion can have on the natural world. Para. 6 She shows a bag like the one Mother Teresa carried all her possessions in to remind us that fashion is not really the most important thing in life.,Useful expressions in each paragraph:,Para.1 By fashion, we mean popular trends (in) styles of dress illustrate bring along,Para.2 a piece of clothing can afford sth with ones own savings Para.3 be keen on win a free trip to sp appreciate search for a waste of (time and money),Para. 4 create or ruin jobs belong to in the 1960s (1960s) close down lose ones job Para. 5 as well be made of as a result become extinct go out of style (be in style),Para. 6 Never judge a book by its cover. be awarded the Nobel Prize for Peace as usual remind sb of sth/ that clause,Lets practice:,Suppose you were Laura, give the presentation with the help of the picture and key phrases. You can do this using your own words.,Para.1 By fashion, we mean popular trends (in) styles of dress illustrate bring along,Para.2 a piece of clothing can afford sth with ones own savings The morethe more,Para.3 be keen on win a free trip to sp appreciate search for a waste of (time and money),Para. 4 create or ruin jobs belong to in the 1960s close down lose ones job,Para. 5 as well be made of as a result become extinct go out of style (be in style),Para. 6 Never judge a book by its cover. be awarded the Nobel Prize for Peace as usual remind sb of sth/ that clause,Language points,mean,What does this sentence mean? (VN) What did he mean by that remark? What did she mean by leaving so early? What she means is that theres no point in waiting here. He means what he says. Dont laugh! I mean it.,7. The chair was clearly meant for a child.(为准备的) 8. This book is meant


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